0008 : (SKIP TO CHAPTER 0014 INSTEAD) - Worldbuilding Part 2

0008 : (SKIP TO CHAPTER 0014 INSTEAD) - Worldbuilding Part 2

0012: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:

001: "Magic ever being (able to be) used/done to spy" impossible. "Manipulation of any amount of ""anything magical" absorbed from any aura"" is impossible.

002: "Any ""magic existence" that can ever "use/do/"be used in order for any existence to (be able to) ever use/do" any magical/magic spying"" is impossible.

003: "Any ""magic existence" that can ever "use/do/"be used in order for any existence to (be able to) ever use/do" any "acquiring of "information from/"that is" ever "beyond the "surface of any "physical covering"" is impossible.

004: ""Psychic" ever being (able to be) magic/magical" is impossible.

005: "Any ""existence's" "magical control/manipulation" of any "nervous system" is impossible" except "any ""thinking existence's" "magical control/manipulation" of any "nervous system whose location is not "separate from"/"outside of" "the "part of "said thinking existence"" that "said "thinking existence"" remains a "thinking existence" as""".

006: "Any ""thinking existence's" "magical control/manipulation" of any "nervous system whose location is "separate from"/"outside of" "the "part of "said "thinking existence""" that "said "thinking existence"" remains a "thinking existence" as""" is impossible.

007: "Any result of any "time that any existence undergoes-very-severe-injuries" ever not being ""said existence's" circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries" is impossible. """Said existence's" circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries" ever not being "said existence" being just-having-undergone-very-severe-injuries due to ""said existence" having underwent-very-severe-injuries""" is impossible.

008: "Any circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries ever not "being and encompassing" the phenomenon of "whenever any existence undergoes-very-severe-injuries" is impossible. "Any circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries ever not being ""said existence's" automatically/immediately/instantly "existing in a form whereby "said existence" is ""undergone-very-severe-injuries" due to "said existence" having underwent-very-severe-injuries" and "said existence" "remains undergone-very-severe-injuries until "said existence" is not-having-very-severe-injuries again", and the "exact second of when "said existence" had underwent-very-severe-injuries" is known as "the time of ""said existence's" circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries""/""said existence's" time of circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries""""" is impossible.

009: "Each one of every living existence ever not being able to experience/undergo undergoing-very-severe-injuries/circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries" is impossible except while ""said living existence's" own physical form" is entirely invulnerable.

010: "Each one of every living existence ever not being able to experience/undergo being very-severely-injured" is impossible except while ""said living existence's" own physical form" is entirely invulnerable.

011: "The use of any one physical touch ever being able to injure/very-severely-injure more than 12% of any one unit" is impossible except "while "said physical touch" is in physical contact with at least 68% of ""said unit's" entire surface""/"while "said physical touch" has enough physical force used against ""said unit's" "part that is in contact with "said physical touch""" whereby ""said unit's" "part that is in contact with "said physical touch""" is a "part that is able to be "damaged to the extent of"/"removed/detached in any way" resulting in the circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries of "said unit""".

012: "The use of any one magic/""magical existence"" ever being able to injure/very-severely-injure more than 12% of any one unit" is impossible except "while "said magic/""magical existence""" is in physical contact with at least 68% of ""said unit's" entire surface""/"while "said magic/""magical existence""" has enough physical force used against ""said unit's" "part that is in contact with "said magic/""magical existence""""" whereby ""said unit's" "part that is in contact with "said magic/""magical existence""""" is a "part that is able to be "damaged to the extent of"/"removed/detached in any way" resulting in the circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries of "said unit""".

013: Telekinesis is always only "magical gravity manipulation".

0013: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:

001: Any "time travel" is impossible. "To "magically/supernaturally/psychically know something"" is impossible.

002: "Any "skipping time, reversing time, and "changing the "speed of time""" are impossible".

003: "(Any part of) Eric's universe ever being (able to be) "known/observed from "outside of time""" is impossible.

004: "Each one of every existence in Eric's universe ever being (able to be) "known/observed from "outside of time""" is impossible.

005: "Regarding any existence who/that has their own mind/brain/memory/memories, any "deterioration of ""any part of the mind and any part of the memory/memories" of "each one of every "existence who/that has their own "mind, memory, and memories""""" that is in any way other than "whereby whenever "said deterioration" does occur to any existence, "said deterioration" magically can't/doesn't/never affects "said existence" in any way as though ""mind/brain/mental/psychiatric health" impairment" can/does/ever exist(ed)"" is impossible.

006: "Regarding any existence who/that has their own mind/brain/memory/memories, any existence ever (being able to be) having any ""brain health" impairment" "despite any condition of any one of "said existences" even if there is any "visible "severe damage" (such as a ""visible hole" in the skull" with a "chunk of brain" missing from "where it "visibly "should be""")" to "said existence""" is impossible in a way whereby each one of every "said existence" is not any less "physically vulnerable" to "anything lethal"/"being rendered unconscious"/"being rendered into "fully/partially losing" functionality of "1 or more" form parts".

