Sparks Of Familiar Bond.

Viesta was already awake, and was currently doing the dishes in the kitchen. Upon hearing the ruckus, the older woman came in to check the state of things. "Oh, you shouldn't have, my dear." The older lady said, as soon as She stepped into the kitchen. "Just let me do it." Viesta said, as she continued with her occupation. "It is the least that I can do for you, afterall." She pressed on. "You shouldn't be doing this in that state, you should be resting." The older woman said, albeit angrily. "At least just let me finish up this batch first, then you can wash the rest." She added. Her companion could only sigh at this point. "You are so stubborn." She said, as she walked up to her. "You go to the living room, right this moment. I will prepare something for us both." The woman said, pratically ushering her out of the kitchen.

 Viesta sat awkwardly on the settee while fiddling with her blue amulet. She wished that she could do something at least, rather than sitting on the couch idlely. She had already spent two days with the woman, and although she didn't know her name or anything about her, she lived off the woman's sustenance. "If he were here, he would have labeled Me a fool without the slightest hesitation." She mumbled, as a slight smile came to her face. "Child, what are you laughing about?" The woman said, as she placed their breakfast on the table. "Come over here, it is high time that you eat something." She added. Viesta walked over to the small wooden table without the slightest hesitation, afterall, the aroma of the food was quite appetizing. She sat down on the table, while she looked at the other woman. "Pardon me, I know that it is coming a bit late, but may I know your name?" She asked her. "Oh, you can just call me Previta, dear." The woman said. "Previta Ustalios." She added. "So ma'am, Sorry, I mean Previta, don't you have any family of your own?" She asked. Previta looked at her with a smile. "I was abandoned by my family, my dear. My son and husband, both of them saw me as a liability and chased me out of the house. It is only by good graces that I am still exsiting." She said, with a shrug of her shoulders. "So they never once came to look for you? Or to even show signs of remorse?" She asked. "Even if they tried to, they know nothing about my whereabouts- they will have to come all the way down from the west." She stated. "Oh, so you are not from here." Viesta said. "But what made you to choose the south, out of all the four regions? She inquired once more. "Well, everyone in the empire is more than aware that the southern district is one of the most successful out of all the four regions. The aristocrats and the civilians all play their roles perfectly alright, they are not like the muddle headed aristocrats from the other regions that are all talk but no show." Previta said, slightly angry. "That Is also why I came here as well." Viesta said in a low tone. "At least I will be able to get some crumbs of bread to sustain myself, as well as my child." She added, as she lightly placed her hand on her stomach. "What about your husband?" The woman asked. Viesta gave a wobbly smile, does this woman not know how much she dreads this topic? "Things are.. complicated." She began, when she saw that Previta demanded a plausible answer. "We got separated since circumstances were really not suitable for us. Actually, I am the one that convinced him that it was best if we part ways. When the situation becomes more favorable, he will come to pick me up." She said, with a slight smile. "Is he not from within the southern borders?" Previta curiously asked. "Well.. actually.. he Is from another country, Curintas." She said. Viesta observed the look of shock in the face of her older companion, at first she thought the woman was going to have a heart attack. "That is quite far! It is not even one of the neighboring countries, for goodness sake!" She exclaimed. "It must have been no small matter then- since he could not find a place for you to lodge at, but decided to send you off to another country instead!" Previta continued her exclamation. "But if that is the case, It must mean your husband is quite wealthy, no? Afterall, a common man will not have that amount of money to travel towards another country, even if his sweat drips on the ground for ten years, unless he is the perpetrator of a major scandal." Previta stated. Viesa sighed. "Your analysis is not wrong, he is an aristocrat." She said curtly. "Then why didn't he at least give you a roof over your head? Why doesn't he send you money for your basic sustenance?" She asked. "Rather then letting his pregnant wife waddle around In the pouring rain, without a roof over her head." She added, as she clicked her tongue. "The thing is, he doesn't even know that I am here." She said. "What do you mean?" The woman asked. "I was deported from the original country that he placed me in, because of a crime that I wasn't guilty of." She added, her green eyes flashing as she recalled a certain memory. "Then how is he supposed to find you? How will can he tell your state of being?" Previta said, as she stared at Viesta with wide eyes. "As for finding me, that isn't so much of an issue, he has his ways, afterall." She said. "As for the letters I have written to him so far, I doubt highly if he even got to read a single one. Afterall, anything is possible." Viesta said. Previta sighed. "Are you sure that this man really loves you?" She asked. "He does." Viesta replied promptly, her green eyes firm. "He most definitely does." She added with the utmost determination. "I am sorry for meddling so deeply into your personal life." Previta said. "It's just that, I have grown quite fond of you. After all these years of staying alone, I finally have someone to keep my old soul company." Previta added. "That is alright." She said. "I really don't mind, I can play the role of a daughter of you want me to. Afterall, during that night, I could not see pity in your eyes but true compassion." She added. Both of them smiled at each other for a while, before Previta placed a piece of toast in her mouth. "Oh, my. We have been talking for so long that the breakfast has gotten so cold under our noses. Here child, bring your plate, let me heat it up for you." Previta said, as she took the plates back to the kitchen.


