Bloody blade

— N-No, I didn't see her... I left the classroom to get a bottle of water, but she was nowhere to be found. She was probably in the bathroom.

Dark green: "I can attest to that. When Yako and I arrived in class, she said she was going to the bathroom and left."

Pink: "Alright, can someone look for her? Call her, go to the women's bathroom, whatever."

Dark: "I can go."

Gyaru: "My power's perfect for this."

— Are you sure? You'd be more useful here than I am.

— Yes, I'm sure. I can track footprints, so I'll find her no matter what.

— What if she's not wearing shoes?

— The email said my power can read any type of footprint, even socks. I can also tell the difference between each footprint.

— That sounds broken... Are you really sure? I want to be useful...

— You're more useful here than I am. I don't know your power yet, but mine is perfect for this situation.

— ...

— If you need me, just yell or something.

Gyaru left the classroom.

"Do you know something we don't?" Pink asked Dark.

— N-No, I'm just good at searching for people...

— Alright, now the next important piece of this puzzle.

He approached her, invading her personal space.

— What is your power?

— Mine? I can exchange my senses for someone's else.

— Can you do a demonstration?

— Sure! Close your eyes, please.

They both closed their eyes.

— Now, open them again.

— Whoa, what is this? I'm looking at myself.

They were both looking from the other's perspective.

— Intriguing, isn't it?

— Alright, now...

He continued walking towards her. She started walking backwards, until she hit a wall. He placed his hand on the wall next to her, pinning her down.

Blond: "W-What are you doing?"

Pink: "Now, tell me. Why did you ask about who studied here in previous years?"

— ...

She opened her mouth, but closed it before saying anything.

— And why are the only two who raised their hands dead?

— ...

— Silence is also a weapon. It can be used against you.

— I-I don't know what you're talking about…

— Ho? Then why did you shout that at the top of your lungs? Out of curiosity?

— Leave me alone…

— Hey, let me see your hands. Why are you keeping them behind your back?

— That's none of your business.

The pink-haired guy grabbed her wrist.

— Hey, let me go!

— First, switch our visions.

They closed their eyes. After opening them again, her power was deactivated.

— I need to know who the culprit is. If you don't cooperate, your situation only gets worse.

Blond ran towards them and grabbed Pink's arm.

— What are you doing? You're going too far, mate.

— Do you want the murderer to keep getting away? 

— Of course not, pal. I just think that harassing someone is not the answer.

— They can kill our friends, but we can't use force to make them talk.

Diamond stepped forward.

— Calm down, guys. I think we're missing something important here. I understand why no one noticed that No-bra froze, she was in the back of the classroom. But why did no one notice that Airhead turned transparent?

— Easy, Diamond. The suspicious green head shouted to make everyone look at her. The airhead had her back to you, so her hair and uniform covered her skin.

— What about the nerd girl? She called us out because we were too loud. We turned to look at her, then Airhead's skin became visible to us.

— That...

Airhead: "That's because I noticed something wrong with our green-headed fellow!"

Diamond: "What did you see?"

— She was faking a smile... I know that because I smile all the time!

— Why would she do that?

— I don't know, but when she screamed, she released all her suffering at once.

Blond: "I guess we'll have to ask her. Nicely, okay? Wait, where is she?"

They looked to where Dark was. The door was open, and she disappeared.

Pink: "Good job, Diamond, you distracted us."

— I-It's not my fault! I didn't think she was that suspicious to begin with...

— Now you understand my point of view. Somebody, go get her, quick!

Blond: "Leave it to me!"

He left the room. Soon after, Gyaru returned.

— W-What did I miss? Why is everyone in a hurry?

Pink: "Go after the green head, use your power and track her down!"

— O-Okay! I'll talk about the redhead later!

She left again.

Pink: "Alright, Diamond, do you have anything else to say? We can't waste time here, it's almost night."

— Yes, I have an important question. As for the weapon, what could cut a neck so deeply? We are in a school, there are not many sharp things here.

Nerd: "That's where you're mistaken, fellow geometric shape."

— H-How many nicknames do I have?!

— Many tools used in school are necessarily sharp, otherwise they will not do their job properly. Such as scissors, box cutters and metal rulers.

Pink: "You're being very specific, four eyes. Do you have these tools to show us how they can be used as a weapon?"

Nerd stopped to think for a moment.

— I must return to the darkness now, for I have said too much.

— I am not saying that you are suspicious... Do you think I am a detective now?

Brown: "You're acting as such."

— Okay, does anyone have a box cutter? It's the most lethal tool a student can legally possess.

Ice girl: "How about this?"

She was crouched down to look into a trash can. She stood up and picked up a box cutter. It was covered in blood. In her other hand, she held a used, bloody blade.

Diamond: "Easier than we thought."

Pink: "Wait, that was way too easy... Was the box cutter on top or at the bottom of the trash can?"

Ice: "In the middle. The blade was right at the bottom, so I had to take out some papers."

Purple: "How strange... We're just starting the year, why would the trash can already have papers? Is the cleaning staff really that bad?"

No-bra: "What if they stopped working after the last day of last year? Students simply forget everything after school is over, so they may have left some dust lying around."

Ice: "That's not possible. The papers are crumpled to fit in the trash can, but they're brand new."

Pink: "So the killer ripped out pages from someone's notebook to hide the blade... That doesn't make sense either."

Diamond: "They left it in the most obvious place. There are countless cabinets and drawers in this one room. It's almost as if they wanted us to find it."

— Does anyone recognize that box cutter? The killer probably stole it from someone. If not, they would at least try to hide it.

Nerd: "What if they wanted us to not look at the trash can since it was too obvious?"

— If the papers weren't there, that would make sense. 

Nerd went to his backpack and unzipped it.

— Yep, the box cutter's mine. It's not here.

Airhead: "This can't be true! Why did you do that? I thought you were our friend! Not cool..."

Pink: "That's why we call you Airhead... I just said the killer stole it from someone."

Diamond: "That's a terrible attempt at framing someone..."

Purple: "Maybe they didn't have time to think of a strategy?"

Pink: "That raises another question: who was the first to wake up?"

Brown: "When I woke up, I only saw the ice girl sleeping with her eyes open and the two dead bodies. So I guess it was her."

— She passed out from seeing blood, so she can't be the first one to wake up. Unless she's lying about her trauma.

Ice: "I-I'm not lying! How can I prove that?"

— You just saw blood on the box cutter and didn't pass out.

— It's because I can't see gore, not specifically blood! If it resembles a red paint, it's not that traumatic to me.

— You're contradicting your past words. Lend me the cutter.

She handed him the murder weapon. He twisted the blades and pulled out the old one. He cut his thumb, causing a drop of blood to come out. He brought his hand closer to her eyes. She began to pant heavily and closed her eyes. She crouched down, holding her head in despair.

— It's okay, I believe you.

Diamond: "Evil... I like that."

She didn't listen and was still going crazy. Pink put his hand in her hair and started stroking it slowly.

— It's okay now. Clear your mind.

She began to cool down, until she was able to open her eyes. Everyone looked at that scene in shock.

Brown: "A-Are you immune to her power?!"

— Oh, I forgot about that.

Bully: "See? You're the impostor."

— I don't think I'm immune to her power. I can still feel the cold air around her, especially where I touch her.

Diamond: "So... are you saying that her power only works on specific areas of her body?"