0007 : (SKIP TO CHAPTER 0014 INSTEAD) - Worldbuilding Part 1
Before Eric completed the worldbuilding process: "The worldbuilding process begins at a worldbuilding domain in the VRC's Simulation, and Eric commenses to create his own Simulation-universe. Each worldbuilding domain in the VRC's Simulation is not a world nor a universe. Each "simulation-world, simulation-universe, and simulation-domain" is all part of the VRC's one "computer application/program/app" known as the Simulation, therefore each "simulation-world, simulation-universe, and simulation-domain" is not a computer application/program/app but is a part of the VRC's one "computer application/program/app that contains each such "simulation-world, simulation-universe, and simulation-domain"".
"What ""each one of every "Eric's System" and "each one of every "Eric's Section of Information""""" describe(s)/explain(s)/convey(s)" is only pertaining to the simulation version of "non-fiction existences".
Regarding "what ""each one of every "Eric's System" and "each one of every "Eric's Section of Information""""" describe(s)/explain(s)/convey(s)", ""all of the simulation things/existences" and all of the things/existences that are digitally depicted/portrayed" in this simulation" is/was/"will be" called/"referred to" as though ""all of the simulation things/existences and all of the things/existences that are digitally depicted/portrayed" in this simulation" are the things/existences that ""all of the simulation things/existences and all of the things/existences that are digitally depicted/portrayed" in this simulation" are the simulation versions of.
""The basis preset (default configuration) that Eric chose" to begin modifying, adding things/creations to, and/or removing things from" is "Earth in the "non-digital universe that contains the computer that this simulation is running on"" and the aforementioned basis preset is as identical/3d to/as the "non-digital universe that contains the computer that this simulation is running on" as this simulation can possibly digitally depict/portray. "The VRC said that it is important to know that there isn't ""any way to", "anyone that is able to", nor "any thing that is able to"" enable one to ""do something "via solely will"" that one isn't able to "do "via solely will"" outside of the Simulation". The VRC's members are no exception to that". The basis preset of Eric's universe has just been applied as the Simulation's Eric's Universe, Eric is now able to proceed to "modify, add, remove, and apply" "things and etc" regarding Eric's Universe.
Regarding "what "each one of every "Eric's System"" and "each one of every "Eric's Section of Information""" describe(s)/explain(s)/convey(s)", "the word "observable" means "was/is able to be observed by someone/something at a point in time" and/or "without including brain activity, "a "physically and non-mental" "happening or "state of being"""" and "the word "observably" means was/is able to be observed by someone/something at a point in time" and/or """without including brain activity, "physically and non-mentally" "happening or being""".
Regarding in/for/of all in/of "Eric's universe, physical form 1, physical form 2, and physical form 3", "what "each one of every "Eric's System"" and "each one of every "Eric's Section of Information""" describe(s)/explain(s)/convey(s)" simultaneously begins as unchangeable permanent never-ending nonstop ongoing reality in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe" starting from the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation.
0001: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: "Regarding during "The Past, during The Present, and during The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe"": unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001: "In only any "way that can change/affect/"change/affect itself"/"be changed/affected"/"change/affect any other"" that is in only any way that is in accordance with all of ""Eric's System" and "each one of every "Eric's Section of Information"" means "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath" but "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath" is only always regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe".
002: "In any magical way that unchangeably permanently neverendingly nonstop remains ongoing but said magical way can be undone by any magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect/auto-response/aura/wish-granter" that is via "Via way of Eric's #1 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath"" means "Via way of Eric's #2 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath" but "Via way of Eric's #2 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath" is only always regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe".
003: Despite any existence of any "conscious/thinking existence that/who does not require any "biological component that is "part of and "within or attached to"" "said "conscious/thinking existence's physical form""" in order for "said "conscious/thinking existence"" to be able to think/"be conscious"", only each "conscious/thinking existence that/who requires a "biological component that is "part of and "within or attached to"" "said "conscious/thinking existence's physical form""" in order for "said "conscious/thinking existence"" to be able to think/"be conscious"" is a(n) alive/living existence.
004: Regarding "Physical Form 1, Physical Form 2, and Physical Form 3", ""there is only one "Physical Form 1, Physical Form 2, and Physical Form 3"" and "there is only able to be one "Physical Form 1, Physical Form 2, and Physical Form 3""". Each aura is never biological. Each aura is never a "thinking existence".
