Don't Test His Patience.

Cornelia strode down the broad hallways after she was done tidying up the office. She intended to return the mop from the maid she had borrowed it from. But on her way, she ended up bumping into someone expected. "Oh, it is you." She stated, as her light brown eyes lit up, at the thought of causing mischief. "What? Have you gone numb?" Cornelia inquired, as she crossed her hands in front of her chest, after she had leant the mop against the wall. Katrina remained mute, while gazing at the floor. "Hey, I am talking to you." Cornelia began, as she grabbed Katrina by the arm, causing the latter to flinch. "What was that for? It's not like I am hurting you or anything." Cornelia said, as she looked at Katrina with a confused gaze. "Katrina, what is going on?" Cornelia looked up, only to find two maids approaching their direction. "What are you doing to her?" One of them, with hair the color of a hazelnut began. Her companion however, flinched at the sight of Cornelia, automatically pausing In her steps. "What does it seem like I am doing?" Cornelia inquired with a smile. "Release her this instant." The other maid began. "Oneira" Her companion mouthed. But Oneira didn't seem to hear, she proceeded to yank Katrina's arm out of Cornelia's grasp. "I told you to let her go." Oneira began, as she glared at Cornelia somewhat angrily."Are you alright, miss?" Oneira began, turning to Katrina. "I am, alright." Katrina mumbled absent mindedly. "You seem to be new here." Cornelia interrogated. "And how is that any of your concern?" Oneira interrogated, as she firmly returned Cornelia's gaze. "Come now, we shouldn't interfere In their affair." Her companion said, as she crudely tugged her out of her the scene. "But.." Oneira whispered, as she glanced back at Katrina. "Just shut up and come with me." Her companion snapped at her angrily, as she tugged Oneira away, without even casting so much as a sympathetic glance back. "What a pity, your little friends are gone." Cornelia observed, making Katrina to shudder In fright. "I wanted to tease them a little more. It would have been fun, just the four of us." She began, as she threw a sadistic glance at Katrina. "My goodness. You were quite the chatter box the other day. I do hope the cat didn't get your tongue." Cornelia stated, as she revolved around Katrina. "Because I want your tongue for myself." She whispered in Katrina's ear. Katrina's eyes nearly teared up in fear when she heard that. "Ah, yes, this expression suits you better." Cornelia stated, as she stepped on front of Katrina, gently grasping her face in her hand. "Don't worry, I won't do that if you don't go blabbering off to your mistress again." She added, as she slowly retracted her grasp. "Do return that mop before you leave." Cornelia said, as she walked further down the hallways. Just as Katrina thought that the disaster had come to an end, Cornelia suddenly turned around. "Before I forget." She began, from where she stood, not bothering to even close the gap between them. "I heard your fellow co-maids saying that master was mad, and how he always talked to a portrait." She began. "Take this message to them- if they don't stop that nonsensical habit of theirs, and focus more on their duties, then, yours truly will surely pay them a visit, even if that means I have to knock all their teeth out, before they learn to behave." She turned around as she concluded, walking away elegantly, The sound of her heels making soft tapping sounds as they hit the floor. She didn't care what had become of Katrina's mental state, who reached out for the mop with trembling hands.


 "Where have you been all this time?" Dennis interrogated, as soon as Cornelia stepped into the office. "I went to return the mop, my lord." Cornelia said, with a slight bow of the head, while she closed the door. "I have to say, I am slightly impressed." Dennis said with a nod of the head, as he looked around the office, which was cleaned to a state of spick and span. "Good job, Belladonna." He added. Cornelia groaned loudly in her thoughts. "I am pleased that I could make my lord happy." Cornelia said, as she trotted elegantly to his side. The sound of carraige wheels and the neighing of horses distracted them. "Were you expecting someone, my lord?" Cornelia inquired, as she craned her neck to look out of the window. "No one that I know of." Dennis simply stated, as he momentary dropped his pen on the table, while cracking his fingers. "Wait a second." He began, as a certain memory surfaced in his mind. "Well, the Viscount did say that he will find time to see me, in Accordance to what he said in the letter, but he never wrote back to me about his date of visitation." He stated, as he wearily flung his head back against the office chair. "What are the odds that it could be him?" He pondered. No sooner had he said that, than a knock was heard on the door, bringing an interruption to his thoughts. "My lord, the Earl says he is here to meet with you." The voice of a male servant called out from behind the door. Cornelia glanced at her master in surprise, of which the latter just had a small smile forming on his face. "Cornelia." He began softly. "Straighten up your uniform before you leave the office, and please bring those documents down with you."


