BeaconTown Showdown - Part 1

Green Steve: This is the last totem, my lord. I apologize for finding them so late.

Herobrine: It's fine. He spread them across the server for safekeeping. I'm finally whole again. I bet that Steve must have done quite some prep to fight me. I hope he isn't scared.

Green Steve: He would be if he was in his right mind. (I can't believe he made me look like a fool in front of lord Herobrine.)

Herobrine: I'm more surprised by Entity 303's acceptance. I thought he would be impatient about starting the destruction but he agreed.

Green Steve: The destruction is on your hands. He knows if he has to get what he wants, he will have to listen to you. Besides. He is confident that you will win. He waited all these years. He can wait a little longer.

Steve: So this is our situation? I get trapped in the Nether for like what, a week, and shit goes down?

Shoko: Can you blame us?

Steve: Even Nanami…

Player: Did Todo log in?

Mei Mei: No. He said he was taking a break from the game. He did register in the Hunger Games though. So that should be fine.

Player: We will transfer him points every now and then to prevent him from getting banned.

Some days later:

Mei Mei: As you said, the fight will be streamed so that we all can watch it from our HQ. I usually stream to earn some money but this one will be private.

Player is training with Kusakabe. They fight with their swords. As Kusakabe charges to attack, Player parries the hit, then grabs Kusakabe's hand and tackles him to the ground.

Player: I guess it's enough for today.

Kusakabe: Yeah…

Player: Adapt to it already Player. You have commands to learn next.

Kusakabe: Yeah, sorry.

24th December:

Entity 303: While you'll be fighting Steve, I'll kill some players for fun.

Green Steve: Why are you still here?

Entity 303: If I won't be with Herobrine, Steve will kill me.

Green Steve: Then why leave today?

Entity 303: When Steve dies, all the remaining Jujutsu Pros Players will immediately follow and attack Herobrine. Allowing me to operate freely.

Herobrine: Starting to enjoy the game now?

Entity 303: Nah. It's just…my fight with Yuki, it was kinda thrilling. I want to see if I can get some of that thrill again. Not that I enjoyed it or anything. It was part of the mission. I would have avoided fighting if I could entirely.

Kevin: Good luck?

Panda: Don't die?

Kevin: Nothing sounds quite right.

Panda: Yeah, he's always won before.

Kirara: Then why worry or cheer?

Jesse: He might like that.

Maki: If he's over-confident, I'll punch him before Herobrine does.

Steve arrives with Gakuganji and Utahime. Player arrives and pats him in the back. Everyone smiles and pats him as well.

Kevin: Get him, Steve!

Jesse: You got it, Steve!

Maki: Kick his ass!

Steve: Yeah, I got this.

Few days ago:

Gakuganji: I'm the one who killed Masamichi.

Steve: Oh.

Gakuganji: Why?

Steve: Huh?

Gakuganji: Why didn't any of you curse me for this?

Steve: Well cus everyone knows you were just following orders. You were Masamichi's friend. So no one has any grudges against you. And it is my fault he died anyway. The higher-ups ordered the execution because I got trapped in the Nether. Anyway, you were always one of those I could reason with. Jujutsu Pros will be in the right hands now that all other higher-ups have been killed.

Gakuganji: ...


Steve prepares to go to BeaconTown, the destroyed city with 0 villagers and players inhabiting it, where Herobrine is already waiting for him, standing on top of a building. Steve suddenly teleports inside BeaconTown directly in front of Herobrine, 100 blocks away. He fires a Super TNT at him. Herobrine reacts instantly and blocks the explosion with his shield. The explosion destroys the building he was standing on but Herobrine lands on the ground having taken a some damage from the explosion. Steve appears in front of him.

Steve: Just so you know, you challenged me.

Herobrine: I challenged you? You seem to be mistaken. You're not someone I am thrilled to get the chance to fight. Though that may be the case for you, for me, you're nothing but a fish, ready to get chopped and be eaten. Like any of the players I've killed before, I'll kill you and move on.