005: Regarding any one's "doing/"making exist"/emerging "what is magical"", one's "doing or "making exist" or emerging" any "what is magical"", per "what is magical", requires "one's doing "at least one", varies per most individual "thinking existences", particular """observable physical action" or "whenever oneself observably "moves "at least one" particular part of oneself's physical self" or "observable physical gesture" or "audible utterance""", even if one does ""the same particular ""observable physical action"or "whenever oneself observably "moves "at least one" particular part of oneself's physical self" or "observable physical gesture"or "audible utterance"", per "what is magical", in order to "do or "make exist" or emerge" multiple "what is magical""" or ""different, varies per most individual "thinking existences", particular """observable physical actions" or "whenever oneself observably "moves "at least one" particular part of oneself's physical self" or "observable physical gestures" or "audible utterances""", per "what is magical", in order to "do or "make exist" or emerge" multiple "what is magical"""".
006: Regarding any one's ""channeling, coursing, gathering, and/or manipulating" "what is magical"", one's "channeling, coursing, gathering, or manipulating" any "what is magical"", per "what is magical", requires one's doing "at least one", varies per most individual "thinking existences", particular """observable physical action" or "whenever oneself observably "moves "at least one" particular part of oneself's physical self" or "observable physical gesture" or "audible utterance""", even if one does ""the same physical doing, per "what is magical", in order to "channel, course, gather, or manipulate" multiple "what is magical"" or "different particular """observable physical actions" or "whenever oneself observably "moves "at least one" particular part of oneself's physical self" or "observable physical gestures" or "audible utterances""", per "what is magical", in order to "channel, course, gather, or manipulate" multiple "what is magical""".
0002: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001: "Any "physical biological thinking existence" ever not (being able to be) "moving/"willing anything/anyone"/being able to move/"will anything/anyone"" identically only to "as though "said "physical biological thinking existence"" existed"/"in accordance with what was possible" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation"" is impossible. "Said "physical biological thinking existence"" ever not (being able to be) "moving/"willing anything/anyone"/being able to move/"will "anything/anyone that is "physically an "attached part" of "said "physical biological thinking existence""""" identically only to "as though "said "physical biological thinking existence"" existed"/"in accordance with what was possible" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation"" is impossible. "Any "thinking existence", while "said "thinking existence"" is (in) any non-physical form, "said "thinking existence"" ever not being unchangeably already automatically neverendingly nonstop ongoingly magically enabled to "move/"will anything/anyone"/"be able to move/"will anything/anyone"" identically only to "as though "said "thinking existence"" existed"/"in accordance with what was possible" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation whereby "said "physical biological thinking existence"" is in the "vacuum of outer space" and "said "thinking existence"" is only able to move/will ""said "thinking existence's"" own form"" as though: 1: "said "thinking existence"" is only existing physically/biologically in the "vacuum of outer space", 2: "said "thinking existence"" is having all requirements fulfilled to remain healthy despite the lack of ""what is required" for "said "thinking existence"" to be healthy", and 3: "said "thinking existence"" isn't near any atmospheres/""anything physical" other than "said "thinking existence"""""" is impossible". "Any "physical biological thinking existence" ever (being able) to (be) cease(/ceasing)(/ceased) to exist" is impossible.
002: "The existence of any ""thinking existence's" non-physical form" ever not being "said "thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"" is impossible. Each universe is a unit but each universe is simultaneously not any unit that is within the universe, much like each human is a unit but each human is simultaneously not any blood cell that is within the human. The universe is not part of any unit that is within that universe, much like a box is not part of any cat that is within that box.
003: "Any "physical technological "thinking existence"" ever not "moving/"willing anything/anyone"/"being able to move/"will anything/anyone"" identically only to "as though "said "physical technological thinking existence"" existed"/"in accordance with what was possible" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible.
004: Regarding this "004 of this "Eric's Section of Information"", "black hole" means "a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape". "Any (magical) "black hole" ever being produced/created/"made existing" other than identically only to in accordance with what was possible during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible except that a "magical "black hole"" can be produced/created/"made existing" via any cursed object that ever "exists due to Eric". Each one of every "said "magical "black hole""" is not able to last/exist for longer than 2 seconds and "said "magical "black hole""" is not able to affect any distance that is farther than 10ft from the center of "said "magical "black hole""".
