A New Degree Of 'Nonchalance'

Cornelia had just approached the door of Dennis's office. She cautiously opened it, and was about to scream when she saw the silhouette that was seated on the chair. But she quickly shut her mouth when she noticed that it was just Dennis. "Good morning, My lord." She greeted awkwardly as soon as She entered the office. "You are late." Dennis told her, as a way of response. "That.." Cornelia said, before putting on a dazzling and extravagant smile. Dennis however, chose to remain unaffected by it, his face stoic. "And is that smile supposed to be the explanation of your tardiness?" He asked her, as he momentarily paused his occupation to observe her. "My lord, you are aware that I am currently doing two occupations at once." Cornelia stated, as she closed the office door, while speaking in hushed tones. "I am more than aware that you have to go back to being belladonna after leaving this office." Dennis began. "But do you necessarily have to Stay up do late even when you realise you have a day job to attend to?" Dennis inquired. "The other members of your organizations also have day occupations as well, so how do they cope?" Dennis inquired. "Well, my lord, at that time I really did not have a legitimate occupation at hand, so I mostly.. slumbered during the afternoons." She stated. "I am really beginning to suffer from sleep depression, my lord!" Cornelia complained. "That is your problem, so long as you bear in mind that you have to be in this office punctually." Dennis simply stated, as he flipped a file over. "But my lord..." Cornelia began, with an extremely pitiful expression on her face. "Enough. Those files have been waiting for you to sort them out, so please deem it fit to proceed now." Dennis told her. Cornelia nearly hiccuped when she saw the magnitude of it, and yet he expects her to do it before the day runs out!

 "By the way, I hope you rationed the pay as per how I instructed." Dennis began, as he set his gaze on the pitiful Cornelia. "Yes, my lord, they sent their appreciations." Cornelia said with a slight smile. 'Honestly, if not for how high paying this job is, as well as how tightly I have become involved With this man, I would have found a way to escape a long time ago." She thought to herself. "They each sent their appreciations." She added. 'Just look at him, sitting there with that handsome face of his, he doesn't even know how much trouble I encounter every day to get here. No fees of transportation, or anything. Yet he claims that I come late, meanwhile he is the one that comes early!' "Why are you glaring at me like that?" Dennis voice suddenly snapped her back to reality. "Glaring? Me? No, my lord must be mistaken.." Cornelia began, with an awkward smile. "No, I am not. Eyes down, this instant." He ordered, his voice strict. "Yes, of course." Cornelia said, as she looked down immediately. Dennis sighed, as he leaned his head back. He knew quite alright that he was touching the tail of a dragon, especially this assassin that was putting on her uniform that made her seem so harmless. He might have the python in a cage for the now? But for how long? How exactly does he plan to keep the serpent that kept writhing around underneath his grasp under control? What if they tried to instigate him? Afterall, he knew how shrewd the core members were. They could pledge absolute loyalty towards him, but when the period of unfavorable conditions came, they wouldn't even hesitate to stab him in the back, literally. He glanced at Cornelia's direction for a brief moment. Who knew if this assistant of his that was currently putting up a pitiful facade was secretly riling then up with that accursed glib tongue of hers? If she were to strike now, she wouldn't hesitate for a single moment to reveal her fangs. He subconsciously began to tap the arm of his chair, as his brain began to process his thoughts like lightning. Cornelia also glanced at him, wondering what it could be that stressed him out to this extent. She was also wondering why the man had become flippantly observant this period. Ah, if both of them had the opportunity to look into each other's thoughts, they will probably choke!


 Beatrice was sitted on a chair close to her window, watching the dynamics of the outside world unfurl itself before her eyes. The sun was as blazing hot as usual, and nature was brimming with vibrant colors. The sparrows raced with each other in the summer breeze, some had even begun nestling on the neighboring trees. Beatrice smiled as certain memories began to flood into her head, when she was younger, she and her cousin, Erastiel, would go scouting for egg shells. They would pick up the eggshells and identify them, if it was a Robbin's, or a kingfisher's. If it was one they had not seen before, they would immediately add it to their stockpile, although their parents greatly disapproved of their sport. Erastiel would even climb up the trees to see the nestlings, and if possible bring a feather or two down as he descended. Although at a certain point they had to bring a pause to their occupation, when Erastiel fell down from one of the trees and broke his left leg. She pondered at how her cousin was currently doing, when a knock interrupted her thoughts. "My lady, It is Katrina." With that announcement, she pushed the door open. Beatrice wasn't too surprised, she was initially with her mistress until she was called down for some reason. "The old Patriach would like to speak with you, my lady." Katrina said, as she bowed. Beatrice had visible confusion all over her feautures. "What for?"