"I didn't ask for tea." Rodzev Heratck, a large and burly man who had Grey colored hair, and currently in his late forties, stated. Even the strand of white hair that was visible from afar still added to his grand and majestic aura. The maid fidgeted for a while, unsure of what to do, before proceeding to drop the tray on the small center table. "Did you not hear what I said?" Rodzev began, after noticing what the maid had done. "It is an ancient tradition of this household to serve tea to their esteemed guests, Viscount." Dennis said, as he descended majestically down the stairs, his loyal side Cornelia trailing behind him in a similar fashion. The Viscount regarded them with somewhat hostile eyes, as soon as they approached the foot of the stairs. "My goodness, I am quite undeserving of that glare, don't you agree?" Dennis inquired, as he set himself on a nearby chair majestically, ignoring the glares that the older Man kept shooting at him. "You are even worse than scum." Rodzev chastised harshly. "You didn't even bother to spare your father even at his old age." The viscount began, nearly with a growl. "Someone would think that I have been bringing nothing but troubles to him if they heard you." Dennis simply stated, as he took a sip if his tea, before dismissing the anxious looking maid with a wave of his hand. "Are you sure you don't want some of this? It is really a taste that delights the mouth." Dennis said, as he carefully placed his cup back on its saucer. "Child, I am well aware of your mother's elegant tastes." The Viscount began with a snarl. "She nearly brought this family to ruin, it is a good thing she died." Cornelia glanced at Dennis briefly as soon as he said that, and sure enough, he had a twitching smile on his face. "I am not quite sure you came Here in order to interfere In my family affairs, Viscount." Dennis began. "I told you to pick a date to visit, but you decided to call on this place randomly without informing me. Now tell me, what would you have done If I wasn't around?" Dennis inquired. "Well, you will simply have to return back home, irregardless of what you are doing." Rodzev replied. "Even if it was an audience with the king?" Dennis asked, as he revealed his beautiful white teeth. "That.. is an entirely different affair on its own." The Viscount replied calculalatively. He had to admit that Dennis was quite cunning, quite befitting of an heir. He could easily trap his own enemies by using their very own words against them. "Now, let us talk business, we have chatted enough, I believe." Dennis began, as he stretched his hands to Cornelia, who passed him the documents, which he placed on his thigh. "Does she have to be here?" Rodzev inquired, as he gazed at Cornelia with Slightly narrowed eyes. "She is a servant, afterall." Cornelia tried her best not to raise her eyebrow at the Viscount. 'Send me off?' She thought. 'Well, we will just see about that.' "She has all the privilege to stay, her presence is needed afterall." Dennis explained to him. "Her status in this household is quite special. I don't deem it necessary to go into the details." Dennis stated. Rodzev glanced at Cornelia once more, he would admit that he was at the previous meeting they had, and her uniform was quite unique, but he never accorded much importance to her existence. "I shall not hand my mine over to the likes of you." Rodzev began, as he gazed at Dennis firmly. "I informed you before, that is part of our family's heritage." "I understand that quite well, Viscount." Dennis began, as he gulped