Chapter 32: Open sesame!

-I came back.

-Nadie, you're back at last! You're the last one!

After modifying the Engine of Creation, I returned with Serval to his workshop, there we said goodbye and I teleported back to the Underworld via a Space Anchor.

-Look March, as you can see, I am a busy man. It's normal for me to disappear from time to time.

-Is that so? For your information, you have before you the champion of disappearing without warning!

-And you take pride in that?

Dan Heng raised an eyebrow at March's confident statement.

Then, someone approached me and I felt my hand being grabbed; as I turned to see who it was, of course it was Stelle.

-How was your trip?

-Well, and thank you for lending me the Thing Seeker. I'll give it back to you now.

Looking away, Bronya and Seele are also here. From how close they seem, it looks like the plot unfolded correctly this time.

-Ha ha ha ha, glad you're all here already.

Oleg's laughter catches everyone's attention.

-I'll get straight to the point. Her friends came back to tell me all about this Estelaron and her predicament in the Overworld. The last time I saw Cocolia, she was an impressive young woman... To think that after becoming Supreme Guardian.... All I can say is that I understand her situation. Don't worry, Wildfire will support you in your coup plan, we will not betray you. Even if your plan sounds like the ravings of a drunken miner, at least it's a direction to go. We haven't known which way to go down here for a long time, and you know how things are, so I'm willing to bet on you.

-Don't worry, Mr. Oleg, you won't regret it!

March replied confidently.

-That about the delusions of a drunken miner sounds too strong....

Dan Heng commented with his arms crossed.

-Maybe it is! But I think we have to have realistic expectations.

Oleg confirmed.

-You want to seal the Stellaron, and Wildfire wants to lift the Underworld blockade; the common obstacle is Cocolia. In other words, the goal of both sides turns out to be the same: Svarog. If we can't get rid of him or recruit him to our side, we won't be able to do anything.

-Exactly, let's get rid of him!

Stelle shouted excitedly, but Dan Heng contradicted her.

-Diplomacy is more useful than violence. We'd better try to talk to him nicely first. Besides, it would be very helpful to have the robots on our side when we do the Coup d'Etat.

Oleg laughed to see our group being so animated.

-Both methods have their advantages. Wildfire has tried to contact Svarog many times, but he always refuses. He has no intention of dialoguing with us. With the forces at our disposal, it would be too dangerous to go the hard way. Svarog's robots are not afraid to sacrifice themselves and I don't want to put the lives of the inhabitants of the Underworld at stake. But things have changed; your arrival is an "external variable" for Svarog. He may not have all the details, but you may have a chance to persuade him.

-That would be best.

Dan Heng agreed.

-hahahaha! Our plan is coming along very well! But I don't know if Svarog will be persuaded. They'll understand when they get to their territory. Things never go according to plan there....

Looking in Bronya's direction, Oleg asked.

-What about you, Miss Guardian Crinargenta? Of all of us, you are the only one who does not have a compelling reason to stand up to Svarog, so I would like to hear your opinion.

With no more doubt in her eyes, Bronya answered decisively.

-The Underworld is also part of Belobog. If Svarog's existence threatens the people down here, I will fight with you, of course.

-Ha ha ha, that's the spirit! Very good answer, completely worthy of the successor of the Supreme Guardian. Since we are all in agreement, we don't have to waste any more time. On the move, a guide will take you to see Svarog.

As Oleg and Svarog already have a history of hostility, Oleg will not come with us to avoid misunderstandings. Seele, on the other hand, comes with us.

So, we're heading out to meet our guide....

-Huh? Hook? You're our guide?

Seele was the most surprised of all.

-I really didn't expect that...

March agreed.

-So the Moles are also part of Wildfire?

Dan Heng deduced.

-It's Great Hook of Darkness! What do you want?

One could notice the nervousness in Hook's voice, it means that this is a misunderstanding.... A devilish grin broke out on my face.

-Come on Hook, lead us to Svarog's territory!

-Svarog's territory? Why do you want to go there?

-Don't worry about the little details, let's move on.

In this way, I insisted Hook to guide us to Svarog's den. This made our real guide fall through the cracks....

-Why are they taking so long? You haven't forgotten your old friend Sampo, have you...?




-Hook, are we there yet?

-Big sister March, you've been asking the same question every minute. Almost there, almost there.

At some point, the mine landscape turned into a snowy field. Near the entrance to Svarog's mansion, a camp built by drifters is visible.

-Is this Svarog's den? I thought it would be a cold and deserted place, but it is most lively.

March was surprised to see so many people gathered here, to which Seele explains.

-Many wanderers camped here temporarily because the Fragmentum monsters invaded their homes.

-Isn't it dangerous to set up camp so close to Svarog?

-No, Svarog is inflexible, but he never attacks without reason. For those who have no home to return to, this is a safe place. If I hadn't left so early, maybe I would be here now living with them....

When we arrive in front of the gates of the mansion, of course, the gate is locked and won't open.