 Beatrice walked down the corridors with Katrina by her side. As she slowly approached her father-in-law's room, she pondered at all the factors that could possibly compel the old man to summon her out of the blue. Out of all the reasons that came to her mind, only one proved valid enough, and that was her conception. Moreover, besides from the time that he came to check up on her when she was yet unconscious, he had not even called upon her once to inquire about her well-being, except perhaps for... the dull moments at the dining table. "What is up, Katrina? Why are you so silent today?" Beatrice inquired, as she turned towards her lady in waiting. "Well, Cornelia, she has not come near you at all, has she?" Katrina stated, as she fidgeted. "No, why are you so worried?" Beatrice said. "Well, I was worried about you and the child, what if she kills my lady in her sleep?" Katrina inquired. In response, she got a slight tap to the back of her head. "That is what I get for letting you take that fantasy novel with you. Stop reading it, it is making you delusional." Beatrice snapped. "Alright, my lady." Katrina stated with a low tone. Beatrice sighed. Out of all the middle and lower class families, only a selected few had the income to give their children a proper education. And Katrina was amongst that selected few, although she was half-baked. They soon approached the Door. "We will talk about this later." Beatrice whispered to her, as she knocked on the bedroom door. "It is Beatrice, father." She stated, immediate after she knocked. "Come in." The voice said in an inviting way.

Beatrice stepped inside the room, which was beautifully and intricately designed. It was quite large, she wondered if the lady in the portrait also stayed in this bedroom as well? It will be quite an understatement to state that the room was one of the most sufficiently furnished, simply saying that the bedroom was designed as though for royalty would be a much proper description. "You can sit, Beatrice." Her father- in- law stated, when he noticed the way she stared around. "Just save the formality and just sit." He added, when he noticed that she was about to courtesy. "I have something for you." He said, as he passed her a beautifully designed box. "Go ahead. Open it." He urged, when Beatrice simply laid it upon her lap. She resisted the urge to sigh, and slowly opened it. Katrina nearly gasped out loud, inside the case laid the most beautiful ear-rings that was ever maid, as though they were crafted with moon drops, and were specially designed by the fairies themselves. It was silver, and a bit long, but the jewels inside were completely translucent. "Father, you shouldn't have.." Beatrice began, as she was completely overwhelmed, and at a loss for words. "Of course I should! It is my responsibility!" George stated, and his mustache seemed to twitch angrily in agreement. 'Wow, he has put on a lot of weight since his son placed him on house arrest.' Beatrice thought. "Alright father. I appreciate your gift, really. Thank you." Beatrice said, as she tossed covered the box, tossing it At Katrina with a nearly nonchalant attitude. "But father, have you ever thought about the possibility that this child might end up being a.. female?" She inquired. "A female?" George repeated, seemingly dazed. "Hahaha!" George laughed, while his whole body shook convulsively. Beatrice smiled. "As if a female could actually end up being My heir?" He inquired. "Alright father." Beatrice said, as she stood up. "I unfortunately have other matters to attend to, so I would have to take my leave now."