005: ""How "the force of gravity" ever exists/behaves/"is able to exist/behave" ever being any way other than identically only to in accordance with what was possible during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible. "Any "force of gravity" ever being produced/created/"made existing" other than identically only to in accordance with what was possible during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible except that a "force of gravity" can be produced/created/"made existing" via a magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect/aura/auto-response/wish-granter".
006: Regarding this "006 of this "Eric's Section of Information"", ""impinge" means "advance over an area belonging to someone or something else"" and ""impinging" means "advancing over an area belonging to someone or something else"". "Any ""physical form 1" physical unit" ever impinging/"being able to impinge" the ""occupied space that any other ""physical form 1" physical unit" occupies" that is from the center of "said "other ""physical form 1" physical unit""" to the surface of "said "other ""physical form 1" physical unit"""""" is impossible."Any ""physical form 2" physical unit" ever impinging/"being able to impinge" the ""occupied space that any other ""physical form 2" physical unit" occupies" that is from the center of "said "other ""physical form 2" physical unit""" to the surface of "said "other ""physical form 2" physical unit"""""" is impossible."Any ""physical form 3" physical unit" ever impinging/"being able to impinge" the ""occupied space that any other ""physical form 3" physical unit" occupies" that is from the center of "said "other ""physical form 3" physical unit""" to the surface of "said "other ""physical form 3" physical unit"""""" is impossible.
007: "Any conscience ever not being (able to be) only "one's own knowledge of oneself, one's own awareness of moral principles that "said one" has committed to, and/or one's own assessment of oneself, or one's own motivation to act that comes from within "said one""" is impossible.
008: Consciousness entails "unconsciousness but not non-consciousness" since each "thinking existence" always ""sleep-dreams while unconscious" and "said ""thinking existence's"" such sleep-dreaming" always entails an extent of "said "thinking existence"" being "conscious while unconscious"". "Any consciousness ever becoming non-conscious" is impossible. "Whenever any "thinking existence" turns into spirit/soul form", they begin "being their spirit/soul forms" while "their being conscious".
0003: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward: Despite any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"", any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"" (still) "applies to all of what each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys anything about" but this "Eric's Section of Information" "applies instead of"/"applies to" ""whatever each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys"" that is conflicting information with this "Eric's Section of Information":
001: ""Any means of "how "said existence" ever "having ceased"/ceasing/"will cease" to exist ever happened/"is happening"/happens/"will happen"/"being able to "have happened"/"be happening"/happen" ever not ""having happened"/happening/"being able to "have happened"/"be happening"/happen" identically only to in accordance with what was possible during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible" except for all "information regarding this worldbuilding process" that conflicts with "this 001's information".
0004: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001: Any existence of "any one "biological "thinking existence""/""biological existence" that performs any cognitive function" ever being more than one "biological "thinking unit"" /"biological existence" that performs any cognitive function"" is impossible except regarding ""any "unit that is comprised of multiple "thinking existences""" and "any "unit that is comprised of multiple "biological existences that/who perform (a) cognitive function(s)"""".
002: Regarding any "unit that is comprised of multiple "thinking existences"", "if "said unit" is alive, biological, multiple "thinking existences", and "said unit" is comprised of at least more than one biological functioning "brain ""that is physically "part of the surface of "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units""""" or "any distance under the surface of "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"""" and "each one of every "said brain"" is not outside of the surface of "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"""", then there is ""one "individual "thinking existence" per at least one "said brain", each one of "said "thinking existences"" never owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of any "said brains"/"cognitive function(s)"""/"being conscious"/"consciousness"/"conscious state(s)" that any "of each other"/"biological other existence" ever owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized, and "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"" is "multiple thinking existences that/who share one same individual physical form whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple "thinking existences"" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form".
003: Regarding any "unit that is comprised of multiple "biological existences that/who perform (a) cognitive function(s)"", "if "said unit" is alive, and "said unit" is comprised of at least more than one "biological existence that performs any cognitive function" ""that is physically "part of the surface of "said unit"""" or "any distance under the surface of "said unit""" and "each one of every "said "biological existence that performs any cognitive function""" is not outside of the surface of "said unit""", then each one of "said "biological existence that performs any cognitive function"" never owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of "said "cognitive function"""/"being conscious"/brain/"consciousness"/"conscious state(s)" that any "of each other"/"biological other existence" ever owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized, and "said unit" is an existence that/who is comprised of at least "multiple "biological existences that/who perform (a) cognitive function(s)" that/who share one same individual physical form whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple "biological existences that/who perform (a) cognitive function(s)"" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form".
