Chapter 39: Attack plan, phase 1

*Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...*

-What's going on?!

On the first line, Gepard despaired as he heard explosions echoing from all directions.

-Captain Gepard! Explosions can also be heard coming from the Administrative District!

-That damned criminals, what catastrophe are you doing now?! -Listen carefully Crinargenta Guard, we will divide into 3 groups! The biggest one will head to the Administrative District to ensure the safety of the civilians! The other two groups will go to investigate the affected points! Let's go!

----------Yes Captain!

---Separation line---

Operation Coup d'Etat began.

The 8 squads split up and each fulfilled its designated role.

-Out with the tyranny of the Demon Queen Cocolia!

------Death to Cocolia!

-Long live the legend of the Galactic Bat!

------Long live the Empress of the Galactic Bat!

Location: Administrative District.

-Stelle, get down from there, it's too dangerous!

March became concerned as he saw Stelle screaming and waving his bat standing on top of the Foreverwinter Monument.

-Don't worry March, this is part of the plan! Everything is part of Nadie's plan! Even the consequences we will suffer after this Coup is part of Nadie's plan! It means we can do all the chaos we want! Wahahahahahahahahaha! Bring more trashcans, guys! We'll decorate this structure properly!

--------Long live the Empress of the Galactic Bat!

-Please, somebody stop her.....

March felt very bitter to see Stelle sullying Belobog's culture.

-Why are there underworlders here?! And what are you doing to the Foreverwinter Monument?! Stop it right now!

To March's luck, Pela and a group of Crinargenta Guards arrived to stop the chaos.

-You criminals, I can't believe you tricked the Lowfolk into provoking a rebellion in Belobog! The Supreme Guardian was right, you're all a menace! Crinargenta Guard, arrest them all!


Under the orders of Pelageya Sergeyevna, the Crinargenta Guards mobilized to arrest the convicts.

-Wahahahahahahahaha! Come if you dare! This Galactic Bat will teach you all an unforgettable lesson!

---Separation line---

-March just sent me a message, it seems that Assault Squad 4 was able to successfully attract attention.

-Nadie, will they both be all right?

-Don't worry, Serval. Believe it or not, those two are an unstoppable duo.

With the safety of the citizens as a priority, the main force of the Crinargenta Guard will have no choice but to protect the Administrative District.

-Our next obstacle is...


[Clara: Clara here, Mr. Svarog is confronting Captain Gepard in the Backwater Pass as predicted by big brother Nadie! (☉д⊙)!]

-While Squad 4 led by Stelle is in charge of holding off the main forces in the Administrative District, Geppy will take a small squad to investigate Remnant Pass for fear that the Fragmentum monsters will herd into the safe zone due to the explosions. There Svarog will catch my brother by surprise, won't he? Your plan is going perfectly, Nadie!

-That's only the first phase, Serval.

With Svarog and his robot minions who do not fear death, holding Gepard and the Fragmentum monsters there without generating human sacrifices becomes more possible. Since robots are not afraid to sacrifice themselves, that battlefield is perfect to be led by Svarog, a place where danger could come from any side.

As for why Clara also went there, her presence alone will be enough to intimidate Gepard. That noble man of upright personality will no doubt believe that Svarog is taking her hostage, and that will give us a great advantage. wahahahahahahahah!

[Dan Heng: Squad 2 arriving at the Crinargenta Guard Restricted Zone].

[Sampo: Squad 1 also, we are entering the Crinargent Guard Restricted Zone. Kukuku, it's amusing to see how Miss Seele takes so long to write a message].

[Seele: Stop mocking me, Sampo!]

[Oleg: Support squad 1 arriving, we will operate the mechanical bridge.]

While assault squads 3 and 4 hold back the largest amount of enemy forces, the fastest members of the group, Seele and Dan Heng, will march directly towards the Estelaron. By taking two different routes, this will make it even more difficult for the Crinargenta Guards to catch them.

[Hook: This is the Great Hook of Darkness! The traps we have set in the Administrative District have trapped many Crinargent Guards! We also blocked the roads so the civilians can't enter, big brother Nadie!]

[Nadie: Well done Hook.]

[Seele: Nat, we need your help! We're up against a pretty capable Crinargent Lieutenant and now there's wounded!]

[Natasha: The medical team will be here in a minute, hang in there Seele.]

So far, everything is proceeding as expected.

What's next is...

-Are you ready, Serval?


-Well, then let's take Pela by surprise and get her on our side.




Of all the squads, the largest is Assault Squad 4 led by Stelle, made up of over 100 volunteers; after all, the Administrative District is the enemy's main base.

My medical squad is less than 10 of us since the few with medical knowledge in the Underworld are less than 20.

While my squad took care of healing the wounded, Serval and I stepped forward to intervene in Stelle and Marzo's fight against Pela and the Crinargenta Guard.

-Pela, surrender to us or else I will reveal the end of the sequel to the "Story of the Snowy Lands"!

-What?! A sequel was written?! You damned criminal, how dare you use such vile tricks?!

My unbelievable entrance made Pela tremble with horror.

-Wait, Serval?! Why are you with them?!

-Ahahaha... Sorry Pela, it's hard to explain but I'd like you to take a second to listen to my explanations.

-I'm sorry too Serval, after what they did, it's hard for me to listen to explanations too. Everyone will first have to be arrested, then I will listen to what they have to say.

-As responsible as ever, as expected from my drummer.

Serval took out her guitar and Pela answered pointing her guns at her.

-Should we help her?

Stelle approached me asking that question.

-Don't worry about Serval, you and March go deal with the other Crinargenta Guards.

-All right.

While everyone is busy doing their own thing, I go to the most injured to treat them with Drop of Life. I need to save as much energy as possible, so I limit myself to healing only the most injured.

Serval confidently assured that she could convince Pela, so I will entrust that role to her. The problem is Gepard, if Pela sides with us, convincing him will become easier.


Note from the author:

Shit, I just realized now that I forgot about Luka.

In my defense, the dude is so forgettable that nobody would remember him unless you played the Xianzhou Luofu Combat Stellar Skills ceremony event.
