of school

— Can't you at least help me?

— If I give you instructions, you'll be acting like a different person. Besides, she might not like what I would say if I were in your situation.

— Alright, fair enough...

My legs are moving my body towards her. She seems so far away, yet so close. I don't want to reach her, but I also don't want to miss this chance. A-And now, it's time for the moment I've been waiting for...

— H-Hello, I-

Ouch! I got kicked to the ground... Who did this? A tall man is looking down at me. He doesn't even offer his hand to help me up... He has spiky gray hair and isn't wearing a uniform, just a white shirt. He looks like the delinquent here. Wait, he's just leaving now! Come back here, you scoundrel, let me put you in your damn place!

— Hey, are you okay?

T-The tomboy! She's offering me her hand! What do I do? Just take it, Yako, dammit!

— Y-Yes, I'm perfectly fine, mommy- I mean, madam!

— I'm glad to hear that. I don't know why he did that, but not everyone here is like him, okay?

— Good to know, thanks. By the way, I'm Yako.

— I'm Natalie.

— That's a beautiful name! Are you a foreigner?

— No, I've lived in this city since I was born.

Wait, no explanation? Are your parents from another country? Did they want to name you after some celebrity?...

— Interesting... do you know his name?

— That tall man? It's Okimura, I think.

— Thanks, I'll talk to him.

I start walking towards the bully to intimidate him. Every action has a consequence, smartass! As I walk past the tables, someone calls out to me from behind. He has a determined smile, blond hair, and weird, spiky hair that flows upward for some reason.

— Howdy, my friend! My friend and I are new to this town. My name is Hogure, and his is...

— I'm Misota, greetings.

The other guy has brown hair, like me, only he has it styled much better. It's straight and reaches his neck, flowing down and out.

— Oh, hello, guys. I'm Yako, nice to meet ya.

I notice a very tall woman standing in the corner, disguised as a locker. She's wearing a black uniform. I didn't even know we could customize the colors! She has incredibly pale skin, looking like a giant ghost. She also has long, messy hair that completely covers her eyes. The blonde guy commented:

— She's been standing there, completely still since we arrived. I guess she doesn't hide very well...

— ...we tried to get close to her, but her aura was too strong. So we made friends with the big guy instead of the big girl.

— The big guy? Oh, that Okimura guy?

— Exactly, pal! He's a nice guy, believe it or not. At least that's what we think.

He, a good guy, really?

— I'll keep that in mind.

No, I'll forget about that instantly! I don't want to talk to him anymore, I give up. He's a head taller than me!

I extend my hand to them, shaking them.

— Thanks, guys. You two are really cool!

— We can say the same about you, mate!...

— ...Yeah, thanks for the chat.

I smile and then walk away. Suddenly, someone bumps into me from behind. I turn around and see a cute girl. Like, really cute. She has short brown hair, which is also messy. She's not wearing any uniform, but a cute pink t-shirt with a teddy bear in the center. She looks scared, so cute. How many times have I said cute?!

— I-I'm so sorry! I shouldn't even be here, what am I doing? I'll get a rope, don't worry...

— What? A rope, for what purpose?

Wait, is she talking about that thing?

— It's okay, girl. I'm the one who wasn't looking, sorry.

— Y-You're sorry? No, this can't be happening! A trash like me is making someone feel sorry! I'm only useful when I'm useless!

— N-No, wait, that's not what I meant!

— Hey, brat, stop whining and go fill my bottle already!

Another girl... she's taller than me, which isn't that rare, I guess. Blonde hair, I think... a brownish yellow? What color is that? Ponytail, red eyes, and a white t-shirt. She's wearing her dark blue suit like a belt. She hugs the little girl from behind, resting her head on top of hers.

— I thought you were worthy of my attention, Hashira. I'll have to find myself another toy.

— N-No, please don't leave me! I'll do anything, I promise!

— So go get my water and never let me down again. Otherwise, there will be unforeseen consequences.

The girl runs towards the door. The taller girl stares at me for a few seconds, her expression unreadable. She then scoffs and sits down at the back of the room again.

I see a nerd sitting in the front row. He has very short dark purple hair and glasses, he looks like a nerd, he feels like a nerd. He stands up straight, holding a small book in one hand and turning the pages with the other. To make matters worse, his legs are crossed in a snobbish manner.

— Is he gay?

I say out loud. The blond guy I just met laughs and says:

— I wouldn't say that, but...

— ...he's pretty weird. We tried to talk to him, but he kept saying nihilistic and philosophical stuff.

The door opens, revealing two more unknown people.

Five minutes past the scheduled time and the teacher isn't here. Japanese people are known for their punctuality... There are still a lot of people I haven't met, but I think everyone is here now. The depressed girl and the redhead are still wandering around, but they'll be back soon.

One of them is a guy with messy pink hair that reaches his neck. The other is a girl with bright mint green hair that flows down, out, and curves slightly upward. Their personalities are probably polar opposites. One is grumpy and serious, the other is energetic and smiles brighter than a light bulb. The guy walks in front, almost trying to escape the radiant green light. He shouts:


Okimura, the big guy, bends down to his level and points to his own ear.

— Can you say that louder? I have hearing problems.

He was clearly mocking the pink guy. The smiling girl replies:

— He asked if everyone is here, friend!

The bully looks at her clueless expression.

— "Friend"?

— Yes, we're all friends here, aren't we? I can't wait to meet everyone!

The big guy just shakes his head, not knowing what to say to that airhead.

Good job, happy girl!

Another girl sitting in the middle of the room stands up with her hands on the desk.

— Two students left before you entered.

Whoa, a gyaru... another beautiful girl to my list.

She has blonde hair and a... twintail? I think it's supposed to be a twintail, but the right side is loose for some reason. She also wears her uniform as a belt. She has other ornaments that I don't know the name of.

Just as the pink-haired guy is about to say something, another voice echoes in the room:


Wait, that voice...

The girl who just screamed is Urihime, the girl with dark green hair. She is sitting in the teacher's chair.

I didn't think she could scream so loud...

I raise my hand, since I've been studying here for years. I look around, only one other person raised their hand. It was the tomboy.

Wait, Natalie? I've never seen you here before... Maybe you've changed a lot over the summer vacation...

Urihime smiles at me. Is she in love with me? Hey, stop, Yako! Women can't even smile at you and you think they want to marry you! She nods at the pink-haired guy, giving him the power of speech.

Wait, is that it? Why did you need to know that I studied here? And why are you sitting in the teacher's chair?

Another girl stands up to say something. She has long purple hair that covers her right eye. She wears glasses and has dark circles under her eyes.

— Guys, please be quiet for a moment! Our classmate wants to tell us something.

Huh? What is happening? I'm feeling sleepy... it looks like I'm not the only one, though... at least I'm not alone, right...?

Everyone fell unconscious.

The first person to wake up was a tall girl, but not the emo one. She had long dark blue hair, her middle bangs raised and flowing inwards, the others outwards. She wore glasses and had dark circles under her eyes. She stood up, still a little disoriented. Something caught her eye instantly. Her nose also felt an unpleasant sting.

There was blood, a lot of blood. But only on two bodies: Natalie's and Yako's.