Chapter 33: I am an alien

-Hook, why did you come with us? This place is too dangerous, go back now!

-But I'm worried about Clara too, big sister Seele!

-It's okay, you two stop fighting. I'm here so it's okay.

Stelle stepped in between the two to stop the conflict.

-That's right, the Astral Express group is here to help, there's nothing to worry about. More importantly, this place is huge, how will we find Clara?

March questioned, ending the dispute between Seele and Hook.

-About that, you can leave it to me.

I interjected into the conversation with a confident tone.

-You? Really?

-Hey, watch your words March, I'm more amazing than you can imagine. I simply refrain from using my powers for Stelle's sake.

-Whatever you say.

March feigned disinterest but you could obviously see curiosity in his eyes, Bronya and Seele were curious about my words but didn't question anything, there is something much more important to deal with now.

Using my Talent belonging to the Path of the Hunt, I used Hunter's Eyes to scan all of Villarremache in a matter of minutes. Unlike Skills, Talent consumes much less stamina, that's why I'm willing to intervene. Besides, a little girl's life could be in danger, I have no problem with tiring myself out a bit if it means saving a pure and innocent life.

-I found something, follow me.

Leading the group, we traveled several paths, encountering some monsters along the way, we defeated them immediately to reach our destination as soon as possible. And there it was...

-Isn't that the robot that followed Clara everywhere?

Bronya questioned when she saw a completely destroyed Automaton Beetle.

-... Those pieces of junk are all the same, how can you tell them apart?

-Shhh, it looks like he's going to say something....

Bronya shushed Seele when she heard the robot utter a strange sound....

[Initiating self-repair module... Failure to start... Clara... in danger... I must... protect her... Workshop... enemies... must eliminate...]

Stelle didn't wait any longer, she ran out without warning to the workshop and we all immediately followed her without question.

-I see her! It's an Outer Space Fire and there's Clara!

I shouted as I had the advantage in sight thanks to Hunter's Eyes.

-Oh no, we have to hurry!

Hook got nervous at the bad news.

-Let's hurry!

Seele ordered and she disappeared leaving a trail of butterflies.

Thanks to Seele's hasty entrance serving as a surprise attack, the Outer Space Fire was severely wounded. Plus the numerical disadvantage...

-Disappear among the sea of butterflies, illusions of the past!

-This sanctuary, it is but a vision.... Break!

Wow, now that was a Path of Hunt combo.

The Outer Space Fire has a weakness towards the Quantum element, plus Dan Heng's attack, the enemy was exterminated without a chance to react.

The combo attacks demonstrated were the Ultimate Abilities of Seele and Dan Heng respectively: Rampaging Butterfly and Ethereal Dream.

-Are you all right, Clara, did it hurt you?

Seele held Clara's shoulders and checked her body thoroughly.

-Thank you all! Hook, you came too! I'm fine, just a few scratches.

-Thanks to the Aeon, Clara is fine.

Clara's confirmation relaxed Hook and Seele, she let out a deep sigh of relief.

-You can't go out there by yourself, it's too dangerous! What did you come here for?

-One of the base's power supplies broke down. If I don't fix it quickly, everyone in the colony will suffer the consequences. I knew there was a workshop here, so I came to take a look. I found all the spare parts I needed, and then I stumbled upon that monster.... They saved my life... I'll tell Mr. Svarog about it.

-We happen to want to see him.

I intervened in the conversation.

-Eh? Do you have an urgent matter to discuss with Mr. Svarog? I can give him the message...

-I'm sorry to say but that won't work, we need to see him face to face. Can you take us to where he is?

-But... Mr. Svarog doesn't like to talk to other people, especially if they're from Wildfire...

-That's good, since the 4 of us don't belong to Wildfire.


My statement took Clara by surprise.

-There are 5 of us, I don't belong to Wildfire either! The Great Hook of Darkness belongs to The Moles!

-You heard her.

Despite the explanation, Clara showed her doubts.

-I know they work hard for the people of the Underworld, but Mr. Svarog does not trust human emotions. He only believes in the results of his calculations. He doesn't care about people's wishes at all, he only follows logical judgments. That is why I cannot take you to talk to him.... If your meeting with Mr. Svarog provokes a fight, someone will get hurt. Maybe even someone who just happened to be passing by....

What a thoughtful little girl... May I adopt her?

-According to the result of Mr. Svarog's calculations, the strength of the inhabitants of the Underworld is not enough to avoid disaster. His plan is to keep the people down here away from the source of the misfortune so that they can survive a little longer....

-Clara, let me tell you a secret. We don't belong to this world, do you understand what that means?


-We are a new variable, Svarog's previous calculations are no longer feasible. We can save Belobog.

-Huh?! I'm a new variable?! I... I'm Belobog's savior?!

Hook's sudden cry of surprise left everyone speechless.

-I'm sorry Hook, I don't want to destroy your illusions but I'm talking about the 4 of us. Dan Heng, March 7th, Stelle and I come from other planets.


Hook got discouraged when he heard my explanation. I'm really sorry...!

-P-please don't treat me like a child! Those stories are just stories made up by adults, I know....

-Clara, I'm not lying to you. I'm an alien.


For some reason, my statement sounded even more absurd to Clara's ears after my last comment...

-How anticlimactic...

-Silence March.

No need to rub salt in the wound....

-Nadie tells the truth. I believe him.

Bronya had no choice but to intervene when she saw that the conversation was not taking the desired course.

-Big sister Bronya, really?

-I know how you feel, Clara. You want new hope for the Underworld, but you're not willing to let anyone suffer in the process, are you? I harbor some doubts too, but let me tell you that March, Dan Heng, Stelle and Nadie are the new hope this world needs.

Hearing Bronya's encouraging words made all of us smile, including Dan Heng.

-Let them meet with Svarog and we will see if the results of the calculations change or not. Neither you nor he loses anything by trying, right?


Clara hesitated again.

-You saw how strong we are.

The confidence in Stelle's words helped Clara to make a definite decision.

-... All right. I'll take you to see Mr. Svarog.

-Really? How nice!

March celebrated aloud when he heard that Clara would cooperate.

-Yes, now I understand. It would take me alone a long time to change Mr. Svarog's mind. Even if I get older, I might not succeed. During that time, people will become angry, lose their homes and there will be a lot of conflicts... just like before in the Main Mine.

The maturity shown by this child at her age is impressive.... What do I do? I'm starting to feel a little ashamed of myself....

-I don't want that to happen. If you think you can convince Mr. Svarog, I have to be brave too. Come with me.

-Before we go, Clara, can I kiss you?


Clara shouted very surprised at my request. This made March look at me with dead fish eyes....

-Waaah... Nadie is a pedophile.

-Silence March! I talk about the cheek, I mean the cheek! And you Stelle put down that cell phone! 911 won't answer you in this place!

God, Clara moved me so much I felt the need to hug her, now you can't even give a kiss on the cheek to a little girl in peace?!

-Hook, be careful with Nadie, he might defile you. Come, hide behind me.

-Kyaah! Nadie will defile me! By the way big sister Seele, what does defile mean?

-Seriously Seele?!
