First trial

Everyone looked at the tallest person in the room. The pale emo girl became nervous.

Pink: "Can you do that for us?"

She tried to say something, but no sound came out of her mouth. She pointed to her mouth and made a cross gesture with her arms.

"She can't speak." said Kamado, the diamond-shaped guy.

"Oh, really, Sherlock? Can you read her body language?" the bully girl scoffed.

— Maybe...

He walked towards her. He was about 40 centimeters shorter than her, so he had to look up.

— Can you hug that big guy for us? If his body is too cold, you can rest from time to time.

She nodded, reassured by his kindness. She walked over to the bully guy's frozen body and tried to cover as much as she could to melt him faster. Since he had been crouching down before slapping the sleepless girl, her posture had to be very specific.

Bully girl: "Ha! What a slut."

Gyaru: "Does anyone here have a sound muffling power? If I hear one more word from her mouth, I'll go crazy."

Misota, the handsome brown-haired guy: "You just described my power."

— Really?! I was always meant to be a fortune teller.

— Yeah, right... Let's see, if I do this...

He went to the blackboard and picked up two pieces of chalk. He put them inside his ears.

Purple nerd girl: "ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ʰᵉ ᵈᵒᶦⁿᵍˀ ᵂᵃᶦᵗ, ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿᶦⁿᵍˀ"

Every sound inside the classroom got muffled. Misota took the chalks out of his ears. The sounds came back to normal.

Airhead: "Wow, that's amazing! I felt like I was on the moon!"

Gyaru: "Looks like it's not useful to shut only one person's mouth, though..."

Bully girl: "Ha! I almost feel sorry for you."

— I swear I'll tape your mouth shut if you keep pissing me off.

— Are you looking for a fight? I won't hold back.

— You're goddamn right I am looking for a fight, bitch.

Diamond: "Girls, let's try not to make things worse for everyone."

The two girls: "Stay out of our way, damn it!"

He looked at the bully girl's shirt. It was very wet, like the guy in the hoodie's. He could see through it. She wasn't wearing a bra.

— W-What are you looking at, pervert?!

— Pretty bold, I must say. You should be wearing one if you're so flustered right now.

— I-I'm not embarrassed! I'll beat your ass up if you don't erase that memory from your tiny head!

"Hey, you." Diamond said to Pink, "You said the water was related to the murders. It's not sweat. I would understand if it was the case with the guy in the hoodie, but she's not even wearing a bra. There's no way she's sweating in this temperature."

Bully girl: "H-Hey, quit talking about my bra!"

Pink: "You're right, diamond guy."

— Diamond...?

— Unless she had perverted dreams, there was no reason for her to sweat. Let's take a look at the mute girl, for example.

The bully girl kept cursing them to death. They looked at the emo girl. Her clothes were all wet, especially where she was touching the ice.

Diamond: "I guess we found our culprits. Case closed."

Airhead: "W-What are you talking about? There's no proof yet..."

— The guy in the hoodie left because he didn't want to get caught. The girl with no bra was too dumb to run away. They're both wet, and the insomniac girl made Natalie's body freeze. That's why she's wet and her blood is below room temperature.

Purple girl: "So you're saying that all three of them are murderers?"

Pink: "Wait, there's something missing in your logic."

Nerd guy: "The boy died some other way. Why would they feel the need to freeze the girl and not do the same to the boy?"

Pink: "Not only that... Look at this."

He walked towards their bodies and pointed at their necks. Almost all of the blood came from a very large wound.

— They had their aorta artery opened. It's the same pattern. There's only one killer here.

Airhead: "B-But what if the killer is from outside?"

Purple: "If the God of Distortion is telling the truth, there is no one outside..."

Nerd: "I advise you to read the rules properly, greenie."

Airhead: "W-Was that in the email...?"

Nerd: "What makes you think that the ice girl didn't help the killer, or that she isn't the killer?"

Pink: "First, the culprit had a really hard time melting Natalie's body. They used that hoodie to warm it up, which is why it's so wet. I'm not sure about the no-bra girl, though. Second, she passed out for some reason, probably after seeing the blood. There's no way she killed two people before that."

Ice girl: "T-That's true! I have a trauma related to gore, so I can't see blood for a long time. That's why I'm staring at the wall. I can smell it, but if the two are combined, I'll pass out instantly."

— See? Now we have a lot of options here, unfortunately.

No-bra: "Hey, will you listen to me now? I'll tell you what happened before we all passed out."

All attention was focused on her. They hadn't noticed her wet shirt before because she was the kind of student who sat at the very back of the class. She could see everyone, but no one could see her. Like a ghost.

— I saw that loser talking to everyone like he owned the place...

She pointed to Yako's corpse.

— I tried to make some friends too.

Airhead: "H-Hey, that's disrespectful to the dead..."

— As I was saying, I tried to talk to the insomniac girl, but she was almost asleep, so I slapped her in the face, like the big guy did. My body started to get cold and I slowly lost consciousness.

Pink: "Is that true, insomniac?"

— I-I don't know! I have trouble sleeping, so everything that happened after I sat down disappeared from my memory... The first thing I remember after that was the blood.

Pink: "What is your power, no-bra?"

— You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? If I fall asleep or pass out, everyone in the same room is forced to sleep as well.

— Now it all makes sense. You froze and lost consciousness, so we all fell asleep entirely because of you.

— Hey, it's not my fault!

— Did anyone see what happened after the no-bra girl was frozen?

Depressed girl: "I-I saw it! Me and everyone else started to fall asleep one by one... I looked at her to check if she was sleepy too, and she was already frozen!"

— So her power awakened at that moment. Did anyone else use their power before the freeze?

Airhead: "I was not invisible before that! I remember noticing something strange about my perspective, and I thought my nose was gone. It's not under my control, I woke up invisible and can't go back."

— It's possible that not everyone had their powers awakened at the same time, but I don't think that's the case. The God of Distortion probably sent the email and the powers at the same time.

Blond: "You're right. The email was sent hours ago, a few minutes after the scheduled start time of the class."

— That settles it. The God of Distortion is cruel, but he's probably not a liar. Otherwise, he wouldn't waste his time typing out a huge email just for fun.

Bully: "You speak as if you know him. Are you his friend? Are you the impostor among us?"

Diamond couldn't help but laugh at those words.

Pink: "Right, he mentioned something about an impostor... Can we talk about that later? The killer is probably them."

Brown: "Do you have any idea who the culprit is?"

— There's something we need to check first. Do any of you remember what the last words were before the freeze?

Purple: "I can help you with that. My power plays any sound that happened up to 12 hours ago or 30 seconds in the future."

She picked up her phone and opened a radio app. She closed her eyes and showed them the phone screen. A frequency was being formed.

"Two students left before you entered. WHO STUDIED HERE IN PREVIOUS YEARS? Guys, please be quiet for a moment! Our classmate wants to tell us something."

There were other sounds too, like people talking to each other, chairs being moved, bodies falling asleep on the floor.

Diamond: "We forgot about the redhead! Where is she?"

Pink: "Right, there were two people outside the classroom... I was late, who remembers who they were?"

Blond: "They were the redhead, as Diamond said, and the... sad girl? Can I call you that? That sounds like an insult..."

— Y-You can call me depressed, don't worry! It's just the truth, so it's okay...

Pink: "Did you see the redhead, Depressed?"