"Our savings are running out." Previta muttered to herself, while counting the few miserable pennies that she had left. "What is wrong?" Viesta, who was just coming out of the kitchen inquired, but Previta immediately stored her purse away. "I-it Is nothing dear, just talking to myself, that is all." Previta stated, although Viesta frowned upon her composure. "I will be going to the complex now, I will be back before you know it." She said, as she quickly grabbed whatever it was that she needed. "Your lunch is covered on the table if you are hungry. And remember, you have you remain indoors okay?" She inquired, as she dashed towards the door. "Alright." Viesta replied, as Previta exited the room.

 It was noon now, and the living room was dyed golden with sunlight, nearly blinding a lady who laid fast asleep on the settee. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, unable to see anything for a while. "It is so hot." Viesta said, as she wiped her sweat with a handkerchief. "Summer is quite oppressive this year." She muttered to herself. Feeling hungry, she got up and ate her lunch. After that, she washed the dishes and sat back on the sofa, feeling quite bored. The sun had not shone upon her skin for two days now. And all the times that she had roamed the streets penniless had made her to get used to the various scenarios and dynamics of the outside world. Viesta frowned lightly. They were running short on money, and She was getting every service in the house free of charge, she neither paid for the food which she ate or the bed she slept on. She wouldn't want to see her benefactor fall into ruin, so why not do something to assist?

 She went to her bedroom, fumbling amongst the clothes, seeking for the right one to wear. She finally found a dress that Previta got her the day before, it was simple, fashionable yet comfortable, the perfect summer outfit. Of course, Previta had to get her some clothes, she couldn't possibly be wearing the clothes the old woman gave her, could she? "I am sorry Previta." Viesta soliloquised, as she put on the dress. "But I can't always be a liability to you, I have to do something." She said, as she went our of the house, closing the room with her key.

 In the midst of a busy street filled with hassling Civilians, a woman putting on a blue and white dress could be seen walking past. "Excuse me Sir, do you need an assistant?" "I don't need any damn assistant, get lost." The old cobbler chided her harshly. "Excuse me, ma'am, is there anything that I could be of help with?" "Young lady, you are very heavy right now, you ought to be resting. Think of the child, If you have no concern for you own self." The seamstress told her, but her chastisement was out of concern. "Excuse me.." "Just get lost, get lost!" The middle aged man yelled at the top of his voice. "So young and already pregnant, what else could she possibly be if not an harlot?!" He continued to yell after her, making her to earn strange looks as she walked past.

 Exhausted, she finally sat on a poorly crafted bench in the middle of the complex. "A harlot indeed." She muttered angrily, perfectly unaware that for a brief moment, the amulet which hung around her neck pulsated rhythmically. "Pardon me?" A lady walked up to her, making her to raise her head. "But I heard that you were looking for a job?" Viesta's eyes lit up like a bulb.

 The lady went into a bar shop, and when Viesta noticed this, she became a little hesitant. "What is the matter?" The lady turned around, when she noticed that Vietsa had paused in her tracks. "Don't worry, the task at hand is neither too complicated or stressful, given your physical.. condition." The lady said, as her eyes trailed down to Viesta's stomach. "But if you feel uncomfortable in any way, do let me know." The lady added, with a kind smile. "I will do it." Viesta said, as she walked up to the lady. "I am more than willing to try."

 Viesta sat at the counter, as she jotted down the orders with the utmost concentration. "You can relax a little, you know. It is not like we are prepared for war or anything." The lady at the front jokingly said, as she stood beside Viesta. Viesta looked up, and gazed at this lady with light brown hair and blue eyes. "How did you know that I was looking for a job?" She asked. "Well, I did come out of the shop because I was sent to purchase an item, and I saw you wandering about, until You got exhausted and sat on that bench. I would have approached you sooner, but my hands were too full at that moment." She added with a smile. "Honestly, you have saved me from a lot of stress-if you weren't here, I would have been the one receiving the orders and serving at the same time." She added. "Because the other girls are trying to top lazy to it." She said, as she glanced behind the counter with a menacing glare. All five girls that were In the kitchen area immediate felt a chill down their backs. She added. "I am sorry, but I don't know your name." Viesta said, as she gazed at the lady with light brown eyes. "Oh, how silly of me to not make a proper introduction." The lady stated, as she lightly tapped herself at the back of her head. "I am Helaine, Helaine Herrington." She added, with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet your aquintance!"