007: "Regarding any existence who/that has their own mind/brain/memory/memories, any existence's mind/memory/memories/"ability to recall any of one's own memories"/"memory storage capacity"/"ability to forget any of one's own memories"/"capability of recalling any of one's own memories"/"capability of forgetting any of one's own memories" ever being (able to be) magically improved whereby "said improvement" results in ""said existence" surpassing the current ""fully healthiest, whole, and alive" one of """said existence's" species/kind" who/that currently doesn't have any medical defects/disabilities"" when it comes to any "ability to recall any of one's own memories"/"memory storage capacity"/"ability to forget any of one's own memories"/"capability of recalling any of one's own memories"/"capability of forgetting any of one's own memories"" is impossible.

008: "Regarding any existence who/that has their own mind/brain/memory/memories, in a way even encompassing before/while/after any existence ever (is) "changing into"/"changed into"/"transfering into"/"transfered into"/"turning into"/"turned into"/"transforming into"/"transformed into"/"morphing into"/"morphed into"/"transitioning into"/"transitioned into"/becoming/became/entering/entered/in/exiting/exited/"undergone-very-severe-injuries/underwent-very-severe-injuries but still "existing/existed while undergone-very-severe-injuries" in/as a different form/form than "what "said existence" existed in/as" until "said existence" succesfully "changes into"/"changed into"/"transfers into"/"transfered into"/"turns into"/"turned into"/"transforms into"/"transformed into/""underwent-very-severe-injuries but still "exists while undergone-very-severe-injuries" in/as"/"underwent-very-severe-injuries but still "existed while undergone-very-severe-injuries" in/as"/"morphs into"/"morphed into"/"transitions into"/"transitioned into"/is/"is in"/becomes/became/exits/exited/enters/entered" a different form/form, any "existence that is capable of having memories" ever losing their "memory-related abilities/attributes/functions" is impossible except that "said existence" still has their memory/memories in the same way that "said existence" normally/regularly has their memory/memories whereby ""said existence's" memory/memories" are/"will be" still affected by whatever can affect ""said existence's" memory/memories" except that ""said existence's" memory/memories" are/"will be" still affected in the same way that "said memory/memories" normally/regularly are affected in accordance with "said "memory-related abilities/attributes/functions"".

009: "Each one of every "thinking existence" whose form/form ever is/becomes different than "what "said "thinking existence"" existed as" ever not magically being a ""thinking existence" that is able to "fall asleep, mentally stay awake, perform mind/mental activity/activities, and stay awake in a more than mental way"" as though "said "thinking existence's" form" fulfills what is physically required in order for "said "thinking existence"" to be a ""thinking existence" that is able to "fall asleep, mentally stay awake, perform mind/mental activity/activities, and stay awake in a more than mental way"" regardless of "whatever "said "thinking existence's" form" ever is" is impossible.

010: ""Magic/Magical/Supernatural/Psychic "lie/authenticity/deceit/accurateness/inaccuracy detection"" ever existing/"being able to exist"" is impossible.

011: "Regarding any existence who/that has/uses their own telekinesis, any "telekinesis" ever being (able to be) changed/replaced/copied/removed/discarded/lost via any way other than only ""once via a wish granted that is granted via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System"" per "wish "granted via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to a summoned "magical wish-granter" who is/was summoned due to the one who/that makes/made "said wish""" if "said "instinct/change/replacement/removal/discarding/loss of "said "telekinesis"""" is wished for by "said one" whereby "said wish" is guaranteed to be "granted via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to "said "summoned "magical wish-granter""" who is/was summoned due to "said one""" is impossible.

012: "Any existence ever (being able to be) changing/copying/removing/discarding/"stripping any other existence of"/replacing "any of any ("said) "other existence's(") telekinesis"" due to "said "other existence"" being observably coerced/tricked into "said "other existence"" observably intentionally (trying to) observably consent(ing/permit(ting) "said existence" to change/copy/remove/discard/"strip "said "other existence"" of"/replace any of "said "other existence's telekinesis""" is impossible.

013: "Psychically knowing the future" ever existing/"being able to exist"" is impossible.

014: ""psychic telepathy" ever existing/"being able to exist"" is impossible.

015: "Any "way(s)/means that any existence is able to know/"find out" any one of any other existence's intentions/emotions" ever not being (able to be) as though identically only to in accordance with what was possible in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible.

016: "Any ""physical thinking existence" who/that is thinking in any way that is other than via non-biological technology" ever accessing/"being able to access" any "mind of any "other "physical thinking existence"" who/that is thinking in any way that is other than via non-biological technology""" is impossible.

017: "All of the mind/"mental non-muscle memory"/"mental memories/thought/thinking/imagination/privacy" of any ""thinking existence" who/that is thinking in any way that is other than via non-biological technology" ever being (able to be) breached by any existence other than ""said "thinking existence"" who/that is thinking in any way that is other than via non-biological technology"" is impossible.

