BeaconTown Showdown - Part 6

Jesse spawns 3 vexes and has them attack Herobrine. Player attacks him from the opposite side at the same time. Herobrine kills all the vexes while blocking Player's strikes but gets hit once.

Herobrine: …

Jean attacks him from above and he dodges away but gets knocked away by her wings. Jesse attacks from behind while Player rushes from the front. Herobrine blocks Jesse's hit with his right-hand sword and Player's strike with his left but Player deflects his sword and strikes him.

Herobrine: (Probably as a result of inhabiting his account resulting in a glitch, he can directly attack me, the entity rather than the player I am inhabiting. As a result, each strike he lands is damaging me, weakening my control of this account. He is slowly destroying my code until he destroys me completely or I separate from the account. He knows I can not exist independently without an account.)

Herobrine attempts to stab Player but suddenly stops moving. Jesse paused his tick, which can not stop players, but can stop entities. Herobrine inside Megumi's account paused for a moment. Jesse strikes him, blasting him away with an explosion. As he is blown away Jean shoots a Purple fire blast at him, knocking him to the ground. She lands and fires another blast at him. Jesse and Player rush toward him. Before they reach him he attacks them, slashing both of them. Jean attacks and he strikes her away but she knocks him back with her wing.

Herobrine: (I am still to recover from my command limit from my fight with Steve. But it's not just that. Compared to what I know of them, all of these players have grown stronger. The brat even learned commands.) Just what have you all been up to the past month?

Player: Training and hard work…

Jesse: Cheating…

Player: …Oh?

Jesse: …Oh?

Jesse: (It's thanks to his battle with Steve that we are landing these hits on him. He would have been much stronger otherwise.)

Player and Jean attack him from opposite directions. He blocks their hits but Jesse strikes him in the face. This lets Jean hit him with a blast and Player also strikes him. He gets away from all of them and Jesse rushes at him to stab him. Herobrine grabs his sword but Jesse pushes it, stabbing his face. Player also jumps and lands a hit on his face. Jesse stabs him in the stomach and Player strikes his face again. Herobrine grabs Player's hand and stabs him in the stomach. Jesse strikes him, knocking him back.

Player: (This is our chance. We need to finish it right here. I gotta heal.)

Jean knocks Herobrine from the back pushing him towards Player who strikes him. Herobrine prepares to charge but Jean grabs his hand in her mouth. Jesse rushes to attack him but Herbrine strikes him away with the other sword. He suddenly gets hit by a guardian laser fired by Player.

Herobrine: …

Few days earlier:

Player: When I fought him back in Redstonia, I felt something. I think my attacks directly target Herobrine and not the account he is controlling.

Maki: What do you mean?

Player: I don't know why exactly but I think Herobrine's existence in my account has glitched it in some way. When I attacked him I felt like I didn't hit Megumi but Herobrine. It felt similar to when I used to burn a totem to increase Herobrine's power inside me. Except it felt like it decreased this time.

Choso: But is it even possible?

Player: Herobrine said potion effects directly affected him. I think it's similar to that.

Jesse: So you're saying, we can defeat Herobrine while still saving Megumi. You can destroy Herobrine.


Jesse spawns a TNT directly in front of Herobrine. It explodes, blasting him away. Player rushes toward him and strikes him.

Player: Wake up Megumi. Take control.

With this strike, Herobrine loses control over Megumi for a second. Megumi can try to take control for a moment here.

Megumi: That's enough. I don't want to fight anymore. Don't want to play anymore.

Player: …

Herobrine suddenly slashes Player. He then rushes toward Jesse and slashes him with both swords. Jesse's glitched domain gets destroyed as a result. As the space around them returns to normal, Herobrine suddenly gets stabbed from behind by Maki with an enchanted sword. She attacks again but Herobrine gets away from her.

Herobrine: (The girl who destroyed the Zenin alone.)

