Scene 4 - Hebe's puzzle (2)

Edano was starting to get annoyed, his features twitching in frustration. "You've figured something out about me, haven't you?" His tone was harsh, almost threatening.

I pretended to play ignorant, though I could feel the weight of his gaze on me. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, Edano. You seem tense."

His patience seemed to be wearing thin as he placed a hand on one of his pockets. I knew what that meant. I had remembered that in that very pocket lay his knife. An electric tension seemed to float in the air between us.

"It's because of your actions that I've come to understand," I said, my voice calm but firm. "You're a character in the film, aren't you, Edano?"

His face froze, a mixture of surprise and anger crossing his eyes. The tension rose a notch as we looked at each other, each assessing the other in this moment of silent confrontation.

Edano stared at me intensely, his gaze imbued with cold determination. "I knew you'd understood," he finally admitted, his voice low but laden with veiled menace. "And now you're starting to become a threat to my plans."

I didn't look away, feeling the weight of tension building between us. His words echoed in the air, heavy with innuendo and an implication I couldn't ignore. His every move seemed calculated, as if he were weighing up the options open to him in this delicate situation.

"It's all starting to make sense now," I conceded at last, choosing my words carefully so as not to further aggravate the situation. "The reason the hunter attacked us was because you probably didn't respect the scenario you were given. You drew them to you without knowing it. Or was it because of something more specific?"

His face remained inscrutable, but I could see a gleam of recognition in his eyes. He knew I understood, that we were now on equal footing, each aware of the stakes at play in this strange, uncertain world.

"Have you said anything to Saé?" he asked, his voice as calm as ever despite the gravity of the situation, his eyes searching mine with an intensity that was almost palpable.

I shook my head, my thoughts clearing as I formulated my answer. "No, I haven't told him," I asserted with feigned assurance, carefully concealing the doubts that were beginning to emerge within me.

Edano stared at me for a moment, his gaze searching mine with a disturbing intensity. "I hope for your sake you're telling the truth," he finally declared in an icy voice, emphasizing the importance of my words to Saé's fate.

I took a deep breath, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'm sorry for my earlier reaction," I began, my words laced with sincerity. "It wasn't fair of me to speak to you like that."

He seemed to consider my apology for a moment, and I replied in a more relaxed tone: "Actually, it's not because of the film that I'm talking to you like this..."

I shook my head convincingly, a slight smile stretching my lips as I regained a more assured composure. "No, it's not because of that!" I replied, seeking to ease the tensions that had previously animated us. "I just hope you made the right choice."

My smile widened as I dipped my gaze into his, conveying a silent message of understanding and solidarity. "After all, you're not just a character in a movie," I added with a knowing wink, trying to dispel the dark clouds hovering between us.

Edano seemed slightly taken aback by my answer, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he processed my words. Perhaps I'd succeeded in sowing doubt in his mind, urging him to re-evaluate his own choices.

I took a deep breath, turning my attention from the tense exchange with Edano to my own quest. As my thoughts wandered into the twists and turns of Greek mythology, I tried desperately to find a god who could embody my mother's qualities. However, no memory of the games I'd played could shed any light on this introspective quest. Even the stories of the Assassin's Creed games, though rich in mythology, seemed insufficient to guide me in this endeavor.

Frustrated by my lack of knowledge, I resolved to seek another approach to solving this enigma. After all, my mother was far more complex than a simple video game character, and her nature didn't easily fit into the divine categories of mythology.

The virtual pages of a web novel resurfaced in the meanders of my memory, like ancient whispers in the wind. The author had freely drawn on the tumultuous life of the goddess Hera to weave his tale. This divinity, jealous and tormented by Zeus' infidelities, seemed to reflect the complex traits of my own mother.

In this mythical plot, where divine passions were unleashed, I discerned troubling echoes of our family history. Hera, known for her fierce jealousy of Zeus' lovers, embodied a disturbing complexity, a duality between strength and vulnerability. The story had captivated me, not so much by the quality of its writing - which left much to be desired - but rather by the unsettling resonance between the goddess's torments and the nuances of my relationship with my mother.

Hera had betrayed Zeus in the same way my mother had betrayed me by placing me in an orphanage for no reason at all.

Yet, despite this unsettling resonance, I still found myself halfway through this reading. As if, unconsciously, I dreaded crossing the final lines, plunging into the murky waters of my own family truth. This web novel, far from being mere fiction, became a distorted reflection of my own experience, a mirror in which the shadows of the past mingled with the uncertain glimmers of the future.

In this atmosphere charged with emotions and memories, I found myself plunged into a personal quest to identify the representation of the god Hera among the other divinities of Greek mythology. The diadem, a ceremonial object symbolizing royalty and power, seemed to aptly evoke Hera's complex majesty.

As my thoughts mingled with the ancient symbols, Edano approached me, breaking the heavy silence between us. His gaze, imbued with his characteristic intensity, seemed to betray a certain hesitation, a silent questioning of his own choices.

Intrigued by his approach, I asked him the question that had been nagging at me for some time. "So, have you changed your mind about your own choice of divinity?" His answer, imbued with an enigmatic nuance, only reinforced the mystery surrounding our group and our decisions in this uncertain ordeal.

In this question-filled exchange, Edano had this time taken the initiative to open the dialogue, as if seeking to unravel the mysteries surrounding me. His voice, tinged with barely concealed sincerity, echoed in the thick air of the dilapidated dining room.