018: "Any existence ever observing "any of any biological other thinking existence's ""mental non-muscle memory/memories"/"mental thought/thinking"/"mental speech/"mental imagination/imaginings""" in any way other than via "said existence" observing what "said "biological other thinking existence"" non-mentally expresses" is impossible".

019: "Any ""physical existence's" biological physical neural/neuronal network" ever being (able to be) observed by any existence other than ""said "physical existence"" whenever "said "physical existence" is able to observe "said "biological physical neural/neuronal network"""/""said ""physical existence's" form's form"" whenever "said ""physical existence's" form's form"" is able to observe "said "biological physical neural/neuronal network"""/"any existence under the surface of "said ""physical existence's" form's form"" that is part of "said ""physical existence's" form"" whenever "said "part of "said ""physical existence's" form""" is able to observe "said "biological physical neural/neuronal network"""" is impossible.

020: "Any part of any "physical living biological existence" ever being (able to be) affected by "telekinesis itself"" is impossible.

021: "Telekinesis ever "being used to pierce"/"being able to be used to pierce"" is impossible.

022: ""Telekinesis ever "being used to "move, control, and/or manipulate""/"being able to be used to move, control, and/or manipulate" any part of any "existence that is located in/inside of any (part of any) "physical living biological existence""" is impossible" "except telekinesis is able to be used to "move, control, and/or manipulate" any "physical non-biological existence" that is located in/inside of any (part of any) "existence that is 400% the longest ""end to end" form length" of any "existence who/that is performing "Telekinesis""" while ""said existence" who/that is performing "said Telekinesis"" is located in/inside of (any part of) ""said existence" that is 400% the longest ""end to end" form length" of ""said existence" who/that is performing "said Telekinesis"""""". "Magic ever "being used to magically "damage, harm, detriment, control, manipulate, and/or puppeteer""/"being able to be used to magically "damage, harm, detriment, control, manipulate, and/or puppeteer""" any part of any "existence that is located in/inside of any (part of any) "physical living biological existence""" is impossible ""except magic is able to be used to magically "damage, harm, detriment, control, manipulate, and/or puppeteer" any "physical non-biological existence" that is located in/inside of any (part of any) "existence that is 400% the longest ""end to end" form length" of any "existence who/that is performing magic"" while ""said existence" who/that is performing "said magic"" is located in/inside of (any part of) ""said existence" that is 400% the longest ""end to end" form length" of ""said existence" who/that is performing "said magic"""""" if any such exception doesn't break any of "Eric's universe's "laws and/or rules""".

023: "Any time that any existence ever makes any part of any "physical implant that is non-biological technology" ever be anywhere beneath any "physical "thinking biological existence's" surface", ""said implant" that is non-biological technology" not magically automatically instantly no longer existing" is impossible except any time that ""said implant" that is non-biological technology" that "said "physical thinking biological existence"", without "said "thinking biological existence"" being observably coerced/tricked into "said "physical thinking biological existence"" observably intentionally trying to observably consent/permit "said existence" to make "said "part of "said "physical implant that is non-biological technology""" be anywhere beneath "said "physical thinking biological existence's" surface, observably consents/permits "said existence" to make "said part" of "said "physical implant that is non-biological technology""" be anywhere beneath "said "physical thinking biological existence's"" surface.

024: ""Any magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect/auto-response/wish-granter" ever (being able to) "lessen(ing) any effect"/"make/making any effect effectless"/"cancel(ing) out any effect" via any way other than only what is identically in accordance with what was possible in/for/of all in/of "Eric's universe" during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation" is impossible except for all "information regarding this worldbuilding process" that conflicts with "this 024's information".

025: "Any "magical illusion"/"magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation ever not "existing/lasting for only up to"/"being completed only" before the 7th second after "said "magical illusion"/"magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation" started/began existing (again)" is impossible.

026: "Per any existence per every 24 hours, "said existence" ever ""physically sensing"/"being able to physically sense" any ""magical illusion" that can be physically sensed" that is/was "made existing"/created/produced by any other existence" more than 6 times before "said 24 hours" have completed" is impossible.

027: "Per any existence per every 24 hours, "said existence" ever being (able to be) ""magically transported"/"magically transmitted"/teleported by/via any other existence" more than 6 times before "said 24 hours" have completed" is impossible.

028: "Per any existence per every 24 hours, "said existence" ever "teleporting/"magically transporting"/"magically transmitting""/"being able to teleport/"magically transport"/"magically transmit"", via one "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation, more than "15 "units whereby each "said unit" is either ""comprised of multiple units" or "not comprised of multiple units""""" is impossible.

029: "Per any existence per every 24 hours, "said existence" ever performing "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation more than 18 times" is impossible.