Herobrine takes out his diamond swords.

Steve: Why are you still wearing Megumi's skin? Do you think I'll hold back if I see him? I've made up my mind a long time ago. I'll go all out against you.

Steve also prepares his sword.

Herobrine: It's to show how little I care about fighting you.

The battle between the Strongest Entity of all time and the Strongest Player of all time begins.

Herobrine attacks and Steve blocks the hit and strikes him but Herobrine also blocks with his sword. He tries to slash him using his second sword but Steve ducks and strikes him in the stomach, knocking him into a wall. He then gets hit by a TNT blasting him inside the building. As he gets up, the floor he is standing on explodes. He jumps to another building but that also explodes. Steve continues to fire multiple TNTs while floating in the air, launching them wherever Herobrine is landing. Herobrine avoids all the explosions, jumps toward Steve, and strikes him but Steve dodges the hit. Herobrine attacks with his other sword but Steve grabs his hand and throws him into a building. As he lands Steve appears and strikes him, knocking him back. Herobrine and Steve attack at the same time and as their swords collide, they are both knocked back by the impact. Steve is knocked out of the building but he launches TNTs inside, destroying the building. As he stands in front of the destroyed building, Herobrine appears from the rubble, with a smile.

Steve: If anyone asks, you did all of this.

Herobrine: Oh really?

Steve: (Shit! They are streaming the fight.)

Maki: As careless as always.

Kusakabe: Herobrine is fast and strong, but Steve is able to dodge all his attacks.

Jesse: Steve is the one dominating the fight till now. Herobrine hasn't landed a single hit on him while Steve has landed quite a few already.

Kashimo: But that doesn't amount to anything. Herobrine has practically infinite HP. We don't know exactly how high it is, but even that is useless cus he can heal himself.

Kusakabe: So they are basically at a draw right now. Herobrine is toying with Steve right now. He doesn't care about the hits but he himself can't land any.

Miwa: Why don't they use glitched domain then?

Kirara: If they did, wouldn't the fight be over?

Miwa: Exactly, then why is neither of them…

Player: In a battle of glitched domains, each code tries to override the others. If one's glitched domain is stronger than the other's it will completely override it. The other side will lose instantly.

Ui Ui: Does that mean Herobrine is afraid he will lose in a battle of glitched domains?

Choso: Does the barrier of the domain matter? Based on what I have heard from Player, Herobrine's glitched domain does not separate the world using barrier blocks. It exists in the same space as the rest of the overworld.

Kusakabe: What? Shouldn't that be impossible?

Kashimo: He is glitch himself. The strongest glitch. Of course, he can do something like that.

Shoko: Is it even possible to override something like that?

Choso: Ivor…Entity 303 did it. In Notch's base, he also managed to glitch the space without any barriers. Notch was able to override it.

Kusakabe: But the question is, could Steve do it?

Momo: I guess we will not know until it happens.

Higurama: Here it comes.

Steve and Herobrine: Glitched Domain…

Steve: …Bedrock Void.

Herobrine: …Malevolent Nether.

As both of them start glitching, the space around them glitches. As both of them disappear inside barrier blocks, the space around the barrier blocks, glitches into the Nether, without any barriers to separate it from the overworld. Inside the barrier, the world around them turns completely black while the ground they are on turns into Netherrack. The glitched domains are unable to override each other and are at a draw.

Kusakabe: They are really at a draw!

As both the glitched domains are unable to override each other, inside Steve's barrier, no one's code will affect the other. Everything inside Herobrine's glitched space, outside the barrier starts burning.

Player: The barrier blocks also started burning!

Mei Mei: The barriers of glitched domain are made easier to break from outside than inside.

The barrier burns and breaks, destroying Steve's glitched domain. The ground they are in catches fire and Steve starts burning.

Player: Steve!