Dark truth

— Exactly, and I think the hair is out of the question. Although if I were to deepen my touch, I could probably reach her head. Let me test something.

Pink touched his uniform. Nothing happened except his hand getting a little colder. Then, he stretched his uniform towards her face. He was not frozen.

— See? Only direct skin contact can actually freeze people.

Diamond: "Now that you mention it, something seems strange... No-bra was frozen first, right? The killer saw that when they woke up. Why was Natalie frozen too?"

— I think they were testing her power, like we are doing now.

Nerd: "But it backfired... or backfrozen? They had a hard time trying to unfreeze her."

— They probably didn't expect her to be frozen. Maybe we're forgetting another condition for her power to work.

Depressed: "That's why they needed two blades... The first one got dull trying to cut through all the ice."

Ice: "You're right... the first blade they used is slightly bent."

Pink: "Let me test something."

He walked towards the bully, who was still frozen. He used the box cutter to cut through the ice.

— This is weird... I'm using all my strength, but the blade will break before I reach his skin.

Diamond: "So there's no way just two blades would be able to kill both of them..."

Purple: "Unless they used more blades that we don't know about yet, something is wrong here."

Brown: "What if they cut their necks before freezing her?"

Pink: "Hey, insomniac, does you power work on corpses?"

— No... According to the email, I can only freeze humans while they're still alive.

Diamond: "So unless she survived for a few seconds after having her neck cut, that's not possible."

Nerd: "We're in the middle of a dilemma here. How can we know if the killer really made a mistake? They wouldn't risk freezing their victims before they were completely dead."

Pink: "Maybe they didn't expect her to last that long."

Blond and Gyaru returned with Dark, holding her by the arms.

Blond: "We're back... her power distracted us for a moment, but we caught up to her..."

Pink: "I guess we'll just have to ask the number one suspect."

He approached her menacingly.

— You two, show me her hands.

She resisted for a moment, but they managed to get her hands in front of her for the first time.

Dark: "This is harassment, stop! You're hurting me!"

Her thumbnail was bleeding. Not only that, the nail was a little displaced, as if it was about to fall off.

Pink: "Did you two do that?"

Gyaru: "No. When she was running from us, I noticed she was already bleeding."

Dark: "Really? So how do you explain this?!"

She reached into her uniform pocket and pulled out a hairpin with a little blood on it.

Gyaru: "That's mine..."

Blond: "H-How did she get your hairpin?"

Dark: "She tortured me with that! She tried to rip off my nail!"

Pink: "When?"

— Does it matter?! When I woke up, I saw her using that box cutter to cut their necks! Then she noticed me and tortured me to keep me quiet!

Diamond: "Then why were you hiding your hands? You could have shown us."

Gyaru: "Because she's lying."

Airhead: "Yeah, that's not true... When I arrived with Pink, I noticed that the right side of Gyaru's hair was down, even though her hairstyle was supposed to be a typical twintail."

Brown: "Speaking of that, she had both her hairpins on when we arrived..."

Pink: "Did the green head arrive after you?"

— Yeah. That's probably when her hair went loose.

Gyaru: "She asked for my hairpin. I didn't think much and gave it to her."

Diamond: "So she used it somewhere... It can't be on their neck, because there's less blood on the hairpin than on the box cutter."

Pink: "I think she used it to wake up early."

Dark: "Why would I do that?! My nail hurts so much... I couldn't have done that to myself, specially while sleeping!"

— I never said you used it on your nail. Thanks for confirming my theory.

Her eyes widened, surprised by his trick.

Purple: "But she's right... she couldn't have hurt herself while sleeping."

Depressed: "She used it before that."

Airhead: "That's why she was faking a smile! She was trying to endure the pain!"

Blond: "I don't think a hairpin could cause this much damage..."

Gyaru: "Part of the nail's root is cut. Only a sharp object could cause that."

Nerd: "A box cutter, that is."

Pink: "How could she have taken your box cutter without you noticing?"

— I didn't say she used mine.

Ice: "So there's another one!"

Diamond: "That's why she hid his in a obvious spot!"

Gyaru opened Dark's uniform without hesitation.

Dark: "Hey, stop!"

She took a box cutter out of her inner pocket and showed everyone how many blades she had left.

Gyaru: "There are only two left. She probably used the others to cut the ice."

Pink: "Where did you dispose of the used blades?"

— Does it matter?! You'll never find them!

Blond: "She probably used the toilet. That's where small evidences disappear."

Pink: "You cut your nail root with the box cutter to make the hair pin fit inside? So you endured all that pain while keeping a smile on your face?"

Airhead: "I thought she was mad at something when she screamed... Turns out she was feeling unberable pain... I feel bad for her."

— Don't feel bad, she's not worthy of it. I don't think she shouted only because she needed to release her suffering. Why did you ask that specific question?

Dark: "Isn't it obvious?! We all came from different cities, the only two residents were the most suspicious culprits of this whole event!"

— What about Depressed and the redhead? They weren't here when you asked that. And guess what? The game is still running. They were not the impostors.

— If the game didn't stop, I would still kill them to be sure!

No-bra: "That doesn't explain how you knew there was going to be a game and that we were going to sleep."

— It's such a cliché! Right after all the players gather, they all faint! Why would only we have class today? It was clearly suspicious!

Pink: "I noticed that too. That's why I asked if everyone was here."

— See?! You're all a bunch of spoiled kids who don't think about the future!

Diamond: "You clearly haven't thought about your future either. Do you know what we're capable of doing to a murderer?"

— Don't make me laugh, I don't care either way! You still don't know how I killed them!

Blond: "You used your box cutter to cut through the ice and then used the other one to finally reach their necks."

— You're absolutely wrong! Try harder!

Depressed: "She's right, there's something missing here... It's impossible to die unconscious! I've tried multiple times, but I always wake up..."

Diamond: "Then you give up because you don't want to feel the pain... I understand that."

Pink: "Are you saying that both Natalie and the boy would have woken up if they had been stabbed?"

Depressed: "If the green head woke up after feeling the pain inside the nail, I think being stabbed would wake anyone up..."

Dark: "I had nightmares while feeling the pain, but I couldn't wake up because of No-bra's power!"

Diamond: "So she needed a minimal amount of pain to wake up. Still, being stabbed in the neck seems to be enough."

Pink: "So she used an almost painless method to kill someone... Does anyone have any ideas?"

Depressed: "I-I do! The easiest and most painless way is to suffocate by covering the mouth and nose with something."

— Does anyone here have anything that could cover the mouth shut?

Purple reached into her backpack and took out a roll of duct tape.

Purple: "Looks like it was used recently..."

Diamond: "It sounds plausible, but what about the nose? It's hard to cover it with tape."

Ice walked towards Natalie's body. Everyone in her path avoided her, fearing her power. She touched her face and looked into her nose.

— There are little balls inside her nostrils. They look like paper.

Pink: "That answers it. But why did she use the box cutter if they were already dead?"

Dark: "When I killed the girl, I wanted to test the ice power... I made her clothes and hair touch the insomniac's skin several times, to make sure there was a way to avoid it. I didn't know if it wouldn't freeze her because she was already dead or because direct skin contact was necessary."

Ice: "So you decided to make her skin touch mine..."

— Then she froze. I didn't know if corpses could be frozen or only living humans, but there was a chance she was still alive. I tried to defreeze her, but it took too long. So I had to ensure her death.