The Wingman part 2

Aki could finally see everything clearly- the body of Emi lying there, blood dripping from her stomach where the wound had been made by the flaming sword. Something finally woke inside him. Something that had been dormant inside him for far too long. He couldn't let her die just yet. 

"Target has been selected- "THE WINGMAN" confirm elimination?"

A window appeared in front of his eyes out of nowhere. what was happening?

"Bonus gift on elimination - revive anyone you want x1"

Aki couldn't process what was happening anymore. All he wanted was to put an end to this. 

"Confirm elimination"

The air that night had carried a cool breeze all around. Each leaf and each flower danced in the cool breeze which seeped through them, The Sky looked bright and as one might say you could look at the stars and lose yourself in the overwhelmingly big universe that hung on the night sky.

tears went down his cheeks when he finally realized what he had done. the wrecked train had gone off the tracks sending each debris flying as far away as it could. Aki couldn't think about any of the casualties that the accident had made, all he wanted to make sure was that Emi was going to be okay. Indeed, there was Emi, not a scratch had touched her skin and yet there she was sleeping ever so peacefully in his arms. With the little strength that he had in his body, he slowly lifted his finger and put aside the hair strand that covered her face.

"Congratulations Player 01, target 'The Wingman' has been eliminated"-The window appeared again in front of his eyes. Aki slowly turned his head towards the body of the man whom the system called the wingman. It laid peacefully in front of the burning debris. Fear sent chills down his body when he finally realized what the window could do. the power it contained, and most importantly how bad it could let Aki lose himself.

The body of the wingman was left in a messed-up state, his arms were no longer where they were supposed to be, and his neck had been twisted in the wrong direction. Aki could not look at the body for more than 10 seconds. He finally looked back at the magical window that hung in front of his eyes.

"Next"- he said.

"Rewards for successful completion of the quest-


--->100x coins

--->1x magic boost"

Another window opened immediately-

"Bonus gift- revive x1 has already been applied to the person who the player deems to be in danger."

Aki couldn't process what was going on anymore, he could only keep looking at the window. A few moments later, he looked down again at Emi, she looked quite pretty when she slept- Aki thought to himself.

Things were wrong, and these things had affected everyone including Emi. Aki could tell that if he had to fix things, he would have to go beyond deep into the core of this mess. But before that, he had to take Emi somewhere, somewhere where both of them could be safe. Somewhere where they could figure out the next step. This wreckage was bound to attract a lot of attention at once. He finally tried to stand up- Once, twice, thrice but no, his legs had given out. The massive exertion of energy that the magical window had put upon him had really taken a huge toll on his body. He had to figure out how to get away from here. The air around them started turn cold as the night approached. Not having many warm clothes on him, he knew he had to go somewhere before this cold took out both of them.

Footsteps! He heard at once and looked around for the person to whom they belonged to. Where were they coming from? He sensed danger at once-contemplating between calling out for help or staying quiet. Who were they? He thought and thought and thought.

"You shouldn't be here Aki; you know that right?"- A deep voice came from behind him at once. It was so sudden that Aki wondered how the person had managed to appear right behind him when he couldn't even hear the footsteps coming towards him! Sensing danger at once, Aki with all the strength left in his body tried to punch the person but failed miserably. 

Aki could finally see, his vision came to its senses and there he was, another man- wearing the same mask that the wingman wore. The man at once kicked Aki on the face, knocking him down on the ground. 

"Why did you have to come here!"- Yelled the man in the mask.

"Do you even know the consequences of your actions? Everything has always started with you Aki! and no matter what it will always lead to outcomes that end in disastrous ways!"- said the man again.

"I don't know who the hell you guys think you are, but I'm not the guy you're looking for!" - Aki replied.

"You have always been the one, we were looking for,"- finally said the man.

At once, the man dragged out a sword out of thin air just like Emi did and down came the slash towards Aki. Clang! A huge wave was produced at once when two swords met each other with full intensity. Emi had finally woken up and here she was! back with her sword, ready to protect Aki at all costs.

"You can stop believing your stupid beliefs and leave us alone"- Emi told the man at once.

"You don't know what you're doing!"- replied, the man.

Once again, another battle took place between Emi and the masked guys. It looked like both of the masked guys belonged to a single group who wanted Aki dead. Who were they? why did they want to stop Aki from entering this world? More importantly why did Emi bring Aki to this world considering the dangers that surrounded him? 

Aki froze in his place as he watched the two of them fight. Once again, he found himself helpless. Suddenly, out of nowhere a third weapon joined the battle. A young guy, with two blades held in each of his hands, blocked all the attacks aimed at Emi at once. Finally! an ally! - Aki thought.

"Emi! I'm here, what's the situation?" The boy said at once.

"The Nobinobi group is trying to kill Aki, one of them is dead but they just keep coming out!" - Emi replied to the boy.

"Take Aki and run! I'll handle this one!" said the boy.

"We're doing this together."- said Emi.

At once Emi took her sword out again and down came another slash aimed at the neck of the masked man. The man seemed to look like he was good with his surroundings and at once blocked the attack. Not waiting even, a second, he found a second blame coming towards him, flying with full intensity. The man dragged out a second sword out of thin air and immediately hit the blade, breaking it into fragments that disappeared into thin air. It looked the type of blades and swords the people of this world were using could be crafted any time out of the magic that they used. Aki finding himself helpless once again tried to call the magic window.

"Cooldown timer is in motion '5:33:04 remaining'. please level up to reduce cooldown"- The window said.

The fight in front his eyes looked ferocious. each time the blades and swords met; a huge sound was produced which would ring his ears. Emi, with all her might dragged her sword all the way to the man's neck but was met by his blade halfway through it, each time. The boy kept crafting one blade after the other sending each of them flying towards the man. The man looked skilled with all of his fighting techniques. 

Finally, Emi managed to land an attack with her sword on the man. It hit the man in his neck but the strong muscle in his neck prevented to sword to drive inside more than two inches. At once, he kicked Emi, sending her flying into the patch of grass nearby. the man shrieked in pain.

"You don't know what you're trying to do! I'll be back!" - He said.

At once the man with all his force jumped up into the air. It seemed to look like the man could use his powers to fly in the air. Taking a look at Aki one last time the man said-

"I'll be back for you."

With a huge force, he kicked the air beneath him and jumped even farther and flew away. Both the boy and Emi at once came back running to check on Aki. It looked like his wounds had finally started to heal after the cooldown timer ended.

"Come, we'll go to my hideout, it's not too far from here. If we stick around for a few more minutes the officials will find us"- The boy said.