
Green Steve: You really went out of your way to create this Hunger Games huh?

Entity 303: For it to work perfectly, I had to take care of small details. Otherwise, the players will find some sort of loophole to get out of the games.

Green Steve: Still, why did you allow the rule to grant Players blocks? If you hadn't added that rule, they would have no way of getting obsidian. Steve would also get banned for not registering after 19 days.

Entity 303: It's not that simple. I am operating an account. And though I did create the Hunger Games, I am not immune to its rules. If I don't register before 19 days, I too, will get banned. Well by me, I mean Alex. I can only control Notch through Alex's commands. If Alex got banned, everything would fail. So I had to register before the 19 days. Since I can't exit the barriers once I register, I could not have attacked Notch. Well, now some player added the rule to exit the barriers while continuing the game, but I didn't think of that. Hence I had to attack Notch before registering. If the players decide not to register and guard Notch instead, I won't be able to get him. So I had to motivate the players to register as soon as I could. A chance to get Steve back was the only way I could ensure they would register.

Green Steve: But you could have gotten Notch even if you got banned by accessing a new account. I thought you can use previous player's commands.

Entity 303: I have to code them inside the new account I acquired and it's difficult work. Alex's commands are especially difficult. It wouldn't have been easy. Plus it's not easy to get another backdoor access to a banned account in the first place. Anyways. We have Herobrine now and we have Notch. We have won. They can't do anything. Let's do this.

Green Steve: Lord Herobrine must first complete the bath.

Entity 303: So what is it, this bath?

Green Steve: Well all the corrupt files, viruses, and bugs I asked you to collect. The bath is the culmination of all of them. To create a pool of viruses, to corrupt Megumi's account, allowing Herobrine to completely take over him.

Entity 303: I see. He didn't need to do that with Player.

Green Steve: Player is a fool who can't do anything. He could have resisted if he tried. Instead, the fool gave up.

Herobrine appears beside them.

Herobrine: It's actually because of him. He created the modded account to allow me to take over him easily. That was his purpose after all. To act as my vessel. It's the anti-virus that kept me dormant all this time. Thanks to the bath, even that won't save him now. But you're right, Player is a fool.

Entity 303: Why don't you change to your default skin? It looks good on you.

Herobrine: There is still one thing left to do and this skin might make it more effective. Chatbot, reveal to me the location of Tsumiki.

Chatbot: Large Desert Temple, in the Desert near ChampionCity.

Herobrine: Hehe. That sentimental fool.

Green Steve: Why do you seek her out?

Entity 303: She challenged him. But must you fight her?

Herobrine: I don't want to leave any chances this time around. If I kill his sister with his own account, his own abilities, his own skin. Megumi will lose the will to play the game. Afterall. To secure his sister's happiness in the game is the reason he started playing. Then, I shall have nothing holding me back.

Large Desert Temple:

Yoruzu: You changed your appearance?

Herobrine: Yeah. This brat looks better.

Yoruzu: Why don't you change to your original form?

Herobrine: Why don't you?

Yoruzu: I might wanna use this skin for later.

Herobrine: Later? Hahaha. You think there is going to be a later?

Yoruzu rushes toward him and attacks him. He dodges away.

Yoruzu: You know why I chose this place right? You remember right? This is the place where I saw you for the first time. Where I met you for the first time. You won't stay away from me for long. You will understand my feelings. You will love me.

Herobrine: I never thought he would make a deal with you too.

Yoruzu: But I'm glad he did. I get to be with you. To fight you. I'll be the one to kill you. And you will be the one to kill me. The only way for us to show our love to each other.

Herobrine: I'll entertain this for as long as we're fighting, but you're a crazy person. I am not a human.

Yoruzu: Doesn't matter. You're the strongest entity of Minecraft. The undefeated. The king of mobs. To fight you, to kill you, or to die by your hands, is what I desire. That is what my love is. To get the fight that I desire. To fight is to love.

Herobrine: My time sure had some crazy players.

He spawns 3 wolves. They attack her but she flies away to dodge from them. Suddenly dispensers surround Herobrine. They fire arrows at him from all directions. He dodges all of them by jumping above. She fires arrows using her own bow and he dodges them as well.

Yoruzu: Wait. Why are you using that brat's commands? Fight me with your own abilities.

Herobrine: I won't use them. (I shall kill her using the brat's abilities. Only then will he drown in despair. This is what you get for challenging me back then Megumi. This is my revenge.)

Yoruzu: No way! Fight me with your own abilities. I want to die at your hands, not this brat. You think you can beat me using abilities that are not yours? You highly underestimate me.

She flies toward him at high speed and strikes him. Herobrine spawns a wolf but she kills it. She again attacks him with high speed and strikes him.