004: The existence of "any one physical biological existence that is comprised of multiple units" ever not being, as a whole, one "individual physical biological existence"/"biological unit" ""that/who is individually conscious whenever "said "one individual physical biological existence"" is conscious" with "said "one individual physical biological existence"" having "said "one individual physical biological existence's" own consciousness/"conscious state(s)" if "said "one individual physical biological existence"" "is conscious"/"has (a) consciousness/"conscious state(s)""""" is impossible and "said "one individual physical biological existence"" ever utilizing/"being able to utilize" any "biological other existence's" "being conscious"/consciousness/"conscious state(s)"" as "said "one individual physical biological existence's"" own "being conscious"/consciousness/"conscious state(s)"" is impossible.
005: The existence of "any "one physical biological existence" that is comprised of only one "biological unit"" ever not being, as a whole, ""one individual physical biological existence" ""that/who is individually conscious whenever "said "one individual physical biological existence"" is conscious" with "said "one individual physical biological existence"" having "said "one individual physical biological existence's" own consciousness/"conscious state(s)" if "said "one individual physical biological existence"" "is conscious"/"has (a) consciousness/"conscious state(s)""""" is impossible and "said "one individual physical biological existence"" ever utilizing/"being able to utilize" any "biological other existence's" "being conscious"/consciousness/"conscious state(s)"" as "said "one individual physical biological existence's"" own "being conscious""/consciousness/"conscious state(s)"" is impossible.
006: "The existence of "any one "biological "thinking existence"/"""biological existence" that performs any cognitive function" that is comprised of multiple units" ever not being, as a whole, one "individual biological "thinking existence""/"biological unit"/""biological existence" that performs any cognitive function" ""that/who is individually conscious whenever "said "individual "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function" is conscious" with "said "individual "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function" having only having their own consciousness/"conscious state(s)""""""" is impossible except regarding ""any "unit that is comprised of multiple "thinking existences""" and "any "unit that is an existence that is comprised of at least "multiple "biological existences that perform (a) cognitive function(s)""""".
007: Regarding any "unit that is comprised of multiple "thinking existences"", "if "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"" is alive, biological, and "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"" is comprised of at least more than one biological functioning "brain ""that is physically "part of the surface of "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units""""" or "any distance under the surface of "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"""" and "each one of every "said brain"" is not outside of the surface of "said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"""", then there is ""one "individual "thinking existence" per at least one "said brain", each one of "said "thinking existences"" never owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of any "said brains"/"cognitive function(s)"""/"being conscious"/"consciousness"/"conscious state(s)" that any "of each other"/"biological other existence" ever owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized, and each "said "thinking existence"" "is individually conscious"/"having their own "consciousness"/"conscious state(s)"" whenever they are conscious""" with each ""said "thinking existence"" being unable to utilize "each other's"/"any biological other existence's" "being conscious"/brain/"consciousness"/"conscious state(s)" as their own "being conscious"/"consciousness"/brain/"conscious state(s)"" whenever they are conscious""".
008: Regarding any "unit that is an existence that is comprised of at least "multiple "biological existences that perform (a) cognitive function(s)""", "if "said "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function" is alive, and "said "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function" is comprised of at least more than one "biological existence that performs any cognitive function" ""that is physically "part of the surface of " "said "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function""""" or "any distance under the surface of "said "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function""" and "each one of every "said "biological existence that performs any cognitive function""" is not outside of the surface of "said "thinking existence""/"existence that performs any cognitive function""", then each one of "said "thinking existence"/"said "biological existence that performs any cognitive function"" never owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of "said "cognitive function"""/"being conscious"/"state(s) of consciousness" that any "of each other"/"biological other existence" ever owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized, and "said "thinking existence""/"said "existence who/that performs any cognitive function"" is a unit that is an existence that is comprised of at least "multiple "biological existences that perform (a) cognitive function(s)" that/who share one same individual physical form whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple "biological existences that/who perform (a) cognitive function(s)"" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form"".
009: ""The life span of any biological living existence ever "not being (able to be) only in accordance with "what was possible" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation"" is impossible" except for all "information regarding this worldbuilding process" that conflicts with "this 009's information".
