Few days earlier:
Miguel: No way. Fight someone who might beat Steve? How do you expect me to do something like that?
Larue: Miguel, he would be all weak after fighting Steve. They'd only want your help to finish him off.
Jesse: The whole game will be destroyed if we lose.
Miguel: I'd take that over fighting a monster. It's depressing. I hate to lose. You know how sad I was after the night parade of a 100 demons? Steve played around with me like I was nothing. Nah, I don't want that feeling again. Besides, if Steve wants my help he should have come himself, begging.
Jesse: If you want I can beg in front of you if it satisfies your ego.
Miguel: Struck a nerve? Heh.
Larue: Jesse, will you allow me to talk to him alone?
Jesse: Fine.
Jesse walks away.
Miguel: What are you going to do Larue?
Larue: Alex lost. We all believed in her mission, her goal, but she lost. You believed in her mission too.
Miguel: Are you saying we should fight to get revenge?
Larue: It's about keeping her mission alive. Her mission was not to kill all the villagers. That was a way to achieve the goal. Her goal was to protect the players, to allow them to play peacefully. If the game ends now, we'd be failing her and her mission. Our mission.
Miguel: …Only if he can not glitch the world. If he can do what he did on the night of MineCon, I am not fighting.
Miguel: So he can't glitch the space. Though he said they only wanted our help to finish him off. He is far from being finished right now.
Larue: Steve helped out quite a lot. They did not expect him to use a totem of Undying.
Larue jumps down in front of Herobrine. As Herobrine runs toward him, Larue fires a wind charge at him, knocking him into a wall. Herobrine suddenly charges at him but Miguel comes in between them and deflects Herobrine away. Herobrine instantly attacks him but Miguel dodges all of the hits. Herobrine tries to stab him but Miguel parries the strike deflecting the sword away and stabs him. Herobrine attempts to stab him as well but Miguel gets away from him. Choso appears behind him and shoots him with his laser but Herobrine dodges it.
Choso: …
Player jumps from above and strikes him but Herobrine blocks it.
Herobrine: You're still around?
Herobrine strikes him and Player blocks the hit but Herobrine is suddenly slashed from behind by Maki.
Herobrine: (Even after I hit her with a critical hit…)
Larue fires another wind charge at him but Herobrine deflects it with his sword, charges at him, and strikes him, landing a critical hit.
Few days earlier:
Steve: Why can't I land critical hits at will? Well, no one can. It's not something that is set in the game itself. It's an added feature of the server. A lot of things are unique here. It depends, though I am not sure what are the conditions for it, it's said that it happens in the heat of the moment, when a player is in the zone. This server was created initially with the idea of it being a 1 v 1, or a combat-based server, only for fighting. So many conditions about the commands and criticals were added in response to that. The point is, no matter how peak my gameplay really is, it is the server that decides which hit will be critical. As for why I don't have the record for most consecutive criticals? I do have the record for the most critical hits in total. But I usually finish off my opponents in a few strikes so I don't get the chance to land consecutive criticals. Hehe.
Maki: (Including the one he landed on me, this was his 2nd critical hit.)
Miguel: (He is gaining momentum.)
Player: (We have these 2 guys also helping us, though I don't know who they are. He is slowly gaining back his power but we can still overwhelm him.)
Maki attacks him from his left. Herobrine blocks the strike but Player runs toward him. He attacks Herobrine and he blocks the strike from his other sword but is pushed back, hitting the wall. Choso fires another laser at him but Herobrine jumps away. Maki instantly rushes to attack him and stabs him. She pulls out her sword and attacks him again but Herobrine blocks the strike. He starts attacking her and Maki continues to block the strike. He attacks her from her right and she blocks the hit but Herobrine strikes her using the other sword, landing a critical hit. As Maki is knocked away, Herobrine again rushes toward her and slashes her. Choso fires a laser but Herobrine instantly appears behind him, grabs him, and throws him into a wall. He then rushes toward him and stabs him, landing a critical hit. Choso grabs Herobrine's hand, stopping him from getting away as Player strikes him from behind, knocking him away.
Choso: (That's right, no matter how much he recovers, he will still get permanently weak with each strike Player lands.)
Miguel: Let's retreat now. We've done enough.
Larue: There is still more we can do.
Player attacks Herobrine who blocks the hit with one sword and strikes him with the other. Player instantly shoots him with a laser. He then attacks him.
Herobrine: (It's coming.)
Herobrine prepares to block but is suddenly hit by a wind charge. As he gets knocked back from it, Player strikes him, landing a critical hit.
Few days earlier:
Green Steve: What is Player exactly?