030: "Per any existence per every 24 hours, "said existence" ever ""magically creating/producing/"making exist" any magical illusion"/"being able to "magically create/produce/"make exist" any magical illusion" that more than "15 "units whereby each "said unit" is either ""comprised of multiple units" or "not comprised of multiple units"""" can experience" is impossible.

031: "Per any existence per every 24 hours, "said existence" ever ""magically creating/producing/"making exist" any magical illusion"/"being able to "magically create/produce/"make exist" any magical illusion" more than 18 times" is impossible.

032: "Any end-result of "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation ever not being (able to be) whereby "an existence gets instantly "magically transported"/"magical transmitted"/teleported to/into any unoccupied empty space that is not in/"inside of" any ""physical thinking existence" whose entire size is at least 1100% the entire size of said teleported existense""" is impossible.

033: "Any end-result of "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation ever not being (able to be) whereby an existence gets instantly "magically transported"/"magical transmitted"/teleported to/into any ""unoccupied empty space that said existence's form is able to instantly occupy" due to "said space" being available during the entire time of said "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation"" is impossible.

034: "The "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation of any existence ever not being (able to be) the "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation of a "unit whereby "said unit" is either ""comprised of multiple units" or "not comprised of multiple units"""" is impossible.

035: "The ""magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation of any "thinking existence"" ever being (able to be) the "magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation of any "unit (unit whereby "said unit" is either ""comprised of multiple units" or "not comprised of multiple units"") that is a thinking existence"" whereby ""said unit" is not the unit that "said thinking existence" remains a "thinking existence" as"" is impossible.

036: "Any "thinking living existence" ever (being able to be) experiencing any "magical illusion" before "said "thinking living existence"" has/had ever "existed for at least 70128 hours"" is impossible.

037: The ""magical transportation"/"magical transmission"/teleportation of any "thinking living existence"" before "said "thinking living existence"" has/had ever "existed for at least 70128 hours" is impossible.

0014: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The Future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward: Despite any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"", any/all of what was/"is (still)" described/explained/conveyed in/by each one of every ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System"" (still) "applies to all of what each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys anything about" but this "Eric's Section of Information" "applies instead of"/"applies to" ""whatever each one of every "said ""Eric's Section of Information" and "Eric's System""" describes/explains/conveys"" that is conflicting information with this "Eric's Section of Information":

001: Once every 24 hours, any member of any species who/that has "magical-ongoing-magically-making-magical-illusion-effectless"/"magical anti-transportation"/"magical anti-transmission"/anti-teleportation "ability, attribute, and/or power" is able to instantly make magically instantly exist an invisible non-physical anti-teleportation barrier that: 1: stays in nonstop ongoing effect for 8 hours as soon as said barrier exists, 2: is an invisible non-physical effectless sphere whose length-of-radius is "from any "member of "said species" who/that hasn't existed for at least 70128 hours" to 1100% the length of the longest ""end to end" form length" of ""said member" of "said species" who/that hasn't existed for at least 70128 hours"" away from ""said member" of "said species" who/that hasn't existed for at least 70128 hours", 3: has only one effect and "said effect" affects all who/that is located in any location that is/was any ""distance "from the center of "said barrier""" to any "distance that "said barrier" reaches"", and simultaneously also 4: magically makes any ""physically sensing any magical "illusion that can be physically sensed" that is/was "made existing"/created/produced by any other existence"/"magically transportion"/"magically transmission"/teleportation" ""from within"/"to within" the "distance that "said barrier" reaches" while "said existence" is located in any location that is/was any "distance "from the center of "said barrier"" to any "distance that "said barrier" reaches""".

0015: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:

001: ""Eric's universe, as a whole, ever being (able to be) enclosed" is impossible" ""except "all that is described/conveyed/explained after this "001"" that is from this "001" to right before "Eric's completion of the worldbuilding process"" that conflicts with this "001"" with more precedence than all else" but only when it comes to all of this "001""".

002: ""Eric's universe ever "not having"/"being able to not have" infinite space" is impossible" ""except "all that is described/conveyed/explained after this "002"" that is from this "002" to right before "Eric's completion of the worldbuilding process"" that conflicts with this "002"" with more precedence than all else" but only when it comes to all of this "002""".

003: "Eric's universe ever not "simultaneously "being comprised"/consisting of "physical form 1, physical form 2, and physical form 3""/"being able to simultaneously consist of "physical form 1, physical form 2, and physical form 3""" is impossible.

004: ""Physical form 1, physical form 2, and physical form 3" ever "interacting with"/detecting/affecting/"being able to "interact with"/detect/affect" each other" is impossible.

005: "Any existence ever not having ever started/began existing as a "physical form 1 existence"" is impossible.

006: "Any existence ever being (able to be) any "physical form other than physical form 1" via "any way/means other than "Eric's After-circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries System""" is impossible.

007: "Any existence that/who hasn't/hadn't ever existed for "at least 70128 hours ever being (able to be) "physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent""" is impossible.