Beatrice closed the door gently, before proceeding down the hallway. "Are you okay my lady? You don't seem quite pleased with the gift." Katrina said, as she gazed at the small box which was still in her hands. "I don't care much about that gift." Beatrice said curtly. "But why not, it is a pretty gift, it must cost quite a fortune." Katrina mused. Beatrice halted in her tracks, as she gazed at Katrina deeply. "I believe your in laws also showered you with presents as well when you were also expecting, am I right?" Beatrice inquired. "Well, they tend to do that a lot. Especially when it is your first child." Katrina said, with a smile. "I see." Beatrice said, as she spoke no further. "What was it that you were saying about that girl, Cornelia again?" Beatrice inquired. Katrina shuddered at the mere mention of the name, as she halted in her tracks once more. Beatrice turned around to look at her, raising her brow. "Forgive me, my lady." Katrina stated, as she gradually closed the distance between them. "But I heard her threatening some maids earlier, she was saying that she would burn them at a stake." Katrina said in hushed tones, especially as they were still others that occupied the hallway. "Honestly my lady, she is even worse than a witch." Katrina added. "Well either she enjoys the feeling of dread that others accord to her, or they must have said something to provoke her." Beatrice mused. "But are you not frightened, my lady?" Katrina inquired. "Why should I be scared of her? The fear will only give her room to assert domination on me." She said, as they proceeded further down the hallways. "Besides, she is still answerable to Dennis, afterall. He will hold her likeable if anything were to occur to me, even if it is just for the sake of his reputation." She added, as she knocked on the door. "Oh." Katrina suddenly came to a realisation- she had been absent mindedly trailing behind her lady for so long that she didn't know when she arrived at the door of an office-Dennis's office. "Come in." Came the calm voice. Beatrice pushed the door open. "Good morning, My lord." Katrina courtsied as she greeted. When she raised her head however, she became so pale that one would think she would faint at any moment. "Greetings, my lady." Cornelia, who was currently standing beside Dennis also payed her respects to Beatrice, although she had a slight smirk on her face. Of course, she didn't fail to notice that particular emotion in Katrina's eyes. "What brings you here today?" Dennis said, as soon as She was seated. "I see that you have put on some weight, that is good. You are going to need it." He added. Beatrice however, chose to ignore him. "I am here to make a complaint." She got straight to the point, not bothering to even beat around the bush. "A complaint?" Dennis repeated, he sounded intrigued although he paid more attention to the task in his hand. "About what?" He inquired. "About your little assistant here." Beatrice said, as she gazed at Cornelia directly in the eye. "She is seriously stepping out of her boundaries, I want you to caution her." Cornelia gazed at Beatrice for a while, before a smile formed on her face. Her line of sight then shifted over to Katrina, who immediately found the floor to be quite interesting. "How am I stepping out of my boundaries, my lady?" Cornelia inquired from Beatrice with a smile. "You, just keep quiet." Beatrice snapped at the latter. "What did Cornelia do? Nothing too atrocious, I hope?" Dennis inquired. Cornelia just gazed at Dennis with Slightly surprised eyes. 'My lord, aren't you supposed to be stepping In for me I this situation?' She thought, while observing the man that she called her master." "Well, I get the fact that she is from that organization and all, but does she have to go about harassing the other maids?" Beatrice inquired. "Harassing? That is quite a strong word." Dennis said, as he gazed at her incredulously. "She pratically threatened the other maids that she would burn them at a stake." Beatrice stated. "I wonder that was all about." Dennis said, as a smirk came to his face. "Hey, you, don't make that face. I am giving you an opportunity to explain yourself now, and you make good use of it." Dennis said. "Well, of my lady sitted here is patient enough to listen, then I will must definitely explain to her." Cornelia said, as she gazed at Beatrice calmly. "When I first stepped into this household, I immediately noticed that the maids here have a knack for gossip rather than performing their responsibilities." Cornelia began. "I was just minding my business, heading peacefully to the office, when I heard a group of maids speaking ill of me. What they said was Indistinctive at first, but I did catch one word. 'Witch'. So I simply told them, since you say that I am a witch, why don't I prove it to you, by this same time tomorrow, everyone in this house will see your burnt bodies." Cornelia paused for a while. "They didn't quite understand what I meant, So I expantiated further, by telling then that I was going to burn them at a stake." Cornelia said. "I don't really see what right you had to threaten them." Beatrice began, as she silently clenched her fists at her side. "They spoke ill about me. You couldn't possibly be expecting me to stay silent, could you, my lady?" Cornelia asked. Beatrice kept silent. "She is asking you something, Beatrice, why don't you reply?" Dennis inquired. "The maids ought to understand the kind of potential she has by now, and what she is capable of." Dennis began. "So If I were them, I wouldn't want to get on her bad side." He added, as he elegantly twirled his pen around His fingers, as though it were of no concern to him if the spark evolved into a flame and burnt his household down. "You have completely lost it, Dennis." Beatice said, as she looked at him with much pity In her eyes. "How so?" Dennis inquired, as he rested his hands on the table. Normally, he might have gotten angry, or even hit her, but this time he felt calm. "I wonder how you sleep so peacefully at night when you brought such an unscrupulous sadist into our lives." Beatrice began. "You even keep her at your side all the time! Are you not afraid if she were to suddenly draw out a knife and stab you?" Beatrice asked. "When that time comes, I will know what to do." Dennis replied curtly, without batting an eyelid. Even death itself could no longer make his heart tremble. "She was even smiling when she even talked about burning the maids, honestly!" At this point, Beatrice had to break eye contact out of disgust. "Different circumstances condition different people In various ways, Beatrice." Dennis began. "It is not like they asked to end up like that, or to even live their lives that way." Dennis said. "Well." Beatrice began, as she got up. "I am really not interested in comprehending what it was that made her personality become so crooked. Do have a good day, master Lewis." Beatrice said, as she made to get up. "And for the sake of our child, live a long life." She added, as she threw one last glance at him. "Sit down, Beatrice." Dennis began. "I am not Done talking with you just yet." Dennis began, making her to turn to look at him. "I said take a seat." Dennis repeated. Beatrice sighed, before she drew out her chair again. "What is it this time?" She asked, as soon as She was seated. "It isn't like you to talk to me for so long- don't I repulse you anymore?" She inquired. "Forget about that, for now." Dennis said, as he impatiently waved his hand. "I got some intel that the old man called you up to the room, what for?" He asked, as he casually glanced at the box which was still in Katrina's hands. "He gave me a gift. Nothing more." Beatrice said. "Katrina, show him." She ordered. Katrina carefully placed the box on the table, which Dennis opened with no delay. He immediately raised his brow when he saw what was held within. "You are quite fortunate." Dennis began. "To think a day will arrive In this house when your father-in-law will actually give you a gift." He added. "He must be really glad about getting an heir." He passed the box back to Beatrice, who emotionlessly tossed it back to Katrina. "Shouldn't you be happy? You are finally getting all the affection and love that you craved for afterall." He stated. "I wanted it, but not like this." Beatrice replied. "I also want someone to love ny child unconditionally, irregardless of the gender." She added, as she glanced at him briefly. "What on earth are you looking at me for? You already know that I was never interested- say that to the old man yourself." He added. "Well then, I believe that I have wasted much of your time." Beatrice said, as she attempted to get up. "Do have a good day."


