First day

The first year of high school went by really fast, I must say... Do I remember anything I studied? I'll leave that question to the reader. Did I do anything productive? Guess what? Yeah, I'm asking you to guess the answer... Nevermind.

I'm staring at the ceiling. There's always a small chance that a satellite or a god is watching me from above, so I want them to know that I'm aware. You might think I'm retarded, I know.

— Yako, are you ready? You're almost late!

— Oh, yes, mom! I'll just buckle my shoes and...

— Buckle your shoes? That doesn't make any sense.

— I'm here, mama!

— Oh, you were quicker than I thought.

— Is that an insult? Are you afraid I'll become a delinquent soon? Haha, just kidding, no cap!

— "No cap"? Yeah, you're not wearing a cap...

— Okay, let's go to school!

Dark blue suit, white shirt, tie... This uniform is amazing! I'm glad they got rid of the old one. I feel like a business man wearing it! Ladies, one at a time, please...

— Yako, are you okay? You're kissing the air...

— Y-Yes, I'm better than never!

— I'm glad to hear that, son. Let's hope your second year is better than your first! And then successively, of course!

— You're right, mom! I'm not jinxing us, I just believe everything will be better this time.

My mom smiled warmly. What is this? Did I say something mature?

— Yeah, you're right, Yako. Now, go enjoy your youth while you still can. Flirt with someone, at least. You're so closed to yourself that people think you hate them.

— B-But I can't approach women, you know that! I'll just wait until one approaches me.

— Well, if someone likes you, they'll show it somehow. Ask them out, It'll be good for both of you.

— Let's see where fate takes me, mom. Wait, is it fate calling me?! Why is no one here? Is today a holiday by any chance?

— Hm, strange... they said it was today. Maybe we just got here early.

— I feel butterflies in my stomach... can we go back?

— We're already here! Why would you give up so easily?

— I don't like being alone in public spaces... I feel like I'm being watched. What if someone scolds me because I'm in the wrong place?

— No, this is a great chance for you to improve your social skills. If the school is really empty, go ask someone.

— Seriously...?

— Yeah, and you'll see why this is a great thing. You'll never have conversation trauma again if you practice this.

— Ugh...

I thought I could trust you, mom! This is such a terrible day to rain... I can't believe it! Why?! Wait, is that a girl?

A pretty girl is walking into the empty school. Now that I see them, the classrooms are all empty, for some reason. I'm not alone, right? I'll ask if she's in my class.

— Where are your butterflies now, Yako? This is your best chance, go!

— Thanks, mom! I-I think I'll go now!

— Good luck, son.

She has dark green hair and wears the same uniform as me. Is that a good sign? I think so. I'm catching up to her, what do I do? Does she think I'm a stalker? I'm a terrible one, if that's true... I'm already out of breath, damn it!

— Ex... Excuse me, girl...

— Oh?

— Are you... are you from the second year?

— A friend, yay! I was getting a little nervous since there's no one here... Looks like we're in the same class!

— Good lord... at least I'm not alone.

— Are you okay? You look pretty tired.

— I'm okay, let's just... go to the classroom...

— Oh yes, the email! At least they told us which room we should go to.

I got it! A conversation with a girl for more than 5 seconds!

We found the classroom in less than a minute.

Now, let's open the door... Ah, I should open it for her, right...

— Ladies first.

— Thank you, um...

— Yako.

— Nice to meet you, Yako. I'm Urihime.

A pretty girl told me her name, yes! I have a good feeling about this...

When I open the door, the sunlight blinds my eyes for a second.

Urihime enters the classroom, and so do I. Oh, what's this? Why is another pretty girl falling towards me? I have to catch her! Phew, I get it... I'm holding her small body! Don't think about perverted things, idiot!

Why is she staring at me? I can't read her expression... She's like a kuudere! Also, she has red short hair, how convenient! I always loved kuuderes and redheads, so this is a big win!

Uh... wait, WHAT?! SHE'S KISSING ME! This is not a dream, or is it? I can't believe this is happening... Oh god, isn't this going too fast? I probably should ask her out before getting to this point...

— Thank you, lad.

— M-My name's Yako...

— Mine's Tsuitachi Futsuka. But call me by Futsuka, I don't care.

— O-Okay, Futsuka...

— Why is your face red? You got a fever?

— I-It's nothing, don't worry. Nice to meet you.

She nods in response. I gently set her down.

— Now, if you'll excuse me, I was going to the bathroom.

— Oh, so that's why you fell... sorry.

— At least you made up for your mistake. See you later.

She leaves the classroom. I don't know if she was complimenting me or insulting me... I should erase that thought from my memory and see the other people!

There are... 8 people, I think. Unless the others are in the bathroom or exploring the school. That's weird, really weird. I don't recognize any of them. Are they all new here? Well, let's ask.

A boy smiles at me. He wears a white shirt with a black tie and has short, straight hair. His bangs go past his ears. His head looks like a diamond, considering his hair. Seems approachable enough to me. Let's say hi.

— Hi, pal!

— Hello! My name's Kamado, how are you?

— I'm doing well, I guess. Nice to meet you, I'm Yako.

We shake each other's hands.

— How long have you been here, Yako?

— I arrived just now.

— No, I mean, how long have you been studying here?

— Ah, sorry. Most of my life, like 10 years.

— I came from a nearby town. This one is much bigger, like twice the size of mine. It was really hard to find this school.

— Yeah, I know... I don't know much about this town, because I don't leave my room very often. You probably know more about it than I do, hehe...

— That's simply not true, friend. You may think you don't know much, but you're underestimating your own presence. I noticed you when you opened the door, right?

— What are you implying?

— I'm telling you that you're not invisible. No one is, no matter how hard they try. There are people who don't like you, and there are people who do. Sorry, I'm talking to myself. I couldn't resist telling you that.

— That's pretty deep... how did you know I wanted to be invisible?

— I like psychology, but I'm not a professional or anything, I just like it. Sometimes I just guess what you're thinking and bingo!

— Haha, that's a good strategy! I always do this, but looking at random places so others know I can see them.

— Really? I thought I was the only one who randomly said "I know you're there, you can stop hiding".

What's this, a new friend in such a short time? He seems too nice to be true... he might be hiding something important.

— I know what you're thinking, Yako.

— Wait, what? I-It's not what you think it is, I promise!

He's staring at me... What do I do? Why all this tension? Tell me what you think I'm thinking, damn it! He's pointing his thumb somewhere now.

— I know how you've been glancing over that chick over there, Yako. No need to hide that from a friend.

— Wait, who?

I look at the girl. Wow, she's really beautiful. More so than the others I've just met. She has white hair, tanned skin, a black shirt, a white tie and best of all: she's a goddamn tomboy! Oh, god, I've always loved tomboys... When I was a kid, I fell in love with an anime tomboy. My obsession has known no bounds ever since. What I wouldn't give to have a tomboy girlfriend...

— Ah, you're drooling! I knew it, it's love at first sight!

— You're right about that, Kamado. It seems your guess is sharper than ever.

— Okay, you got me, I was just guessing. But who cares about the methods if the answer is correct? Go talk to her, lad. I'll be watching from here.

— Wait, for real? Why would I think I have the courage to do that?

— I don't know, buddy. I guess I'll just have to trust you.