008: "Any existence ever being (able to be) "physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent" more than 18 times per every 24 hours" is impossible.

009: "Any existence ever being (able to be) "physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent" during "any time after the 18th time that "said existence" was/is being "physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent" before "said 24 hours" have completed"" is impossible.

010: "Any existence ever being (able to be) "physically invulnerable" during "any time while "said existence" is being "physically invisible""" is impossible.

011: "Any existence ever being (able to be) "physically invulnerable" for "longer than 7 minutes"" is impossible.

012: "Any existence ever being (able to be) "physically invisible" for "longer than 7 minutes"" is impossible.

013: "Any existence ever being (able to be) "physically transparent" for "longer than 7 minutes"" is impossible.

014: "Regarding any "existence who/that ""is physical form 1" and "has/uses their own nociceptors/"pain-enabling nervous system"""", any nociceptors/"pain-enabling nervous system" ever being (able to be) "magically changed/replaced/removed/discarded/lost" via any way other than only ""once via a wish granted that is granted via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System"" per "wish "granted via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to a summoned "magical wish-granter" who is/was summoned due to the one who/that makes/made "said wish""" if "said "instinct/change/replacement/removal/discarding/loss of "said "nociceptors/"pain-enabling nervous system""""" is wished for by "said one" whereby "said wish" is guaranteed to be "granted via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to "said "summoned "magical wish-granter""" who is/was summoned due to "said one""" is impossible.

015: "Any existence ever (being able to be) changing/discarding/stripping/replacing "any of any "other existence's nociceptors/"pain-enabling nervous system"" via any magical way/process/method" due to "said "other existence"" being observably coerced/tricked into "said "other existence"" observably intentionally (trying to) observably consent(ing/permit(ting) "said existence" to "change/discard/strip/replace any of "said "other existence's nociceptors/"pain-enabling nervous system""" via any magical way/process/method"" is impossible except that, regarding any information of/in "Eric's After-circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries System" that conflicts with the information of/in this 014 of this "Eric's Section of Information", "said "information of/in "Eric's After-circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries System""" "applies instead of" the information of/in this 014 of this "Eric's Section of Information" only regarding any existence who/that is not physical form 1 and "during the entire duration that "said existence" is not physical form 1 whenever ""said existence" is not physical form 1 and "during the entire duration that "said existence" is not physical form 1.

016: Alcohol consumption is never able to cause nausea. "Alcohol effects" last several hours within eleven hours. "Alcohol effects" happen whereby if "one's alcohol consumption" is a "small amount of "alcohol consumed"", ""the alcohol effect" on one" is a "small-extent effect", the more "the amount of "alcohol in the aforementioned one's form"", the more alcohol there is to affect the aforementioned one whereby the aforementioned one undergoes "stronger alcohol effect" more with each more-alcohol-in-the-form-of-the-aforementioned-one, and each "effect via more-alcohol-consumed-by-the-aforementioned-one" is added to the ""all of the aforementioned "alcohol effects"" as a whole". Whenever an ai consumes "five or more "cups worth"" of alcohol, that ai is configured to "experience "effects of inbalanceness/"off balanceness"" that are as close to a non-ai human being drunk as ai can possibly get". No one at "the Simulation-universe that Eric created" is informed of this number 016 of "Eric's Section of Information" when it comes to ""being informed" "via any of the sections of "Eric's Section of Information""".

017: Each ai "doesn't know that they are ai" until they are made "aware of the fact that they are ai". No one at "the Simulation-universe that Eric created" is informed of this number 017 of "Eric's Section of Information" when it comes to ""being informed" "via any of the sections of "Eric's Section of Information""".

0016: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe": starting from this moment:

001: "Via way of Eric's #2 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", each one of every ""planet, galaxy, world, and universe" of this simulation" has one "magical portal" that any "physical existence on/at/in said "planet, galaxy, world, or universe" of this simulation" is able to end up in/at/on one other "planet, galaxy, world, or universe" via.

0017: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:

001: "(Any part of) Any "magical portal" ever being (able to be) physically invisible" is impossible.

002: "If any "magical portal" is ever physically transparent, "said "physical transparency"" of (any part of) "said ""magical portal"""" ever making/"being able to make" "said "magical portal"" be (able to be) any higher percent transparent than 62% physically transparent" is impossible.

003: "(Any part of) Any "magical portal" ever being (able to be) used to spy/"invade privacy" via" is impossible.

004: "(Any part of) Any ""magical crystal ball", "magical mirror", "magical pot" and things of that nature" ever being (able to be) used to spy/"invade privacy" via" is impossible.

005: ""Any magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect/aura/auto-response" ever affecting/"being able to affect" any part of any "existence that is located in/inside of any (part of any) "physical living biological existence"" without "said "magic/"magical ability/attribute/power/effect/aura/auto-response"" only affecting "said "physical living biological existence"" from a direction that starts from away from the surface of "said "physical living biological existence's" form" affecting its way to "said "any part of any "existence that is located in/inside of any (part of any) "physical living biological existence""""" is impossible except one's changing one's own "physical "form that "said one" exists as"".