his tea down. "But you still have plenty more, your mines extend all the way from the south to the west. I don't see what harm one less can possibly do to you." Dennis commented. "You really are unscrupulous." Rodzev began, as he acknowledged Dennis's greed. "The house Of Adriel already gave you one previously, isn't that good enough? They pratically gave you the means of their family's sustenance." "That was In return for getting married to their daughter." Dennis began slowly. "Poor Beatrice isn't aware that, Her family placed up their one and only mine as dowry for the suitor that gets wedded to her." He stated, as he stared at the Viscount coolly. "Apart from that, they weren't even aware if its worth- I believe that it ought to go into the possession of one who could utilize it wisely. If it wasn't me, then it would have been someone else." Dennis concluded. "They should be aware of its worth by now, for they are even poorer than before." The viscount said, before smiling suddenly. "Say, what if I inform your wife of this affair? She will definitely be pleased to realise that her family is worse off than when she was with them." The Viscount continued. "You are more than welcome to try." Dennis began, as he paced his words in Accordance to that of the Viscount. "But before you inform her, the reason why her family still survives till date is solely because of me. You will be amazed if I reveal how much my in laws fawn over me." Dennis began, his blue eyes glistening out of pride. "I am not interested in that." The Viscount snapped coldly. "You won't have my mine, even when I am dead." He stated, with an adamant attitude. "Then? I guess you will have an explanation for the throne when he calls for an audience to explain why your people are dying.. of starvation." He stated. "May I say something?" Cornelia suddenly quipped In. "You can go ahead." The Viscount stated, as he felt intrigued at what this 'low birth' had to say. "Viscount, your soil has quite the porosity during spring and Summer seasons, but they become impermeable during autumn and winter." Cornelia analysed. "Your point is?" The Viscount quipped in impatiently. "What I am trying to say is that this contract my master is presenting is quite favorable to you. This household has been blessed with such resources that we can provide for each individual, all year round, and much more than they can afford." She paused for a while. "Given your economic circumstances, it will be quite hard for you to keep food production up and going. Summer won't be here for long, and there will still be autumn, and winter. What then? Will you let the civilians go to bed hungry despite the cold weather?" Cornelia interrogated. The Viscount nearly clicked his tongue it was quite clear from her eloquent speech and mannerisms that she was well educated. "So, Viscount, what is your final choice?" Dennis inquired, as he gazed at the older man. "We are only asking for a single mine, after all." He added. "You really have an insatiable appetite." The Viscount said, seemingly at a loss for words. "Give me some time to think about it." He stated. "That is the same excuse you gave the previous time as well." Dennis stated, as the smile faded automatically from his face. "When I come to see you again, I would have finally made up my mind." The Viscount pressed, as he stood up. Dennis also equally stood up, in order to see him off. But he turned around halfway, and shot Cornelia a peculiar gaze. The latter nodded in return. The poor Viscount, he was going in for it.