Maki rushes to attack him and he dodges her strikes. She chases him and continues to attack her but Herobrine dodges all her strikes. He jumps on a building then instantly jumps toward her and swings his sword but Maki ducks and attacks him from below. He jumps to dodge the strike but Maki grabs his leg, pulls him down, and strikes him, knocking him into a building. Herobrine burns the area where Maki is standing. She immediately jumps and Herobrine charges at her but she bends her body horizontally mid-air, barely dodging his attack.

Herobrine: (She is fast. Naturally fast. Just like Steve.)

Maki: What happened? You're having a hard time fighting us?

Herobrine: What are you talking about? I have hardly broken a sweat.

On the outskirts of BeaconTown, an entire area is covered in structures made up of different blocks. Inside them, Green Steve and Kevin are fighting, both at full HP.

Kevin: I know he is no weakling but Herobrine sure is having a hard time.

Green Steve: What are you trying to say?

Kevin: Honestly, when I saw Herobrine heal back to full health using the Totem of Undying, I thought we were screwed. But he is taking serious hits from us. We're actually beating him badly. So what I'm trying to say is, we're gonna win.

Green Steve: You think you are beating him? He is just having fun. The fact he is not fighting seriously shows that you guys are not worth taking seriously. You should be ashamed for not providing him with an opponent stronger than Steve. Even with the effects of his previous battle, it's clear, Lord Herobrine is yet to go all out.

Maki and Herobrine clash with their swords. They both continuously attack and block the other's strikes. Maki swings her sword to slash him but he dodges the strike and attacks her with both swords. She blocks the hit but is knocked into a building from the impact. Herobrine rushes toward her and stabs her. Ino fires an arrow from behind but he easily dodges it. He then slashes Ino and kicks him away. Kusakabe jumps from above and slashes him but Herobrine also strikes him, knocking him into a wall. Maki quickly rushes at him and strikes him away.

Herobrine: (Jesse, Kevin, Higurama, Kashimo, all of them, known as the best among the players. All reached the peak of their gameplay thanks to the commands. But the one that really catches my interest, is her. The one who defeated an entire group of players with strong commands alone without using any herself. The one who stands on par with them without the help of commands. She is the true definition of a strong, skilled player.)

Herobrine rushes toward and attacks her. She blocks the hit but Herobrine strikes her face with the other sword, knocking her out of the building.

Herobrine: You're the first among them to impress me! To make me excited!

He jumps toward her and strikes her mid-air, landing a critical hit. She gets knocked away from the hit. Herobrine lands in front of Kusakabe.

Kusakabe: (You're kidding me! I'm the last one standing? Maki was just knocked away. Jesse was taken by Ui Ui. Where are Player and Choso? Damn it! I thought I would run away if there was no chance of us winning. But I guess I don't have any choice now that we've come so close. Do I really have to fight him alone?)

Herobrine: You are here for support, not attack. I know you are not strong enough alone so I will play with you for now.

Herobrine attacks him but he dodges the strike.

Herobrine: (Oh?)

Herobrine attacks him a few times but Kusakabe blocks all the hits.

Herobrine: You're good with that sword.

Kusakabe then attacks him and despite Herobrine trying to block the strikes, Kusakabe slashes him multiple times. Herobrine strikes him but Kusakabe blocks it again. He then strikes him away.

Kusakabe: (Why am I trying so hard? Is it because of Masamichi? He isn't here so he won't scold me. But I guess because he isn't here I'd think if he was, he would have. No, this isn't time for doubt. If I die here, Herobrine will kill Miwa and the other players. If the new players fought so hard, I have no excuse for not doing the same.)

Kusakabe attempts to stab him but Herobrine grabs the sword with his hand.

Herobrine: While your sword skills are excellent, it was still easy to read.

Kusakabe: Hehe.

Herobrine slashes him 2 times. He falls to the ground. Ui Ui appears to take him away.

Herobrine: You were the one I was waiting for. You've grown to be troublesome.

Ui Ui: …

Suddenly a player appears and grabs the 2 of them away before Herobrine can attack them. Ui Ui quickly teleports away with Kusakabe.

Herobrine: Now there's a new face. Who the hell are you?

Miguel: You don't know me? Man, you must not get out much.