Chapter 40: Attack plan, phase 2

-Listen to me carefully Pela, Cocolia is being manipulated by the Estelaron!

-Estelaron? I don't know what you're talking about Serval, but you won't persuade me with any excuse until you go behind bars!

-How stubborn can you be?!

Serval's electric guitar has the ability to generate strong electric shocks, his specialty is DoT (damage over time); meaning that, the more time passes, the greater the damage accumulated on Pela. Of course, this only applies if the attacks hit the enemy.

As for Pela, her weapons have the ability to freeze, she is a debuffer, she specializes in weakening her enemies.

Neither of them specialize in generating direct damage; of course, that's in the game.

In real life, the concept of turns does not exist; just as Svarog was able to make use of his Overcharge Notice ability with the simple requirement of waiting a few seconds proves that the game only serves as a reference in reality.

Not being restricted by the game's fighting rules, the showdown between Serval and Pela is much more exciting than expected.

-Time to rock and roll!

Serval played his electric guitar and a bolt of lightning struck in Pela's direction, she narrowly managed to dodge the attack and the ground shattered into cobblestones.

-Introducing commands.

Pela's Frost ability has the ability to remove a positive effect from its target. To counterattack, Serval also uses his ability: Dazzling Lightning.

-Turn up the volume!

A thunder and lightning strike each other, the excessive charge of energy causes a loud electrical explosion, the shockwave cracks the ground all over. The fight between the two of them is drawing too much attention, some Crinargenta Guards, miners and wanderers even stopped to take a look.

-I know you've noticed Pela! Just think, the absurd decisions Cocolia has made in the last few years has claimed too many lives!

-That's not reason enough to bring chaos to the Overworld!

-It isn't?! I recently visited the Underworld and discovered the pitiful life they suffer! Cocolia abandoned and locked the Underworlders in that cage known as the Underworld and left them to their fate!

-The Supreme Guardian made that choice for the greater good!

-Can you say the same thing when the Fragmentum has already corrupted the Underworld and no Underworlder has the protection of the Crinargenta Guard?!


At that moment, the battlefield fell silent. The Crinargenta Guards felt incapable of fighting...

-What did you just say...?

-The Underworld was corroded by the Fragmentum...?

-All this time we were ignoring citizens in danger without even realizing it...?

Ironically, no Crinargenta Guard was to blame, they were all fooled by Cocolia's sweet words.

Seeing that everyone was now willing to listen, I stepped forward to speak.

-The Stellaron is a mysterious object also known as the "Cancer of all worlds", the Eternal Ice that has been ravaging your world for the past 700 years, the Stellaron is to blame for everything. Even the Fragmentum, the Fragmentum monsters and the deterioration of your world, it's all because of the Stellaron.

-What are you...?

-Do you remember the day we came to this world and Cocolia ordered our arrest? It just so happens that this raccoon here found confidential documents related to experiments with the Stellaron.

I pulled Stelle's arm and leaned her head against me. On Stelle's head rubbed several question marks.

-Since she was young, Cocolia was being mentally attacked by the Estelaron, she was brainwashed since she was a little girl. Now do you understand the seriousness of the situation and the reason why we were framed out of nowhere? We discovered Cocolia's secret and she tried to silence us. If you do not cooperate with us now, Belobog will really disappear. Even Bronya is cooperating with us.

-Commander Bronya?!

I pulled out a letter to prove the truth of my words; when Pela read it, her eyes widened in shock.

-Will you cooperate?

Pela bit her lips hard, all the Crinargenta Guards were silent, waiting for the answer from their current leader. The decision is in your hands.

-Crinargenta Guard, stop the attack! -We will go with the Supreme Guardian to check if what these outsiders said is true or not!


We all let out a sigh of relief, as for the miners and the wanderers, they started to party from happiness. It's still early for that but I won't spoil this morale boost.

-Well, if possible Pela, I would like your group to split in two. One group to head for the Crinargenta Guard Restricted Zone and stop the attack on our allies who are heading to seal the Stellaron, and you come with us to the Backwater Pass to convince Gepard to join us.

-...All right. About the explosions.

-Don't worry, most of them were fakes. Only a few of the ones outside the Administrative District were real to scare you guys.

-*Sigh*. That's good to hear.

Without further ado, we got moving and headed off to fulfill our next roles.

[Nadie: Mission accomplished. Time to proceed to the next step.]

[Seele: Good job! We're already at the Passage of the Dull Echoes! We've cleared a path for them!]

[Dan Heng: Same here. There are some wounded but none dead.]

[Natasha: I also treated the wounds of some Crinargenta Guards so don't worry about anything.]

Well, everything is going so perfectly that it even scares me.

-Stelle, March, you guys head to Everwinter Hill with the others too! We'll catch up with you later!

-Don't you dare be late!

-Don't worry, I plan to watch the final fight no matter what the cost!

So, Medic Squad 2 along with Pela and some Crinargenta Guards accompanied us to the Backwater Pass.




-Ugh! As expected from the captain of the Crinargenta Guard, I'm still no match for you, Gepard!

-Your name is Luka, right? You're not bad yourself, but you still have a lot to learn!

With a strong blow of his shield, Gepard sent Luka flying.


-Big brother Luka!

Clara shouted worriedly and Svarog caught Luka using an Auxiliary Robotic Arm.

-Captain of the Crinargenta Guard Gepard, your strength is undoubtedly formidable. Unfortunately, you are being used without even realizing it.

-I don't want to hear that from an automaton.

As Svarog and Gepard were about to confront each other, a shout interrupted them.

-Geppy, stop!


-*Sigh*. Looks like we're just in time.

-Big sister Serval, big brother Nadie!

Clara was excited to see us arrive. Gepard was perplexed to see Pela and some Crinargenta Guards on our side.

-Serval... Pela... You joined the rebels...? How could you...?

-Shut up you silly little brother! You'd better listen to what I have to say or I'll make you pay dearly!


Gepard kept silent. The fate of a younger brother is always to be abused by his older sister....

I gave Bronya's letter to Serval for her to explain. After a minute...

-This letter undoubtedly belongs to Miss Bronya....

-If you understand, come with us. What is about to happen on Everwinter Hill will be historic. Every soldier, no matter how insignificant, we need everyone's cooperation.

I intervened when I saw that Gepard had also opened his eyes.

-All right, I'll go with you. But the rest of the Crinargenta Guards will return to the front line in case of any enemy attack.

-No problem. Although the biggest obstacle is on Everwinter Hill, we can't neglect the other defensive points either. If everyone is ready, let's get moving.

Under my orders, support squad 2 led by Hook also stayed in the Administrative District to defend, I also sent Clara and some tramps there to help; of course, that was just my excuse for them to stay behind. The fight that is about to break out on Everwinter Hill is too dangerous to take them after all.

So, Medic Squad 2, Assault Squad 3, Pela, Gepard and a few more Crinargenta Guardsmen, we all head straight for Everwinter Hill.


Author's Note:

I know, I put Luka in out of nowhere and yes, my bad. I completely forgot about him so ignore the fact that he was so forcibly inserted into the story.

He currently belongs to Assault Squad 3 led by Svarog.
