Chapter 23

I turn on the water and fill my hand with some of it. After slurping it into my mouth, I swirl and spit into the rust and soap-stained basin, then twist the spigot off. When I straighten, my eyes fall on Luna's pretty lips

wrapped around the handle of my toothbrush as she studiously and clumsily manhandles the brush against her teeth. A little frown of concentration pulls between her brows, and between that and the thought of my toothbrush, still wet with my spit, inside her mouth, it's all I can do not to back her against the wall and show her a few more things I can do.

"Would you look at that," I say. "You're great at that. Keep on doing what you're doing." I stare at her mouth as a little trickle of saliva escapes and trickles down her chin. I swear my dick is going to shred my shorts at any second. I'm definitely going to need a good tug session tonight.

"I guess I need to learn how to do all this kind of stuff, don't I?" Luna asks.