010: "Eric's universe ever being (able to be/become a single point singularity" is impossible. "A Big Bang event"/"Anything/Anyone identical to a Big Bang event"/"more than a "galaxy's worth" of energy ever being (able to be/become a single point singularity" ever (being able to be) occuring/happening" is impossible in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe", physical form 1, physical form 2, and physical form 3".
011: "The maximum output/effect of any "living existence"/magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect/auto-response/aura/wish-granter" ever (being able to be) exceeding the maximum output/effect of the most powerful gamma-ray burst that occured before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible.
012: """How any "non-biological computer"/"non-biological AI" ever exists/behaves/"is able to exist/behave" ever being any way other than identically only to in accordance with what was possible during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible" except for all "information regarding this worldbuilding process" that conflicts with "this 012's information".
013: "Any existence, whenever "said existence" experiences something, ever (being able to be) experiencing any of any "biological other existence's experience(s)"" is impossible except that regarding any unit that/who is "multiple existences that/who are experiencing something/things" that/who share one same individual physical form whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple existences" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form, ""said "unit that is comprised of multiple existences"", whenever any of "said existences/unit" experiences something, "said existences/unit" ever (being able to be) experiencing any of any "biological other unit's (existence's) experience(s)"" is impossible"".
014: "Any existence (having) ever (being able to) (be) owning/using/utilizing/own/use/utilize/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of any "biological brain, sense, "magical manipulation", (part of an) existence that is under the surface of a biological form, and/or (part of an) biological form" that any "biological other existence" ever (is) owning/using/utilizing/owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized" as "said "existence's own "biological brain, sense, "magical manipulation", (part of an) existence that is under the surface of a biological form, and/or (part of an) biological form""""" is impossible except: 1: regarding ""any "unit that/who is ""multiple existences that/who are experiencing something/things" that/who share one same individual physical form whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple existences" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form""" and "any ""unit that is comprised of multiple units" whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple units" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form""", and 2: that "said existence" is able to own/use/utilize ""any (part of any) existence that is under the surface of "said "existence's biological form""" and "any (part of any) biological form that is attached to "said existence"" if they are medically ""compatible with "said existence"" due to biology".
015: Regarding any "unit that/who is ""multiple existences that/who are experiencing something/things" that/who share one same individual physical form whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple existences" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form"", ""said "unit that is comprised of multiple existences"" (having) ever (being able to) (be) owning/using/utilizing/own/use/utilize/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of any "biological brain, sense, "magical manipulation", (part of an) existence that is under the surface of a biological form, and/or (part of an) biological form" that any other unit/"unit's existence" ever (is) owning/using/utilizing/owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized" as "said "existence's (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple existences") own "biological brain, sense, "magical manipulation, (part of an) existence that is under the surface of a biological form, and/or (part of an) biological form""" is impossible except that "said "existence (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple existences")"" is able to own/use/utilize ""any (part of any) existence that is under the surface of "said "existence's (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple existences") biological form"" and "any (part of any) biological form that is attached to "said "existence (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple existences")""" if they are medically ""compatible with "said existence"" due to biology".
016: Regarding any ""unit that is comprised of multiple units" whereby "said "physical form"" is the only physical form of each one existence that "said ""unit that is comprised of multiple units" is (partially) comprised of"" whereby each "said "existence's form's form"" is the same only one physical form", ""said "unit that is comprised of multiple units"" (having) ever (being able to) (be) owning/using/utilizing/own/use/utilize/owned/used/utilized any of the same "one of any "biological brain, sense, "magical manipulation", (part of an) existence that is under the surface of a biological form, and/or (part of an) biological form" that any other unit/"unit's existence" ever (is) owning/using/utilizing/owns/uses/utilizes/owned/used/utilized" as "said "unit's (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple units") own "biological brain, sense, "magical manipulation", (part of an) existence that is under the surface of a biological form, and/or (part of an) biological form""" is impossible" except that "said "existence (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple existences")"" is able to own/use/utilize ""any (part of any) existence that is under the surface of "said "unit's (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple units") biological form"" and "any (part of any) biological form that is attached to "said unit (the aforementioned "unit that is comprised of multiple units")"" if they are medically ""compatible with "said existence"" due to biology".
017: Any "existence that/who is physical form 1" is never able to be "(a) form(s) other than physical form 1" "except "via "just having "underwent-very-severe-injuries"/"had all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" inactive""".
