BeaconTown Showdown - Part 2

Steve suddenly stops taking damage.

Shoko: Steve can use fire resistance. And he can also heal himself.

Player: But the fire won't stop as long as the domain is there. Fire resistance will run out eventually.

Kevin: And I don't think Steve can heal automatically like Herobrine or me.

Steve tries running outside of the domain since it doesn't have any barrier. Herobrine appears in front of him and attacks him. Steve blocks the hit and tries to get away but Herobrine continues to attack him, forcing Steve to block the hits, not allowing him to escape. Herobrine strikes Steve who parries the hit then attempts to slash his stomach but Herobrine ducks down and attacks Steve's legs. Steve jumps to dodge. Herobrine attempts to stab him in the back but Steve grabs his hand and strikes him. Herobrine frees himself and gets away from him, dodging the strike. The fire resistance stops and Steve again starts burning. Herobrine instantly attacks him. Steve blocks while still burning.

Kirara: He can't win like this. Even when he has fire resistance, he is still on fire. It partially blocks the vision.

Miwa: What does he need now to survive this?

Kusakabe: He needs to destroy the glitched domain. But since it doesn't have a barrier, the only way he can do that is, to damage Herobrine to the point he can't maintain the glitch.

Choso: At his current state he is barely keeping up with Herobine.

Steve pushes Herobrine away from him and stops taking damage. Herobrine again attacks him. Steve pushes his swords away and kicks him. He then strikes him from above but Herobrine blocks with his swords. He continues to attack him, not giving him any chance to escape. After a while, he again starts taking damage.

Player: (Is Steve going to lose?)

As Herobrine rushes to attack, Steve suddenly switches to a bow and fires an arrow of damage at Herobrine. Herobrine is unable to react in time and the arrow hits him in the face, knocking him away.

Jesse: He did it!

Steve escapes the glitched domain, standing just outside it.

Steve: You can increase its range right?

Suddenly the glitched area expands, covering more lands in his domain, glitching it, and converting it into Nether.

Kusakabe: He can do that?

As Herobrine increases the range of the glitched space, Steve starts glitching again. He again opens his glitched domain, containing them both in his barrier again.

Kusakabe: What is he thinking?

Ino: He's doing the same thing again?

Shoko: No, he is smarter than that.

Higurama: He reversed the strength of the barriers. The barriers are now stronger from the outside.

Kusakabe: But how can he do that?

The barrier starts burning but doesn't get destroyed. Inside the barrier, the space is again turned black.

Steve: Let's restart the fight.

Steve rushes toward Herobrine. He attacks him and Herobrine blocks the hit. Herobrine counters with a slash but Steve ducks down and stabs Herobrine. Herobrine attempts to stab him but Steve gets away from him. Suddenly the barrier gets destroyed again.

Herobrine: Restart huh?

Player: It broke again.

Kevin: It could only hold on for this much longer.

Kashimo: If he dies, I'm next.

Steve starts burning again. He stops taking damage.

Panda: Again?

Steve starts glitching and uses glitched domain again. This time he creates a very small barrier. The radius of the barrier is only 10 meters.

Player: The barrier is so small now? Why did he create such a small barrier?

Kusakabe: How is this possible?

Mei Mei: You keep saying that. What does it mean?

Kusakabe: Using a glitched domain is a very complicated process. It requires the use of high-level complicated commands. Conditions are needed to be set in advance. You can't just change the conditions of your glitched domain just like that. Reversing the strength. Changing size. It's not that easy. It's understandable for Herobrine to do it. But for Steve.

Shoko: He is Steve. He is no ordinary player.

Panda: But I don't get the point of reducing its size.

Jesse: The barrier blocks used to create the barrier are set in advance right?

Kusakabe: Yes.

Jesse: Maybe he reinforced the barrier using layers. Reducing the size but putting layers of barrier blocks to make it difficult to break.

Kusakabe: That could work.

Player: But doesn't that mean he has even less space inside the barrier? Why would he do that?

Kusakabe: The advantage of a barrier in a glitched domain is that it also separates the overworld from the glitched domain which allows to create different special conditions inside the glitched space. Just as distance in Nether works differently than in Overworld, the total space inside the glitched space can also be larger than outside.

Panda: How do you know all this yet can't use a glitched domain?

Kusakabe: You should know this stuff despite that.

Maki: Not our fault the guy who trained us was an idiot.

Jesse: The first layer of the barrier burned. So there were multiple layers. The domain is holding out.

Kusakabe: But how long? Steve is landing hits on Herobrine but they aren't breaking the glitched domain. If the barrier breaks now, they will be in a deadlock. Steve's condition will gradually weaken until he loses.

Suddenly the barrier gets destroyed. At the same time, Herobrine's glitched domain disappears as the world returns to normal.