 A lone carraige throttled on as dawn transformed to dusk. Seated inside was no other than Viscount Rodzev. He was currently looking out the window, thinking about all the eventful things which occurred today. "What a clever lad." He muttered, quite unsure if he was giving praise or curses. "How did he afford dig in so deeply into my key weakness? How did he obtain so much intel? Could there be a traitor?" The Viscount muttered to himself, pondering over questions he might never get replies to. The carraige shook violently and came to a halt, snapping him out of his daze. "What is the problem now?" He asked the coachman from the window. "This road seems to be blocked, my lord, a huge tree has fallen across." The coachman, who had descended, respectfully replied. "Take another turn then." The Viscount said impatiently. "But my lord, the only available path Is full of bandits and goons." The coachman stated fearfully. "Stop arguing and just act in Accordance to my instructions. Do you believe I intend to stay here all night?" He snapped. "I am sorry My lord." The coachman fidgeted, before returning to his post, steering the carraige around.

 "What a foolish man." Rodzev thought, as their ride down the path had been smooth sailing so far. "Goons and bandits indeed." No sooner had he said that, than there was a large crash, accompanies by the confused neighing of horses. The carraige forcibly came to a halt. The stunned Viscount had bashed his head against the seat, where blood slowly trickled from. "Are you alright, my lord?" One of his knights hurriedly burst in. "What happened?" He inquired, as the knight helped him rise to his feet. "It was an ambush." The knight replied. "Goons?" The Viscount dazedly asked. "I am not sure my lord, this way." The knight stated, as he slowly led his master to safety. There was an intense fight occurring outside, between the Viscount's knight and what seemed like a group of five, putting on inconspicuous masks on their faces. Although the Viscount had seven knights with him, two were already down, making the fight even. The coachman was nowhere to be found, and the horses had already gone off a reasonable distance, although their neighs could still be heard. "Stay here, my lord." The knight told him, as he led him underneath a huge tree. Rodzev glanced from the thicket he was hiding, this goons or whatever, were quite skilled fighters. And from their physique, they all seemed to be men-they were actually overpowering his knights. "Now, Belladonna." A male voice called out. Instantly, the area was filled with a purple reddish powder. The Viscount coughed. When he eventually stopped, he opened his eyes in surprise, all of his knights were incarcerated. He glanced towards the group, and saw a figure wearing all black walking towards the group of five, although she didn't wear a mask, her outfit was designed in such a way that only her eyes could be seen. "We know where you are, Viscount." The sharp voice of a male began. "You better come out If you know what is best for you." The Viscount came out slowly. "Wh-who are you? What do you want?" He stuttered. "Foolish Viscount." The same man began. "You ought to know better than to pass this route." He added. "Hey, who are you calling foolish?" The Viscount began, but he paused mid sentence when he felt a knife aimed at his throat. He glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and saw the woman that wore a veil. She had quite the stealth, to come that close without him realizing it. "Who we are, as well as where we came from, is of no significance." The man continued. "We will spare you this time, but take our 'little visit' as a warning." The man continued. "Wait, what about my Men?" He called out after them. "Oh, they will be fine. They should be waking up any moment from now." The man said. As soon as the veiled woman released him, the Viscount felt as though death itself decided to put its scythe away. "Think long and hard about that proposal, Viscount."


 Sunlight streamed through the window, making a certain boy, to open his eyes. He blinked when he saw the face in front of him, thinking he was dreaming. The girl However, who was leaning down on him, laughed heartily. "Diane.. get off me." The boy begrudgingly said, as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. Diane made some distance between them, as she gazed at him from afar, swishing her elegant black dress this way and that. "If I were a certain someone, I would quickly freshen up so we won't be late." She said, in a sing song manner. Dennis sat up on his bed. "Who let you in anyway?" He inquired. Diane smiled. "No one. I sneaked in when Dorothy came to pick something from your room- hah!" She exclaimed suddenly, placing both hands on her waist, looking at her brother with eyes filed with pride. "Yes, you have become quick witted, good job." Her brother said in a mocking tone. "I overslept." Dennis muttered, as he gazed at the angle of the sun. "Why didn't Dorothy awaken me when she came in?" He interrogated. "Hmm, maybe she thought you were matured enough to get up yourself." Diane mused. "She still wakes me up, though." Diane stated, as she sat beside her brother. "That is because you have the tendency to sleep like a pig." Dennis mentioned with a smile, as he attempted to pull his sister's cheek, but she avoided his hand. "Hey, what do you think you are doing, you will ruin my makeup!" Diane exclaimed angrily. (There wasn't much makeup on her face to begin with.) "Why are you even wearing make up in the first place?" Dennis asked his sister. "Excuse me? It is the Crown prince's birthday banquet" Diane said, with a roll of her eyes. "So you want to impress the crown prince?" Her brother asked. "Of course not!" Diane replied, punching her brother so hard on The arm that he nearly fell of his bed. "It will even be nothing short of a miracle if We could even become aquainted." Diane continued. "I see." Dennis stated, throwing his sister a weird look as he massaged his arm. "What Is the make up for then?" "You dummy." Diane began. "Of course it is to make all the handsome guys out there notice me! Who knows if my future husband will be there too?" She announced with pride. "Delusional." Dennis muttered. "Okay, no more shenanigans." He began, as he gently pulled his sister off his bed. "The time I spend talking to you is the same time I could use to prepare myself. Father is going to be mad if we run late, so please kindly excuse me now." Dennis said, as he shoved His sister out of his room. "But." Diane began, but Dennis shut the door in her face. "How rude." Diane muttered as she clicked her tongue.