 As the sun set behind the horizon, so also could a woman wearing an all black cloak been seen approaching an old building, which seemed like it was a century old. It was an old bar shop, and although the front sign claimed that it was closed for the day, the woman still gained entrance through the back. "Don't you ever feel tired of wearing those clothes, belladonna?" A man with dark brown hair packed into a pony tail called from behind the counter She stepped into main room. She ignored him, taking off her clothes, revealing just her co-operate office wear beneath it. "So, how was work today?" The man inquired, as he closed the gap between them. "Eventful as always." She stated, as she sat down in the deserted bar. "Where is the rest of the group?" She inquired. "Oh, they love to take their sweet time nowadays ever since they started earning gold coins, they should be here soon." He explained. "Shall I fix something for you?" The man inquired. "The usual. Ice cold lemonade, and yes, do Include the ice cubes." She added. "You've got it." The man said, as he went behind the counter. "Does he have any new assignment for us?" He interrogated, as he continued his occupation. "Nothing much. But the Viscount has been giving him issues." She said, as she laid her head on the table. "Should we kill him?" The man inquired with a smile, as the candle reflected the mad glinter in his eyes. "Not yet. We are still observing, for the now. Let us see if the frog will croak or not." She added. "Here you go." The man said, as he served her a glass of chilled lemomade, with a tiny umbrella and a few ice cubes. "Just the way I like it best." Cornelia stated, as her light brown eyes lit up. "Of course." The man with a snake tattoo on his neck began. "Anything for you, my beloved little sister."