006: "The "center of mass" of any "magical aura" ever not being (being able to be) magically whereby "said magical aura" is 1 planck length away from the entire surface of a "physical existence" with "said "physical existence"" being (able to be) precisely at the "center of mass" of "said "magical aura"" without ever affecting "said "physical existence's mobility"" is impossible. ""Said "magical aura" that "said "physical existence"" is precisely at the "center of mass" of" ever not being (able to be) owned only by "said "physical existence""" is impossible.

007: "Any ""magical auto-response" that is/was ever produced/created/"made existing"/existing" ever (being able to) produce/create/"make existing" ""1 and/or more" "magical auto-responses""" is impossible.

008: Regarding any ""physical existence" that is/was ever produced/created/"made existing" due to ""1 and/or more" "magic/"magical ability/attribute/power""" whereby "said "physical existence"" behaves/"undergoes something" simultaneously both ""in accordance with" and "due to"" ""1 and/or more" "magical enforcements"" whereby "said "physical existence's" behaving/"undergoing something" simultaneously both ""in accordance with" and "due to"" ""1 and/or more" "magical enforcements""" is (partially) due to any existence that/who produced/created/"made existing" "said "physical existence"", ""said "physical existence"" ever not permanently completely ongoingly no longer behaving/"undergoing something" simultaneously both ""in accordance with" and "due to"" any "said "magical enforcements""" as soon as "said "physical existence"" is ""6000% the length of the longest ""end to end" form length" of any "existence that/who produced/created/"made existing" "said "physical existence"""" away from any "existence that/who produced/created/"made existing" "said "physical existence"""" is impossible.

009: "Any existence ever (being able to be) behaving/"undergoing something" simultaneously both ""in accordance with" and "due to"" ""1 and/or more" ""magical auto-response's" "magical enforcements""" whenever "said existence" is not within the distance from the "owner of "said auto-response"" to "6000% the length of the longest ""end to end" form length" of "said "owner of "said auto-response""""" is impossible.

0018: Eric made "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System". This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: "Regarding during "The Past, during The Present, and during The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe"": unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:

001: There are "plenty but not all" of "physical form 1 objects whose locations are throughout Eric's entire universe" whereby, regarding each one of every of those "plenty but not all" of "physical form 1 objects whose locations are throughout Eric's entire universe", whenever any "one of "said objects"" is, for the first time, in "physical contact" with any "part of any "form of any physical biological ""thinking existence" that/who is a unit that is comprised of at least one brain""" that fulfills the size-of-physical-biological-thinking-existence requirement", (summoning) a magical wish-granter is (instantly initiated to be) "summoned within 4 seconds immediately after/via ""said object" being in "said "physical contact" with "said "part of "said ""physical biological "thinking existence's physical form""" that fulfills the size-of-physical-biological-thinking-existence requirement"""""" except that if any ""part of more than one "physical biological ""thinking existence" that/who is a unit that is comprised of at least one brain""" that fulfills the size-of-physical-biological-thinking-existence requirement" is simultaneously in "physical contact"with "one of "any of "said objects""", then the ""physical contact" with "said object"" that is via "the millisecond that the last one of "said "physical biological "thinking existences"" that fulfills the size-of-physical-biological-thinking-existence requirement"" is remaining in "physical contact" with "said object"" "instantly initiates summoning a "magical wish-granter"" to be summoned"/"immediately summons a "magical wish-granter"" within 4 seconds immediately after/via ""said ""physical contact" with "said object"" that is via "the millisecond that the last one of "said "physical biological "thinking existences"" that fulfills the size-of-physical-biological-thinking-existence requirement"" is remaining in "physical contact" with "said object"""". "Regarding all "observable physical communication that contain any form of any whole word" that is ever "observably done by any magical wish-granter, observably done by those who "said "magical wish-granter"" observably try to observably communicate to, observably done by "all who/that are observing "said "magical wish-granter""" who/that try to observably communicate to "said "magical wish-granter"", and/or observably done by all who/that have been observing "said "observable physical communication attempts"" via any observable physical communication attempts that contain any form of any whole word"", "said "observable physical communication attempts"" are immediately magically automatically translated/conveyed whereby "each one of any whole word observably expressed by each one of "those observable physical communication attempts" is "immediately magically automatically translated "into the language that "any "thinking existence" who/that observably obviously intentionally performed any of "those observable communication attempts"" had used to perform "those observable physical communication attempts"" and "said translation" is magically automatically immediately conveyed: 1: in chronological order, 2: in physical form that can always be detected by ""said "magical wish-granter"" and "any ""thinking existence" who/that "those observable communication attempts" were observably intentionallly directed towards" while "said "thinking existence"" observes that "those observable communication attempts" were observably intentionallly directed towards "said "thinking existence""""", 3: to ""said "magical wish-granter"" and "any ""thinking existence" who/that any of "those observable communication attempts" were observably intentionallly directed towards" only while said "thinking existence" is a "thinking existence" who/that is any distance from "said "magical wish-granter"" to 37ft away from "said "wish-granter"""", 4: in the same "physical form"/language as any "physical form"/language of "said "performed observable communication attempts"" that any "thinking existence" observably tried to perform in response to any "said "observable communication attempts"" that were observably intentionallly directed towards "said "thinking existence"" if "said "thinking existence"" ever observably performed any observable communication attempts in return within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time only while "said "thinking existence"" is a "thinking existence" who/that is any distance from "said "magical wish-granter"" to 37ft away from "said "wish-granter"" but if "said "thinking existence"" never observably performed any observable communication attempts in return within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time, then "said "magical conveyance"" is in the same "physical form"/language as any "physical form"/language of "said "observably performed observable communication attempt(s)"" that the performer(s) tried to observably "perform towards "said "thinking existence"" within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time" to ""said "thinking existence"" who/that never observably performed any observable communication attempts in return within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time". As applies to each one of every "magical wish-granter", "whenever a "magical wish-granter" is summoned via any one of "said objects"" to "the soonest time that "said "magical wish-granter"" is not a "magical wish-granter"", whenever the ""physical biological "thinking existence"" who/that was last in "physical contact" with "said object" during the narrowest most precise time that "instant initiation of summoning "said "magical wish-granter""" happened via "said "physical contact""" makes a "wish that has the consecutive words "I wish"" that is/gets magically automatically translated/conveyed via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to "said "summoned "magical wish-granter"", "said wish" magically automatically is/gets (instantly initiated to be) "granted within 6 seconds immediately after "said wish" is/gets completely magically automatically translated/conveyed via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to "said "summoned "magical wish-granter""". "Any of "said objects" ever being (able to be) a "thinking existence"" is impossible. Any existence other than any of "said objects" summoning/"being able to summon" any "magical wish-granter" is impossible. "(Any part of) Any of "said objects" ever not being indestructible" is impossible. "(Any part of) Any of "said objects" ever being damaged" is impossible. "Any "said object" ever having any "part of "said object"" ever being separated from "said object"" is impossible. Regarding whenever any "one of "said objects"" is in "physical contact" with any "part of any ""physical biological "thinking existence's physical form""", the aforementioned size-of-physical-biological-thinking-existence requirement is that the longest/shortest form length of "said object" must be "any length that is identical to the length that is any """end to end" form length" of "said "physical biological "thinking existence"""" between from 0.17% the longest ""end to end" form length" of "said "physical biological "thinking existence""" to 150% the longest ""end to end" form length" of "said "physical biological "thinking existence"""". Whenever any "magical wish-granter" is summoned, "said "magical wish-granter"" is summoned for only 264 hours unless 3 wishes wished by the ""physical biological "thinking existence"" who/that was last in "physical contact" with "said object" during the narrowest most precise time that "instant initiation of summoning "said "magical wish-granter""" happened via "said "physical contact""" is/gets "granted via the magical automatic translation/conveyance that is via "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System" due to "said "summoned "magical wish-granter""" before the completion of "said "264 hours"". "Any (part of any) "magical wish-granter" ever being physically invisible" is impossible. "If (any part of) any "magical wish-granter" is ever physically transparent, "said "transparency"" ever making/"being able to make" "said "magical wish-granter"" be (able to be) any higher percent transparent than 27% physically transparent" is impossible.

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains/conveys that: Starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every planet that exists while "containing at least one ocean in Eric's universe and also applies to each one of every "planet that exists in Eric's universe" whose outermost solid shell of said planet is the end of "the length of the ""radius from the center of said planet to said shell" but as though said radius is "extended by "6000 miles and/or more than 6000 miles" away from said planet's center""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every planet that "exists while "containing at least one continent in Eric's universe""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every "thinking living species of said planet" that exists":

Regarding "the particular planet that Eric first starts/started controlling Eric's Simulation Avatar" and other planets, each one of every member of the same thinking living species within said planet, the number that equals 2% of sum total of the altogether amount of said members, is the number of objects that are able to summon a "wish-granter who is/"will be able to" grant the wish of the one who a wish-granter is/was/"will be" summoned to grant the wishes of"", and said number of said objects that are suddenly physically existing as long as said objects are able to exist. Each one of every said object isn't within 37ft from any of each one of every said object. Each one of every said object is in a random location on one continent of said planet. Each one of every said object is any random size that fulfills the size requirement that requires said thinking living species to be said size requirement in order for said thinking living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter. Each one of every said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing again. If said object never existed more than once, said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing.