 Diane carefully walked down the corridors, wobbling along in her heels as she did so. She came across a room, and burst the door open without the slightest hesitation. "Dorothy!" She began. "Oh, Sylv Is here too." She simply stated as she saw her brother. "Little lady, speak more softly." Dorothy, who was sitting on a rocking chair, reprimanded. "Sorry." Diane stated, as she shut the door gently behind her. "Is he asleep?" Diane said as she stood beside her younger brother, as she peered down the carraige. "Yes, he fell asleep not too long ago." Sylvester replied, his voice nearly an inaudible whisper. "How is he now, Dorothy?" Diane inquired, turning to the older woman. "Thankfully, his temperature seems to have gone down." Dorothy explained. "What are you knitting?" Diane inquired, as she bounded off to her side. "A little hat. This will help keep the cold away." Dorothy explained, as she raised the article up in the air for the little miss to see. "Wow. It's lovely. Sylvester, bring your head." Diane suddenly said. Sylvester turned to her, staring at her weirdly. "Sister, did you even listen to yourself just now? How do you possibly expect me to detach My head from my body?" "That is not What I meant!" Diane said, nearly tapping her foot on the floor out of irritation. "Besides." Sylvester added, as his eyes gazed towards the petite cap. "How do you expect my head to fit in that? Not to mention that my hair will be ruined." He added. "The young master is right." Dorothy stated, as soon as Diane opened her mouth. "Why don't you ever take my side?" Diane threw a tantrum instantly. The door opened once more, and a maid with crimson hair walked in. "Good morning, second young master, little miss." She said, as she courtsied. "Hello, Blanette." Diane cheerfully replied, while Sylv acknowledged her with a curt nod. As for Dorothy,well, they had acknowledged each other since the Crack of dawn. "Where Is the first young master? Is he not awake yet?" Blanette inquired, as she looked around. "Oh he is. But you know he likes to clean up by himself." Diane stated. "By himself?" Blanette inquired. Dorothy nodded. "I guess he is all grown up now." "What Is that supposed to imply?" Diane inquired, turning to her. Dorothy refocused her attention on her knitting. "Ah, little miss, you actually took my advice. You look so pretty?" Blanette said, as she tenderly held Diane's hand. "All eyes will be on you, and Besides, it won't be so difficult to find a husband in your coming of age.." "So you are the one stuffing all sorts of nonsense into my sister's head." Dennis began, as he magnificently strode towards them, dressed In his black suit. "Good morning, young ma.." Blanette greeted, but Dennis gently pulled Diane out of her reach. "Stay away from my sister. You have been warned." Dennis stated, as he narrowed his eyes at the maid. The atmosphere immediately fell into silence. "Anyways, Dorothy." Diane began, as she shook herself free from Dennis's grasp. "You are coming with us, aren't you?" She inquired. Dorothy sighed. "I am afraid not, my lady." "Why?" Diane inquired, as her gaze landed upon the crib. "Maybe, is it because of the baby?" She questioned. "You really became quick witted over night." Dennis said, as he walked over to her, tapping his sister's forehead with an index finger. "Mother strictly entrusted his upbringing to Dorothy, before her passing." He explained, as he glanced at the head full of brown curls. "No, we can't bring him along, Diane." Dennis stated, nearly frustrated, as he glanced at his sister's face. "Not like father will permit it, anyway." No sooner had he said that, than A much younger version of George Lewis, more muscular and terrifying looking, came into the room. "I have been searching for the three of you everywhere." He scolded, as soon as he came into the room. "Sorry, father." The three children chorused, not daring to look up. "My lord." Dorothy began, as she stood up. "The children have not eaten yet. Could you please give them some time to." "They can starve for all I care." George cut her off rudely. "Since they don't know how to manage their time. The three of you, meet me outside. We are already a great deal late." George added, as he turned on his heels. Dorothy could only sigh. "The three of you should endure. I will prepare something tasty when you get back." But she did not get a reply, only two downcasted faces. Dennis turned to Dorothy. "Please, take care of him." "I will." Dorothy replied. "Blanette will go with you." "Alright." Dennis replied, as he glanced at the latter.

