Chapter 22


As I edge away from the table, I crack my knuckles with my thumbs, keeping my gaze pinned on Warrick. I goofed around with Luna too much, and now Warrick is pissed. I hope to put off the ass-chewing that's sure to come my way for as long as I can.

"You must be tired, Luna," I say, my gaze flicking back and forth between Luna and my Alpha.

Warrick busies himself with rolling a cigarette, but I know he's tracking my every move.

"You want me to sleep here?" she says, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and setting down her empty bowl.

"Got somewhere better to go?" I ask.

"No. Now that Mama's gone…" Her voice trails off, and she sniffles.

"Head on into the bedroom, and I'll be there in a second," I say, trying to be helpful by clearing the dinner dishes.

Warrick strikes a match against the table and lights his smoke.