Yoruzu: Told you. You won't defeat me unless you fight me seriously. Come on. Strike me with your swords. Slash me. Come on!

Herobrine spawns a ravager. It charged toward Yoruzu who was flying toward him, smashing her to a wall. She attacks the ravager but is knocked back again. She is then surrounded by a large number of slimes. They attack her from all directions. She spawns dispensers around her and shoots arrows out of them to kill the slime. She is suddenly hit by fire charges from above. Herobrine spawned a ghast to attack her while she was distracted by the slimes.

Herobrine: Is that all your love amounts to? Is that all the fight you can give me?

Yoruzu: I'll show you all of my love.

Yoruzu starts glitching. The temple they are fighting in starts glitching. It glitches and turns everything into cobblestone. Dispensers appear everywhere.

Yoruzu: Now you'll be blown apart from everywhere. TNT, arrows, potions. All that you can imagine. Now then. Use it. Use your glitched domain as well. Override my domain and burn me through it.

Herobrine just stands there.

Yoruzu: (Why isn't he glitching the space? He will be blown apart.)

Herobrine suddenly spawns the Warden. The entire area turns dark.

Herobrine: (Good thing I tamed it before coming here.)

The warden fires a sonic boom at Yoruzu, blasting her away. It then jumps toward her and punches her. The world returns to normal as the glitched domain is destroyed. The warden continues to punch Yoruzu, ultimately killing her.

Herobrine: See Megumi. You failed to protect your sister. You killed her.

Megumi: …

Jujutsu Pros HQ:

Ui Ui: So Entity 303 and Herobrine can start the destruction of the game at any moment.

Maki: Yes. We have essentially lost.

Ui Ui: My sister wanted to apologize. Back then, we had no choice but to escape. Pseudo-Alex was about to kill us. If I hadn't teleported us away, we would have died. My sister doesn't show it, but she is embarrassed to run away like that.

Maki: It's fine. It doesn't matter now. You came to help is all that matters. It's with your help only that we were able to maintain communication with outside players.

Ui Ui: What do we do now?

Maki: The only thing we can do now. The only thing we have left. We will get Steve back.

Player: I have some ideas to save Megumi.

Jesse: Me too, but…

Maki: They all involve rendering Herobrine unable to fight.

Choso: I'll help you how to use your abilities.

Player: Thanks.

Shoko: (You once said you didn't want to be the only strongest player. You wanted to have many strong players so you're not left behind. Now there are many monsters waiting for your return. Come back, Steve.)

Everyone moves outside the HQ.

Jesse: Chatbot, use 250 points to give us 10 obsidian blocks.

Chatbot: Approved. 10 obsidian blocks granted.

They place the blocks to create a nether portal.

Jesse: We'd have 3 teams of 2 players enter and search the Nether for him. Try to find him as soon as you can.

Player: Yes.

Kevin: I feel scared to face him again.

Kirara: Yeah.

Panda: He won't do anything to you guys.

They light the portal with flint and steel. As soon as the portal is lit, the portal starts making sounds and waving.

Maki: Someone is coming out.

Player: Who could it be? We just created the portal. How can someone instantly appear in front of it?

Jesse: It's Steve.

Just when the portal stops making sound, a person appears to be stepping out of the portal but suddenly disappears.

Player: We all saw that right?

Kevin: We are seeing glitches. The game already started getting destroyed.

Jesse: …

Somewhere in the server:

Entity 303: Seriously, what are you?

Steve is standing in front of him.

Entity 303: Your friends just freed you. Instead of greeting them you came here. Not cool.

Steve: You should consider what you want to say very carefully. They'll be your last words.

Steve charges a TNT and fires it toward him. Herobrine appears in front of him and knocks the TNT away with his sword.

Steve: You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you, Megumi.

Herobrine: Do you remember what I said back then? Once I gain my freedom, I will kill you. I will make you suffer.

Steve: Man, you always say such big things. You ran away from Player. Why don't you prove your strength to me?

Green Steve: How dare you…

Steve strikes Green Steve, knocking him into a wall.

Steve: Who the hell are you?

Herobrine: You wanna fight?

Steve: (I want to kill the player controlling Alex first before fighting him but looks like the both of them are together. What a pain.) How about we do it on 24th December, BeaconTown.?

Entity 303: Special fight for Christmas Eve?

Steve: You can say so. Alex told me she started playing this game on Christmas Eve. I want Christmas Eve to be the day her account plays this game for the last time as well. The day I fight him is the day I kill you.

Entity 303: You think you can beat him? You'd lose.

Steve remembers the conversation he had with Player.

Player: If Herobrine fought you at 100% power, what would happen?

Steve: If he were to gain all of his strength, it might give me some trouble.

Player: But would you lose?

Steve: Nah, I'd win.