 It was quite a Pleasant ride, but the two children still continued to Sulk. Blanette sat beside them, not knowing how to make them feel better. "Come on guys, It's not that bad." Dennis began, as he glanced out of the window. "We are hungry, Dennis." Diane said. "Aren't you?" She inquired. Dennis sighed. "Alright then." He reached underneath his seat, and drew out a basket. "Okay, these are some bread, honey, biscuit and gravey." He added. As he was speaking, the aroma wafted into the air, causing a certain someone to salivate. Dennis smiled. "Feel free to dig in." He said, as he passed the basket to his siblings. "How did you?" Diane began, while Sylvester's eyes lit up. "I just considered it." Dennis shrugged. "First young Master is a genius." Blanette praised immediately. "But be careful not to get crumbs all over the place, so father won't know." Dennis said. No sooner had he said that, than a drop of honey splattered on the chair from Diane's bread. Dennis felt his eyebrow twitch. "Aren't you eating?" Diane inquired. Dennis smiled. "Both of you enjoy yourselves. I am okay." He simply stated.

 "Where are we headed? The castle is that way." Diane who had replenished her energy with the scrumptious snack, immediately complained when she noticed the magnificent roofs fading further away into the distance. "We are headed to the Queen's castle." Dennis began. "Why?" Diane inquired. "Because that Is where the Queen's banquet is taking place?" He said, raising a brow. Diane's enthusiasm suddenly dropped. "Don't worry, you will get a chance to step Foot in that place when you get older." Dennis encouraged.

 They eventually highlighted from the carraige. "The Queen's castle isn't.. as terrible as I thought." Diane commented, as she stared at the magnificent palace. "Diane, may I have your handkerchief?" Dennis suddenly inquired. "Yes, why?" Diane asked, as she handed it over to her brother. Dennis carefully approached her, wiping at her mouth. "You got breadcrumbs all over your face." Dennis stated. "Sorry." Diane muttered. Their father strode towards them, a servant holding a huge gift. "You will present this to his highness as soon as you walk in." George said, as he gave the parcel to Dennis. "Go now. I will join you up later." He added, as he walked back to his friends. "What is on it? It is so big." Sylvester inquired. "Only goodness knows." Dennis added with a sigh. "Nothing short of exquisite, of course." "But if we don't know what is in it, how would we present it to the crowned prince?" Diane inquired. "You don't need to know what is inside, and neither does the crowned prince." Blanette told the children. "So long as it has been recorded that you presented his highness a gift, that is good enough." She added. "But what if someone places an item that could potentially endanger the crowned prince?" Dennis asked. "To be honest, I don't know how they do it, but the imperial family has their ways." Blanette replied, as they.walked down the hallways. "Whoa, is this real gold?" Diane inquired, referring to the pillars she saw. Blanette nodded. "Do all empresses get to enjoy this privilege?" Diane inquired. "Not necessarily." Blanette responded. "She is the mother of the heir to the throne, as well as the one and only queen. Don't you think majesty will go out of his way to please her?" Blanette inquired. "True." Diane muttered. "The household of Lewis." Blanette said to the guards at the end of the hallways, who automatically granted them entrance.

 They stepped into the room, where a magnificent chandelier shone its light down from above. A lot of well dressed nobles and aristocrats were present, but it was the children that were the most predominant. They were two spiral staircases at the end of the hallways, dark like ebony, and at the front, sitted on a throne of his own, was none other than the crowned prince. Diane and her siblings were in awe. "First things first, let's go present ourselves." Blanette told them.

They both strode over to where the crowned prince was seated. "Happy birthday, your highness." Blanette courtsied. "The household of Lewis hopes that you live a long and healthy life." The children chorused. "The crowned prince accepts your gift." A knight which stood next to the young monarch said, as he took the gifts away from them. "Please, do enjoy the party."

"I will be right back." Dennis informed them, as soon as he saw their father walk into the hall. "Such an arrogant prince. He didn't even utter so much as a word. I wish I could punch him." Diane said, forming a fist. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, young miss." Blanette said, with an awkward smile. "Perhaps he is upset over something?" Sylvester inquired. "Diane!" A voice called out. Diane looked up, only to see a couple of her friends approaching her. "You look so pretty!" "Your hair is as gorgeous as ever!" They praised. "Oh dear." Blanette muttered. "It seems like we are about to be separated. Will you be alright, Second young master?" Blanette inquired, as she watched Diane's friends tugging at her left and right. "I will be fine. You are her lady in waiting for today, so go with her. And don't let her get herself in trouble." Sylvester stated, with a curt nod. "I will just have a look around. It's not like I have much friends, anyway." He added.