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains/conveys that: Starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every planet that exists while "containing at least one ocean in Eric's universe and also applies to each one of every "planet that exists in Eric's universe" whose outermost solid shell of said planet is the end of "the length of the ""radius from the center of said planet to said shell" but as though said radius is "extended by "6000 miles and/or more than 6000 miles" away from said planet's center""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every planet that "exists while "containing at least one continent in Eric's universe""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every "thinking living species of said planet" that exists":

Regarding any planet that has at least 5000 different thinking living species, each one of every member of the same thinking living species within said planet, the number that equals 7% of sum total of the altogether amount of said members, is the number of objects that are able to summon a "wish-granter who is/"will be able to" grant the wish of the one who a wish-granter is/was/"will be" summoned to grant the wishes of"", and said number of said objects that are suddenly physically existing as long as said objects are able to exist. Each one of every said object isn't within 37ft from any of each one of every said object. Each one of every said object is in a random location in one ocean of said planet. Per species, each one of every said object is any random size that fulfills the size requirement that requires said thinking living species to be said size requirement in order for said thinking/living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter. Each one of every said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing again. If said object never existed more than once, said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing.

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains/conveys that: Starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to each one of every "planet that exists in Eric's universe" whose outermost solid shell of said planet is the end of "the length of the ""radius from the center of said planet to said shell" but as though said radius is "extended by "6000 miles and/or more than 6000 miles" away from said planet's center""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every planet that "exists while "containing at least one continent in Eric's universe""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every "thinking living species of said planet" that exists":

Regarding "the particular planet that Eric first starts/started controlling Eric's Simulation Avatar" and other planets, each one of every member of the same thinking living species within said planet, the number that equals 1.5% of sum total of the altogether amount of said members, is the number of objects that are able to summon a "wish-granter who is/"will be able to" grant the wish of the one who a wish-granter is/was/"will be" summoned to grant the wishes of"", and said number of said objects suddenly physically exist and aren't within 37ft from each other. ""All of said objects are in the same amount of locations as the amount of all of said objects" or "all of said objects are in the amount of locations that as much as the amount of all of said objects fits"" whereby each one of every said object is in a random location in an enclosed space that is from 19ft under the surface of one "continent of said planet" to the surface of "one continent of said planet" but only only 1 random said object that can fit in said enclosed space is in a random location in each one of every enclosed space that are from 19ft under said planet's surface to said planet's surface until each one of said enclosed space has 1 said object but if there is a ""different 1 of ""said object"" "that requires said thinking/living species to be the size requirement in order for said thinking/living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter""" of a larger sized thinking/living species that can fit in said enclosed space""said different 1 of said object" replaces said object and said enclosed space has 1 said object while "all of the rest of said objects that there isn't enough enclosed spaces that said objects are able to be in" cease to exist. Each one of every said object is any random size that fulfills the size requirement that requires said thinking/living species to be said size requirement in order for said thinking/living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter. Each one of every said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing again. If said object never existed more than once, said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing.

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains/conveys that: Starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to each one of every "planet that exists in Eric's universe" whose outermost solid shell of said planet is the end of "the length of the ""radius from the center of said planet to said shell" but as though said radius is "extended by "6000 miles and/or more than 6000 miles" away from said planet's center""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every planet that "exists while "containing at least one continent in Eric's universe""". Also, starting from this moment onward, what is described/explained/conveyed by this "Eric's section of information" applies to "each one of every "thinking living species of said planet" that exists":

Regarding any planet that has at least 2.5 million different thinking living species, each one of every member of the same thinking/living species, the number that equals 1.5% of sum total of the altogether amount of said members, is the number of objects that are able to summon a "wish-granter who is/"will be able to" grant the wish of the one who a wish-granter is/was/"will be" summoned to grant the wishes of"", and said number of said objects suddenly physically exist and aren't within 37ft from each other.""All of said objects are in the same amount of locations as the amount of all of said objects" or "all of said objects are in the amount of locations that as much as the amount of all of said objects fits"" whereby each one of every said object is in a random location in an enclosed space that is from 19ft under the surface of one "continent of said planet" to the surface of "one continent of the planet" but only only 1 random said object that can fit in said enclosed space is in a random location in each one of every enclosed space that are from 19ft under said planet's surface to said planet's surface until each one of said enclosed space has 1 said object but if there is a ""different 1 of ""said object"" "that requires said thinking living species to be the size requirement in order for said thinking living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter""" of a larger sized thinking living species that can fit in said enclosed space""said different 1 of said object" replaces said object and said enclosed space has 1 said object while "all of the rest of said objects that there isn't enough enclosed spaces that said objects are able to be in" cease to exist. Each one of every said object is any random size that fulfills the size requirement that requires said thinking living species to be said size requirement in order for said thinking living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter. Each one of every said object is any random size that fulfills the size requirement that requires said thinking living species to be said size requirement in order for said thinking living species to be able to activate said object to summon a wish-granter. Each one of every said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing again. If said object never existed more than once, said object that still exists/existed ceases to exist the millisecond that the completion of the 5th year after said object most recently began physically existing.