 Meanwhile, Previta stood at the door of her humble abode, while knocking on the door. "Viesta!" She called out loudly, while knocking so ferociously that the poor house trembled all the way to its very foundation. "I hope she is okay in there?" She mumbled, as she bit her finger. "What Can I do now?" As soon as She asked that question, her eyes drifted off towards a piece of rock which was randomly lying on the ground. She immediately picked it up without the Slighest hesitation, as she used it to attack the door knob. After a continous and gruesome process of hitting it repeatedly, the knob finally gave way, and she immediately swung the door wide open. "Viesta!" She called out worriedly, as soon as She went in, but she was only greeted at the sight of an empty home. "Viesta?" She called out this time, with a bit more of uncertainty. "I told this girl not to leave the house! Can she not adhere to a simple instruction?!" Previta exclaimed, an unsightly scowl hanging above her feautures. As she glanced at the small wooden table at the dining, she hypothesized that the maiden probably left the room after lunch. "Where could this girl have wandered too now?" She added, as she draped her shawl worriedly over her shoulders. But as soon as She looked at the broken lock, she sighed. "That is another expense in its own self." She muttered, as she opened her purse, glancing at the few miserable pennies which she had earned as her meager salary for the day. "This rotten job..." She cursed with a frown. She then glanced at the broken door. "But If I leave now, won't I be saying that I want to be robbed in broad daylight?" She asked herself before shaking her head. "That child is far More important now. There is nothing of value to be robbed of anyway, and even if they do, the worst that could possibly happen is by getting apprehended by the neighbors!" She said as she dashed out immediately, leaving the door ajar, of which the rays of the sun penetrated through, to light up the rest of the house.


 "My goodness, you really are good at this." Helaine said, as she walked towards the counter with an apron tied across her waist. "Thank you." Viesta, who had become less rigid with her new companion, replied earnestly. "Maybe after having your child, you can come work with us permanently." She added, as she gave a slight wink, which made her seem even more beautiful. "I will think about it, the choice Isn't entirely up to me to make." She muttered awkwardly, while thinking that Helaine's husband was quite fortunate to have gotten a wife with good looks. "What do you mean?" Helaine inquired. "Is it maybe your husband?" Helaine interrogated, while Viesta swallowed the lump she had in her throat. "My husband and I.. are not together for the now." She stated, while giving Helaine a small smile. "Oh, alright then." Helaine said, when she noticed that the latter was not too willing to divulge more about the topic. "But I hope you are taking good care of yourself." Helaine began with a smile. "Afterall, you have to be healthy enough to care for this little one when It is born." She added. "Um, Helaine." Viesta began, "What is It?" Helaine lazily replied. "We have been talking for a while, but who Is the one going to take the orders?" She asked, as she glanced at the small note, which was piling up with orders. At this Rate, the customers might as well begin a rebellion right there in the shop. "Andrea!" She called out. "Yes, ma'am!" A voice immediately replied from the kitchen area. "Quit whatever you are doing and come take these orders!" She yelled out. Immediate a short woman came stumbling out of the kitchen, and giddily accepted through paper Helaine had torn from the note. "Get them ready quickly!" She yelled at the latter, who took it with trembling hands. "What?" Helaine inquired, when she noticed the way Viesta stared at her. "It is supposed to be collective effort, afterall." She added with a smile. A single thought came into Viesta's head at that one moment- Helaine was as beautiful as she was shameless. "Anyway, you have been a mother for some time now. So How is the experience like?" Viesta inquired. "Honestly, it is a wonderful experience, really. When they are born, you can't help but want to love them, even if you never intended to." She said with a smile, seemingly, as though reminiscing those precious memories. "However, it gets frustrating when they begin to move about! You have to be up and running, and please, be mindful of the vocabulary around your child, if you don't want his first word to be a swear word." Helaine said the latter part with much dread. "I will take note of that." Viesta stated. "By the way, what about the lady that ought to be on duty here?" She inquired. "Oh, that incompetent fellow? She always skips work as she pleases." Helaine said, with much irritation in her voice. "Maybe she thinks that sleeping around with other men is going to give her a better pay than this one, Hmph! What an idiot!" She said with disdain. "My husband is able to earn twice more than she will ever have! Even if I neglect my job now, he will still be able to cater for the both of us, as well as our two year old son!" She added, as she placed her hand on her chest proudly. Vietsa just watched her ramble on, to be honest, Helaine was just too much of a chatterbox for her liking. "I guess so." She said simply. "You guess so?" Helaine inquired with wide open eyes. "Have you not heard of the marquis, the Lewis? My husband is currently working for that person, isn't that amazing!" She inquired, yelling so loudly that the customers had to glance in their direction. "I am sorry, but I am new here." Viesta said awkwardly. "But you can introduce him to Me, if you don't mind." She added. "Oh, we are not that close, but I will see what I can do." She said. "Ever since her husband had that fortuitous encounter, that is all she ever talks about." "I wish she could shut up about it, anyone can have such an encounter!" Voices trailed from the kitchen, voices that were loud enough to hear. "You shut up!" Helaine snapped, making the occupants of the kitchen jump. Viesta smiled once more, Helaine did not have a good relationship with her co-workers.