Kevin: Woah!

Kashimo: Both of their domains get destroyed simultaneously.

As the barrier gets destroyed, they see Steve having stabbed Herobrine. He gets away from him.

Player: He damaged him enough for his glitched domain to collapse, just as his own barrier burned.

Kusakabe: Did anyone time how long Steve's barrier lasted?

Mei Mei: 3 minutes.

Higurama: Now Steve can just glitch the space again and win.

Kashimo: Herobrine too can do this more than once.

Kusakabe: So he just has to damage him before 3 minutes to win.

Kashimo: But then Herobrine can simply fight in Steve's glitched space just like Steve did in his.

Jesse: No. Steve's domain completely prevents anyone from doing anything. It will be like they are falling endlessly into the void while taking damage. If Steve's glitched domain hits Herobrine, he's finished.

Both of them start glitching again. They both glitch the world simultaneously and again, a 10-meter radius barrier is formed, surrounded by a 200-meter radius Nether. Inside the barrier, Steve overwhelms Herobrine with a series of continuous attacks. Herobrine blocks all of them. Steve moves behind him and strikes him, knocking him away. He then throws a TNT in front of him from above his head, which explodes right in front of him, blasting him towards Steve. Before he can react, Steve again stabs him. Just as he stabs him, his barrier breaks but Herobrine's domain collapses again.

Kusakabe: Same time again!

Mei Mei: Don't get so hyper Kusakabe.

Miwa: Steve is a better fighter than Herobrine.

Player: (Steve can win.)

Steve strikes Herobrine, knocking him to a wall. He then glitches the space around him. Just as his barrier starts forming, Herobrine also starts glitching. The space around the barrier glitches back into the Nether.

Jesse: Just now!

Kevin: What?

Jesse: Steve glitched the space before Herobrine could.

Inside the barrier, due to using the glitched domain slightly late, Herobrine already started experiencing the falling effect and started to take damage. Steve wasted no time and stabbed Herobrine. His glitched domain collapsed just after he opened it. Steve's barrier however was still intact.

Player: He won!

Herobrine starts taking damage and is unable to move as he experiences the effect of falling. Steve attacks Herobrine again but suddenly gets blasted away. His glitched domain gets destroyed because of the damage he received. He looks back and finds a warden standing there. He was attacked by Warden's sonic boom before he could attack Herobrine. Along with the warden, there is also a shulker present there.

Steve: How did you…

Herobrine: Among Megumi's mobs, there is also a shulker. A shulker has the ability to stick to the closest block when it spawns. This allows it to not take damage from the void. I can use the abilities of the mobs I control. I used this ability to not be affected by the falling effect of your commands and spawned the warden. And you did not notice the warden spawning because your glitched space is naturally dark.

Herobrine brings back the Warden and the shulker.

Herobrine: You got anything to say?

Steve: Nah, just looking at how hard you're trying.

Herobrine: Not as hard as you. I was testing my glitched domain against yours. I did not want to rely on the mobs much. I wanted to see how quickly I could beat you with my abilities. But you really pushed yourself and managed to hit me with that command of yours. But now, I'm not even afraid of that.

Steve: You still need to spawn the Shulker to survive my command. Next time I glitch the space and you spawn the shulker, I'll kill it in one strike.

Herobrine: That is if you can use commands.

Steve: …

Herobrine: If I'm right, you can't.

Jesse: (Did he reach his command limit?)

Herobrine: In this time that you used to prepare to fight me, I did research about you. Entity 303 is to thank for that. Your command limit. While you have the largest threshold, using a glitched domain is a lot more advanced and complicated. Usual user limit is only 1 per day. But you, you used 5. If you use any command again, you will likely get banned. But if you use a glitched domain, you will definitely get banned. Like I said, I didn't need to use Megumi's mobs, it was just luck that I had to that time. I won't need to after this. Now all I need to do is create a glitched domain with a barrier to stop you from escaping. With you at your command limit, you won't be able to heal yourself or get fire resistance. Max to max one usage, and then you'll burn to death just like any other player.

Player: …

Herobrine: You were nothing special. Heavily relied on commands for your performance, but without them, what are you? You played in an era without me and were hailed the strongest, yet you turned out to be, painfully ordinary. Goodbye.

Steve: Hahahahaha

Herobrine: …

Steve: Good thing that you reminded me of that, but are sure you can use a glitched domain too? Cus last time I checked, you are in Megumi's account. And I'm pretty sure his limit for commands is not that large as well.

Herobrine: (He's right. I didn't even realize that. The one the server will consider using the commands is Megumi, not me. I myself can't use many commands after this.)

Steve: You know my friends are watching this fight. You just embarrassed yourself in front of them. But that is why I will have to show off a little too.

Steve suddenly rushes toward Herobrine and strikes him.