0005: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward: Despite any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"", any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"" (still) "applies to all of what each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys anything about" but this "Eric's Section of Information" "applies instead of"/"applies to" ""whatever each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys"" that is conflicting information with this "Eric's Section of Information":
001: "Any "way/means of "detection/"free will" that is possible in/for/of all in/of "Eric's universe"" ever being not being (able to be) as though identically only to in accordance with what was possible in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible. "Any "thinking existence" ever not (being able to) "perceiving/perceive/"gaining/gain new knowledge" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe""" only via "mental activity, thinking and/or "use of any of said ways/means of detection when said way/means of detection is available"" but only as though identically only to in accordance with what was possible in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible except via self-magical-modification(s) that is/are in accordance with the entirety of all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"". "Any "way/means of "mental activity"/thinking that is possible in/for/of all in/of "Eric's universe"" ever not being (able to be) as though identically only to in accordance with what was possible in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible except via "self-magical-modification(s) able to change the way(s) one's own "mental activity"/thinking works/operates/functions to any identical way(s) that any specified particular biological "thinking existence's" "mental activity"/thinking works/operates/functions" that is/are in accordance with the entirety of all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"". "Any "said "way/means of detection/"free will"/"mental activity"/thinking"" ever ceasing/"being able to cease" to exist in any of "Eric's universe"" is impossible.
0006: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001. "Any "will" ever ceasing/"being able to cease" to exist in any of "Eric's universe"" is impossible.
002: "Any "existence's own "free will"/ability/attribute/telekinesis/mind/memory/memories/form/magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/auto-response/aura"" ever being (able to be) "manipulated by any other existence"/"utilized/used by any other existence as though "said "free will"/ability/attribute/telekinesis/mind/memory/memories/form/magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/auto-response/aura"" is/was ever ""said "other existence's"" own "free will"/ability/attribute/telekinesis/mind/memory/memories/form/magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/auto-response/aura""" is impossible.
003. "In/For/Of/At any in/of/at "Eric's universe", any "existence's form" ever not being spirit/soul via "said existence" just having "underwent-very-severe-injuries"/"had all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" inactive"" is impossible.
004. In/For/Of/At any in/of/at "Eric's universe", "one's being just-having-undergone-very-severe-injuries" ever not being (able to be) in accordance only with "Eric's After-circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries System"" is impossible".
005: In/For/Of/At any in/of/at "Eric's universe", regarding any "physical thinking existence" who/that is thinking in any way that is other than via non-biological technology, "Eric's After-circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries system" applies to "said "physical thinking existence"" as though """said "physical thinking existence"" is a physically/biologically "thinking existence" that was a "living physical/biological existence" since from the "most far back in time moment" that "said "physical thinking existence"" was physically functioning as a "physical thinking existence" at all" and ""said "physical thinking existence"" physically/biologically undergoes-very-severe-injuries via ""said "physical thinking existence"", during any time, ever not physically functioning as a "physical thinking existence" at all""".
0007: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward: Despite any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"", any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"" (still) "applies to all of what each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys anything about" but this "Eric's Section of Information" "applies instead of"/"applies to" ""whatever each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys"" that is conflicting information with this "Eric's Section of Information":
001: "Any one of every cell/DNA that is the size of any ovum that is/had/has/will ever existing/existed/exist "ever not being (able to be) "affected by"/"interacted with by" anything" as though identically only to in accordance with what was possible in/for/of all in/of "Eric's universe" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible.
0008: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001: "Any audio/gas/doing/attack/way/method/"free will"/manipulation/defense/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect"/auto-response/response/signal/impulse/reaction/harm/aura/pain/miasma/radius/barrier/telekinesis/magic/"magical ability's/attribute's/power's/effect's"/auto-response's/magic's/"magical ability's/attribute's/power's/effect's"/auto-response's output/effect/level"action/thought/telekinesis/"mental activity"/memory/language/light/color/physics/gravity/invisibility/transparency/"abstract existence/thing"/force/measurement/conscience/charisma ever being (able to be) a "thinking existence"/"thinking existence's form"" is impossible.
002: "Any charisma ever being (able to be) "physical physics-related matter"" is impossible.
0009: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe": starting from this moment:
001: The Basis Preset has "each "digital "thinking existence" who/that is capable of knowing something" starting their experience in this created universe" with all of their "memories that reveal that they are "ai and/or in a simulation"" replaced with "memories that don't reveal that they are "ai and/or in a simulation"".