 A commotion distracted them. "I wanted crimson Royale, what is this garbage!" A man snapped, as he threw his glass on the floor, which shattered into pieces. "I want to speak with the waiter immediately." Before Helaine could react, Viesta had already walked over the table. "What seems to be the matter sir?" She inquired. "You are the one taking the orders?" The man asked. "Yes?" She replied. The man immediately picked up a glass filled with wine, and splashed her with it. "Incompetent!" The man yelled. "You can not even do something so simple, shame on you!" He continued. Viesta just stood there, her new dress ruined and dripping wet. She felt several eyes on her, some gazing at her in pity and some mocking her. "But you did not tell me what the problem was, Sir." She said, as Helaine quickly rushed over to her side. "I am sure it is a misunderstanding that can be fixed.." She added. "A misunderstanding! Bah!" He exclaimed. "Don't even think of making excuses.." "Sir which one did you want? I will notify them to quickly fix it up for you.." Helaine cut in. "Fix what up? I am no longer interested, so don't bother! I am not stepping foot here again!" He continued to rattle. "In fact where is your manager, I want to have a word with him." He stated. "Unfortunately, our manager Is currently unavailable now." Helaine said, with a slight frown. "Truly incompetent indeed! All workers in this place are incompetent, especially her! No wonder she is pregnant at such a young age!" The man yelled. Viesta gripped her dress. "You shouldn't say what you don't know, you ought to realise that." She began, as her green eyes flashed dangerously. "You don't know anything about my life, and you have no idea of the hell I went through, or what it took for me to be here." She added, as her amulet let out a soft glow. "What do you know anyway? You probably cheated your way to the top." She added with a scornful look, as the man's face began to turn red. "What do you know about me?" He inquired sharply. "I can't say, I only met you for the first time, afterall." She said. "You." The man wanted to make a grab for her, but Viesta stepped back, and he slipped on the drink which he spilled earlier. The whole room erupted into laughter. "Who is losing face now?" Viesta scorned. She turned to Helaine. "I think I am done for the day." She said. "Wait, won't you want to change your clothes first?" Helaine called out worriedly. "I am fine." Viesta said. But yet Helaine called after her. "I said I am fine!" Helaine got stunned to the spot, she wanted to move but It seemed like her legs were rooted. She could only helplessly watch as Viesta left through the door.

 Viesta continued to stumble along the streets, her dress soaked. She was aware of the countless gazes on her, the way people stopped to stare at her, but she didn't care. She absent mindedly bumped into someone, and nearly fell, but fortunately she was able to break her fall. "Dear, are you alright?" The man began. "You should be more careful, in this state you are in.." The man continued to babble on, but Viesta failed to register whatever it was he said. When he wasdone, she simplysaid a thank you and went on on her way.

She eventually got back to the house, but still failed to notice the broken door. She immediate sat on the sofa, her dress immediately making it to be damp. "Viesta.." Previta immediately came out of the kitchen, guessing who the intruder was. "Where on earth have you.. been?" She was about to scold, but she immediately held her tongue when she saw the state that Viesta was in. "What happened to you?"


 Viesta bawled her eyes out, while Previta sat and listened to the long tale. Well she had to, she couldn't possibly remain standing. "You silly child." Previta said with a smile, as she showed her a sack filled with gold coins. "How did you?" Viesta began, as she felt her mind was paying tricks on her. "I have my ways." Previta simply stated. "So Don't let this incident repeat itself, again, alright? You couldn't tell how worried I was about you." She said. "Okay." Viesta nodded. "What about the door?" She inquired. "I will do something about it. And besides, since you are getting bored of staying indoors, why don't we go for the carnival that is taking place a few days from now?" Previta said. Viesta sniffed as she repeated. "Carnival?" She inquired. Previta nodded. "Don't worry, I will accompany you." Previta added, when she saw the insecurity In Viesta's eyes. "Thank you." Viesta said. "I am sorry for making you worried." She apologized. Previta smiled. "Not just anyone can make me worried you know." She said, as she patted Viesta's head. "Maybe it is because I have been alone for so long, that I begin to see you as my daughter." She added. "You should probably rest now, you have had a long day."