 Meanwhile, Dennis followed his father around like a guardian spirit, listening to his father introducing him as his heir, and observing the mannerisms and behaviors of the adults. "My goodness, George. Why don't you let the lad enjoy himself a little?" One of his father's political friends, a lady said. "Afterall, this party was meant for the children, not for us." She added. Without waiting for his father's reply, she turned to him. "Lad, go and enjoy the party. You have no business with us adults." Dennis glanced at his father, a little unsure. "You heard her." George said, although he seemed slightly displeased "Feel free to go."

 Dennis was currently next to the food stand simply observing. He had taken a dance with the daughters of a few nobles that he didn't know, and still forgot to take their names after the dance. He was about to take a snack from the table, when he saw a strand of blonde hair. Diane on the other hand, was crouched behind the table, hoping that no one would see her. "What are you doing?" A voice snapped her back to reality. She looked up, and saw her brother standing in front of her. She immediately jumped up and embraced him. "What is it now?" Dennis inquired, as he patted her back. "Everyone wants to dance with me. All the boys I met.. and even some girls too." Diane said, as she looked at him tearfully. "Well, It must be because you are exceedingly pretty today." Dennis stated. "Did you tell them no?" He inquired. "Do I strike you as a toddler? Of course I did. They still insisted." She said, as she made some distance between them both. "Well, it is Good you left them." Dennis stated. "Even I also got tired of dancing as well."

 At a distance, a little girl with dark purple hair stared at the two blonde siblings. The way they laughed and jested with each other every now and then, made her to wonder what they were speaking about. "Little miss, you have been staring at him for quite a long time now." Her maid informed her. "Why didn't you ask him to dance with you?" She inquired. "I have tried. But some other noble girl always beat me to it." The girl complained, much agitation in her voice. "Well then, it must have been because you were slower to react." The maid teased. "Just forget it. I wouldn't dare to think he will still dance, he seems exhausted." The girl said. A waiter passed with a cocktail, and the maid reached out for one. "Would you like a sip, little miss?" She inquired. "Yes, thank you. Could you tell father that I want to go home? I am tired, and this party bores me." She stated. "Of course little miss, I will be right back. Excuse me."

"Young Miss!" A flustered Blanette strode over to where the two siblings stood. "Where did you run off to? Do you realize how long it took for Me to find you?!" Blanette scolded, wishing that she could draw the naughty Diane by the ear. "I am sorry!" Diane immediately apologized. "I got overwhelmed, those people wouldn't let me off!" She stated. Dennis snickered- the way Diane seemed so pitiful was still fresh in his mind. "Forget that now." Blaney said. "Your father intends to leave, and I have been looking for you both all over- Second young master has long seated himself in the carraige." Blanette said. "Diane, it seems like there is a likelihood for us being in trouble." Dennis informed his sister. "Then what are we doing, let us go!" Diane said, as she immediately speed-wobbled with her heels. "Be careful, young miss!" Blanette called after her. Diane, who was not paying attention to where she was going, ended up bumping into someone and the cocktail ended up splashing over that person's clothes. "Sorry, so sorry." Diane frantically apologized, as she continued to speed off. Beatrice sighed, now her dress was ruined. But she suddenly paused. That girl.. seemed familiar. "I am so sorry about my Sister's behavior." A voice said, making her to look up. She came into contact with a pair of gentle skye blue eyes. She nearly stepped backwards, wasn't this the boy she had been longing to dance with? "It's alright." Beatrice said as she straightened up, she reprimanded herself for not realizing they were siblings, they looked so alike. "Here." He said, as he passed her a handkerchief. "There should be a washroom for the guests upstairs, you can clean up there." He advised. "Thank you." Beatrice replied, accepting the handkerchief, he was much more handsome than she had expected. He nodded and turned to leave. "Wait!" She called out hurriedly. "May I have the honor of knowing your name?" The boy turned around. "It is Dennis." Hesaid, with a smile. "Dennis Lewis." "Dennis Lewis." Beatice repeated, as she stared at his back.