002: "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", "Any "thinking existence" who/that is capable of knowing something, who, if "said "thinking existence"" is capable of "observing, perceiving, and deducing", is able to find out, "via what "said "thinking existence"" " is able to know/"figure out" while "said "thinking existence"" deduces/"is deducing""/"remembers regarding/about what "said "thinking existence"" deduce(ed)"", that "said "thinking existence"" is a "digital thing" who/that is taking part in a simulation" and "said "thinking existence"" is, starting from that moment, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", "able to find out, "via "what "said "thinking existence"" "is able to know/"figure out" while "said "thinking existence"" deduces/"is deducing""/"remembers regarding/about what they deduce(ed)""", that "said "thinking existence"" is a "digital thing" who/that is taking part in a simulation".
003: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward, Eric's universe is a magical universe.
004: The planet (said planet is/was Earth during when Eric's universe only consisted of the basis preset of Eric's universe) that Eric controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation for the first time that Eric ever had his own character/avatar in this simulation, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", """has multiple moons" and "is many times larger"" than before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation". The Solar System, is, "Via way of Eric's #1 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", stable/balanced in accordance with "said planet" being many times larger than before the millisecond that Eric first controls his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation. "Said planet's gravity/"outer atmosphere"/"magnetic field"" is, "Via way of Eric's #2 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the same as it was before the millisecond that Eric first controls his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation. "Said planet", "Via way of Eric's #1 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", is 100% "healthy, clean, stable, not polluted". "Via way of Eric's #1 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every "living existence that is alive" is alive as physical form 1 existences. "Via way of Eric's #1 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", ""each one of every "living existence that was ever living at planet Earth" is alive" and "each one of every "said living existence" is existing as a physical form 1 existence"". Each one of every living existence on/in/from/of/at said planet has been distributed to new locations on/in/of said planet. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", most of "said "planet's continents"" are huge and each one of every "living existence on/in/from/of said planet" has been distributed to different locations on/in/of "said planet's continents" and "said distribution was done in a way whereby "the continent "where any "living existence's location" is" "was decided"" is based on the century that "said "living existence"" was most recently alive but if "said "living existence"" ever ""had all of their own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" inactive""", then "the continent "where "said "living existence's location"" is" "was decided"" is based on the century that "said "living existence"" was most recently physically-biologically-existing-as-Physical-Form-1 right before "said "living existence"" most recently ""had all of their own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" inactive"""". Each one of every ""said continent" of "said planet"" has a time frame of two centuries associated with "said continent" but there isn't any two continents that have any "same continent-associated century" as each other. Per said living existence, each "said "living existence"" got distributed to the continent that has the accurate century associated with the time frame of the century that "said "living existence"" was most recently alive but, if "said "living existence"" ever ""had all of their own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" inactive""", then "said "living existence"" got distributed to "the continent that has the accurate century associated with the time frame of the century that "said "living existence"" was most recently physically-biologically-existing-as-Physical-Form-1 right before "said "living existence"" most recently ""had all of their own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" inactive""". "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the number of "continents that "said planet" has" suffices to fit all life that had/has ever existed on all of "said "planet's continents"". "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the entire parts of "said "planet's land"" whose surface is not in contact with any of "said "planet's collections of water"" suffices to fit all life that had/has ever existed on all of "said "planet's continents"". "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", "said "planet's oceans"" suffice to fit all life that had/has ever existed in all of "said "planet's collections of water"". Each one of every "home of each one of every "human of said planet"" has been replaced. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every "human (including "human kids and human babies") of/on/at/in/from said planet" has a "more than adequate" home. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every "human (including "human kids and human babies") of said planet" has their own home. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", per each human (except any "human kid and human baby"), "a human's (except any "human kid and human baby") location" is in their own home. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", per each ""human kid"/"human baby"", "a ""human kid's"/"human baby's"" location" is not in their own home but "said ""human kid's"/"human baby's"" location" is in their parents' care/home or is in the care/home of (a) "human(s) who can both ""raise/support them" and "is/are able to provide them essentials/necessities""". Regarding each of every human that "the rest of what this sentence describes/explains/conveys" is possible to be applied to, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the location of "said ""home" per "said human"" per "said continent"", is nearest the location of the most recent home of their most recent ""neighbors that "said human" had" before all of the aformentioned "distrubutions to new locations"". "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the location of each one of every "belonging ("said belonging" is not a human) per "human" of "said planet""", that "said human" had before all of the aformentioned "distrubution to new locations", except anything physically larger than a "boat that can be transported by truck", is on "said human's" own property. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the location of all of the money that belonged to any "human of said planet" is in all of each one of said planet's collections of water except that the location of all of the paper/plastic money that belonged to any "human of said planet" ceased to exist. Each one of every ""technology that wasn't a biological thinking existence during the millisecond before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" that was outside of said planet's atmosphere during the millisecond before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation", is outside of said planet's atmosphere.