-What a heavy gate.... Well, look at me! Open sesame!


We all looked at March in silence, embarrassed...

-Is that a secret code or something?

Bronya asked confused, not getting the joke.

-It's an imaginary password that children use... and I don't think it's good for much.

Dan Heng explained.

-Maybe you should use force?

Proposed Stelle as he pulled out his bat. Before Stelle could try anything crazy, a voice caught everyone's attention.

-My good friend, please don't do anything rash!

-Oh, Sampo.

I commented in a flat voice when I saw who had arrived.

-How cruel of you, how could you leave out your old and trusted friend Sampo! I was waiting for you all the time in front of Natasha's clinic and you never came!

-Oh, so you were our real guide? I already thought it was weird why Hook looked so confused at first.

Seele commented without caring too much about the misunderstanding.

-*Sigh*. Miss Seele, why is it so hard for you to trust me? Just so you know, I know how the gate mechanism works. Don't think that just anyone can enter here as they please; to access Chief Svarog's territory you need to be certified....

-Well, it's my turn to try!

Hook interrupted Sampo out of nowhere; for some reason, his figure looked strangely confident.

-Open sesame!

-Miss Hook, I doubt if being you will change anything....

In the middle of Sampo's sentence, the gate opened....


-Hujuju~! Did you see? This is the true power of the Great Hook of Darkness!

-As expected of Hook! You're awesome!

March congratulated loudly.

-Long live the Great Hook of Darkness!

Stelle celebrated as well.

-In the end Hook was more useful than you.

Seele commented to Sampo coldly.

-I can't believe it, did the magic word really work?

Dan Heng began to question his beliefs?

In an attempt to regain everyone's confidence (which there never was), Sampo tried to inspire us with sensible words.

-That's all right. Just a word of warning: the area ahead is uncharted territory. We have to be very careful...

-We must make things clear to Svarog. Let's go!

March of course completely ignored Sampo's words and led the group to take us forward.

-Hey... did anyone hear what I just said?

After going through a path as dangerous as the edge of a cliff?

-A door? Arg! How could there be another door?

Seele couldn't resist complaining aloud.

-Judging by the structure, it's more complex than the previous door....

Bronya commented.

-Sampo, what does this mean? Huh? Where is Sampo?

When we all turned around looking for Sampo... the bastard was nowhere to be found.

-Where did that vermin go? He was here a moment ago!

March's vocabulary was always so offensive...?

-*Sigh*. We're used to it by now...

Dan Heng complained with his arms crossed.

-There's no choice, once again the Great Hook of Darkness will have to demonstrate its true power! Open sesame!


This time it didn't open...

-Luckily I have my drill with me.

-Wait Hook!

I immediately stopped Hook, it would be bad if this girl got in trouble with Svarog; although I'm sure Clara will protect her, better safe than sorry.

At that moment, an Automaton Beetle appeared in front of us....

[Visitors of Chief Svarog detected. Initiating... protocol. Commencing... scanning... verifying. Certification failure. Individual without access permission]

-Wow, he rejected us before we even had a chance to try anything. Is this how it feels to be sent to the friendzone?

-Friendzone? What are you talking about?

Bronya questioned my words, she really can't understand a joke.

-Nothing, don't worry about Nadie. He's always random like that.

March commented exhausted.

[Permission denied. Request Clara's permission to visit.]

-Clara? The girl we saw at the main mine? She's the one in charge of giving permission? Who is she really?

-She is a relative of Svarog.

Stelle responded to March's doubt.

-Relative? I don't understand...

When the word "family" was mentioned, March looked very lost and somewhat distressed. It was probably due to her lack of memory.

-You don't need to understand, March.

I explained in a soft voice to March.

-The only thing you need to know is that the Astral Express will always be on your side.

-Astral Express...?

When my explanation touched a sensitive emotion in March, Stelle nodded her head at my words and Dan Heng didn't deny it either.

-If the worst comes to the worst, you can rest assured that I'll always be there for you, March. After all, you're too much fun to bother~ It would be a shame to lose a great source of entertainment~.

-And here I was about to get emotional and swallow your words.....

March muttered somewhat disappointed for some reason....

But I didn't lie, I'll seriously be there if anything happens. Of course, I won't say this out loud because I'm afraid someone will mistake friendship for romance.

-Anyway, let's go find Clara. I don't know if this will work, but it's okay to try.... Where is Clara right now?

Dan Heng said, bringing our attention back to the main topic, to which the robot replied with a recording. According to the recording of the Automaton Beetle, Clara mentioned going alone to Villarremache to find spare parts to repair the broken power core bearing.

-Again there? But we just got back... Looks like we'll have to go again.

Seele was especially worried as that area is completely corroded by the Fragmentum, it's full of monsters.

Come to think of it, I didn't go there yet. This is the perfect opportunity to activate the Space Anchors.

Without further ado, we head to Villarremache.