He spoke to me with a strangely deep understanding, as if he himself had walked similar paths of questioning and introspection. His sharp perception seemed to read through the layers of my defenses, confronting me with truths I'd previously preferred to keep quiet.

"I've figured out your little game sir, I want to save everyone." he began in an almost introspective tone, "If you've come to open my eyes to my own choice, it's because you wanted to delay yours as long as possible." 

With a subtle mix of humor and gravity, I tried to divert the conversation to lighter subjects, as if to escape the heaviness of the memories that threatened to engulf me. 

"You've got it all wrong. I was only trying to help, although I know that in this situation only we ourselves have the answer to this riddle."

Yet his words resonated within me, revealing a truth I could no longer ignore.

Edano continued, his words imbued with a rare empathy, 

"I can only theorize, but there must surely have been a defining event between you and your mother... An event that left invisible but deep scars in your mind."

In an exchange imbued with feigned lightness, I greeted Edano's words with a teasing smile, trying to mask the tumultuous stream of thoughts swirling through my mind.

"You sure know how to dramatize things!" I retorted mockingly. "I promise you my life isn't as romantic as you seem to think it is."

Yet behind that glib facade, I sensed Edano's insight, his sincere desire to unravel the mysteries surrounding my mother and myself. His words echoed in the air, like a silent invitation to introspection, to the search for the truth hidden beneath layers of denial and secrecy.

"My choice fell on this armor. I don't know what god it represents, but it is a symbol of strategy and reflection, and is deeper than a simple sword." His words revealed a depth of thought I hadn't anticipated. His insistent gaze reminded me of the importance of looking beyond appearances, of delving into the heart of what lay behind the masks we wore.

I nodded with a slight smile, acknowledging the subtle wisdom of his words. "You're right..." I finally conceded. "I'll give it some serious thought. Maybe the truth about my mother lies in the details I've never dared explore."

In the meandering of my memories, an episode from the past emerged with poignant clarity, as if time had chosen this moment to reveal its innermost secrets. I plunged back into my youth, where every day was an adventure and my mother's every gesture an act of unconditional love.

The memory washed over me, vibrating with a tenderness mingled with nostalgia. My mother, with her boundless generosity, had understood my passion for video games and, despite the limits of her financial means, had made every effort to fulfill my dearest wish. I still remember the gleam of excitement in her eyes when she announced that she was going to give me the latest game console on the market, a birthday present far beyond my expectations.

Yet behind this joy lay an unsuspected sacrifice. In order to raise the money for this purchase, my mother had worked overtime to the point of exhausting herself and jeopardizing her own health. I now knew that the ephemeral joys of a state-of-the-art toy had been bought at the cost of her well-being and her nights' sleep.

Despite this heavy reality, another dark thought floated through my mind, a thought I was trying hard to suppress. An insidious doubt, a terrible hypothesis I dreaded facing. I had whispered to myself in a corner of my consciousness, suggesting that my mother might have had to resort to far darker deeds to raise the necessary money. The idea repulsed me to the core. I didn't even want to imagine it, preferring to believe that my mother had found other means, however harsh.

The thought haunted me, plunging me into an abyss of guilt. I hated myself for trying to erase my mother's sacrifices, even under the pretext that it revolted me. How could I have forgotten those sacrifices, relegating those acts of love to the back burner of my memory? The weight of my own confession hit me with icy cruelty. Was this how I recognized maternal love, by erasing it from my consciousness to preserve my own peace of mind?

Edano's words of wisdom echoed in my mind, illuminating the darkness of my doubts. Through his words, I had found the courage to face the truth, to confront the reality of my own feelings. His intervention had been like a lighthouse in the storm of my tormented thoughts, showing me the way to lucidity and understanding.

And so, in the raw glow of this revelation, my choice crystallized. Among the remaining symbols, one object stood out for its simplicity and profound meaning: a sheaf of wheat, emblem of Demeter, goddess of agriculture and fertility. In that moment of clarity, I felt an intimate connection with this representation, recognizing in it the very essence of maternal love, eternal and fertile, nourishing the souls of those who need it most.

And so, guided by the memory of my mother and the benevolent light of Edano's words, I made my choice, affirming with conviction her unfailing link with Demeter, guardian of the harvest and protector of souls in distress.

Tension hung in the air as each of us stood beside our chosen divine representation. Saé, graceful and quick-witted, stood beside the object representing Hermes, symbolizing her curious and adaptable nature. Edano, resolute and strategic, had opted for the representation of Athena, goddess of wisdom and just war. As for me, guided by my mother's enlightening memories, I chose the sheaf of wheat, the comforting emblem of Demeter, protector of nurturing souls.

[Would you like to confirm your choices?

Time remaining before end of selections: 3 minutes

Yes | No]

A notification appeared, suspending time for a moment of decision. We exchanged thoughtful, resolute glances, aware that this ordeal would test our strengths and bonds. Despite the painful memories it had awakened, we confirmed our choices, sealing our destiny in this quest.

[Would you like to confirm your choices?

Time remaining before end of selections: 3 minutes

>Yes | No]

A vortex of light enveloped us, transporting us to a new dimension where the gods stood before us in all their splendor. Athena, with her unfathomable wisdom, graced Edano with a knowing smile, while a brilliant notification illuminated our path, announcing the ordeal we were about to face.

[Continuation of the Secondary Puzzle: -The Heavenly Feast-

Explanation: Prove the truth of your choice!

Rule: Successfully complete the mission given to you by your respective gods. Failure to do so will result in your god refusing to allow you to participate in the celestial feast].