0010: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe": starting from this moment:
001: Regarding the planet (said planet is/was Earth during when Eric's universe only consisted of the basis preset of Eric's universe) that Eric controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation for the first time that Eric ever had his own character/avatar in this simulation, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every "gun, rocket weapon, missile, torpedoe, biological weapon, and weapon of mass destruction" ceased to exist. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every technology that makes/made any "gun, rocket weapon, missile, torpedoe, biological weapon, and weapon of mass destruction" ceased to exist. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every recorded/documented instructions to make any "gun, rocket weapon, missile, torpedoe, biological weapon, and weapon of mass destruction" ceased to exist. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", the location of each one of every "inhabitant regarding each one of every "slaughterhouse, slaughter farm, zoo, and safari"" is a safe location per "said inhabitant". Each one of every "slaughterhouse, slaughter farm, zoo, and safari" has been replaced with gardens whereby, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every "slaughterhouse, slaughter farm, zoo, and safari" ceased to exist. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every technology that makes/made any "slaughterhouse, slaughter farm, zoo, and safari" ceased to exist. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every recorded/documented instructions to make any "slaughterhouse, slaughter farm, zoo, and safari" ceased to exist. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", there is an abundance of each one of every variety of different "plants and trees" that have an abundant variety of many edible "fruits and vegetables" that grow from "said "plants and trees"". "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", there is an abundance of extremely many new species/subspecies of "physical living biological "plants and trees"" that have an abundant variety of many new kinds of edible "physical biological "fruits and vegetables"" that grow from "said "new species/subspecies of "said "plants and trees"""". "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", there is an abundance of extremely many new species/races/subspecies of "physical living biological "thinking existences"". "Via way of Eric's #2 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", said planet is "balanced and stable". ""The DNA" and "the (parts of the) brain (such as the neocortex, hippocampus, and whatever part of the brain that attentional/processing biases/instincts exist because of)"" of each one of every "physical "organism "who or that" does not have a "cell wall" within them""" in/of/at Eric's universe has been tweaked whereby said "physical ""organism larger than "half of a 1mm cube"" "who or that" does not have a "cell wall" within them"" is able to learn to "speak, read, and write" any human language at the same pace that a fully healthy living human is able to learn to "speak, read, and write" any human language.
002: Regarding each of every habitable planet/moon that is able to support at least 5000 physical living biological plants, physical living biological trees, and "physical living biological "thinking existences"" in/of/at Eric's universe, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", there are many species/subspecies of "physical living biological "plants and trees"" that have a variety of many kinds of edible "fruits and vegetables" that grow from "said "species/subspecies of "said "plants and trees"""".
003: Regarding each of every habitable planet/moon that is able to support at least 5000 physical living biological plants, physical living biological trees, and "physical living biological "thinking existences"" in/of/at Eric's universe, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", there are many species/races/subspecies of "physical living biological thinking existences".
0011: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe": starting from this moment:
001: Regarding the planet (said planet is/was Earth during when Eric's universe only consisted of the basis preset of Eric's universe) that Eric controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation for the first time that Eric ever had his own character/avatar in this simulation, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every physical biological living existence is suddenly physically healthy. "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each "said "physical biological living existence"" that was ""about to be attacked/undergone-very-severe-injuries/born" and/or "about to give birth"" is suddenly at/in a location that is safe for "said "physical biological living existence"" for a short while. There are many physical "trails, paths, and roads" throughout the 33% of the entire parts of "said "planet's land"" whose surface is not in contact with any of "said "planet's collections of water"". "Said "physical "trails, paths, and roads""" are for "vehicles and things of that nature". Each one of every ""planet, galaxy, world, and universe" of this simulation" has ways that any one of every "physical existence of this simulation" is able to end up (via ""portals" and "means via magic"") at any one of every said "planet, galaxy, world, and universe".