Herobrine: Entity 303 made a special mod account, to provide me with an account I can use, as well as provide me with other mod abilities. He didn't consider that the antivirus would shut me out. Me taking over his account glitched it a little. I could not use the mod abilities he added to that account. But I didn't need them anyways. But his job was over when I took over Megumi. Now I have better commands to use and am no longer restricted.
Green Steve: That's good.
Herobrine: But that glitch probably has done something else to his account too…
Herobrine attacks Player who deflects the attack and strikes him, landing a critical hit. Before Herobrine can react, Player strikes him again, landing another critical hit. Herobrine and Player clash with their swords with each blocking the other's hit. Player stabs Herobrine's leg, who slashes him in response but Player strikes him again, landing another critical hit.
Herobrine: (It's already troublesome that his fighting skills have improved and he can use the mods Entity 303 applied to his account. Now he can damage me directly. I am already weaker than I was during Minecon.)
He suddenly gets hit by an arrow fired by Ino. He quickly switches to his sword as Herobrine charges at him.
Ino: Shit!
Player stabs him as he is distracted, landing a critical hit.
Herobrine: (This brat! He is landing critical hits like it's nothing.)
Ino: (This is way out of my league.)
Herobrine sets the ground on fire. Player jumps away and Herobrine attacks him mid-air but Player blocks the hit and strikes him away. He then rushes toward him and strikes him landing another critical hit. Herobrine slashes his face but Player strikes him again, landing another critical hit.
Herobrine attacks him but gets hit by a sword thrown at him by Ino.
Ino: (I think I have done enough.) Kick his ass.
Player uses this distraction to strike him again, landing another critical hit.
Miguel: Good job Larue.
Larue: I can rest now.
Miguel: Shit!
Suddenly Herobrine starts glitching. The space around them quickly glitches into the Nether as Herobrine recovers Megumi's command limit. The range of the glitched space covers the entire BeaconTown, with everyone caught inside.
Few days earlier:
Kevin: I think it goes without saying that only those who can use commands, especially to heal and get fire resistance should be involved directly in the fight.
Choso: Player can not use commands yet.
Shoko: Just like Maki, he would also be given a fire resistance potion in advance. The others can be brought to me by Ui Ui.
Choso: But Player is different. Because of his glitch, he will be directly involved with Herobrine. He would in fact be his main target. I don't think we can just give him a single fire resistance potion and be done with it. Which is why, I think it's necessary that we switch his account with someone who can help him better with using the commands.
Player: Switch my account?
Jesse: To increase our efficiency we will be switching accounts with each other and learning how to use various types of commands.
Player: …
Jesse: We will learn how to fight in different accounts to improve our fighting skills, though it won't matter much. The main thing is the commands. By trying out different commands in different accounts, we can master the usage of basic commands.
Choso: I will also train you how to use your mod abilities.
Player: But isn't like that, kinda cheating? Like switching accounts?
Jesse: The game is at risk of being destroyed. We need to do everything we can.
As Everything starts burning inside the glitched space, everyone uses fire resistance to protect themselves.
Player: (It hasn't been long since he first reached his limit. He may not be able to maintain this glitched space for much longer. We just need to endure until that. Endure it!)
Maki: (Endure it!)
Ino: (Endure it!)
Choso: (Endure it!)
As Player's fire resistance runs out, he starts burning. Suddenly the fire stops.
Player: (We've endured it!)
He notices that the fire stopped but they are still in the glitched space. Herobrine suddenly takes out an enchanted bow. He aims an arrow of damage towards Player.
Player: (The bow he used to kill Jogo.)
Herobrine: You all prepared well against me. But you only planned for what you saw me use. I haven't revealed this trick yet.
Green Steve: We've won.
Kevin: …
As Herobrine releases the arrow, it immediately multiples into thousands of arrows, aimed at all directions inside the glitched space. Inside the glitched space, the arrow also glitched, multiplying it. Before Player can get hit by the arrows, Choso protects him using a shield to cover his back while acting as a human shield, guarding him from the front.
Player: Choso!
Choso: You were right. This game is fun. I wish we could have played it more together.
Player: ...
The arrows hit Choso, instantly killing him. The arrows stop as the world around him returns to normal. He looks around to see if anyone survived but finds no one.
Player: Everyone…
Herobrine walks to him.
Player: Herobrine.
Suddenly another player appears.
Player: Todo!
Todo: Sorry for being late brother.
Player: I thought you had taken a break from the game.
Todo: I had, but I didn't know the situation would be so serious. Until I saw Mei Mei's stream. You guys were fighting so hard. I managed to get everyone out of the glitched space.
Player: Oh that's good. Thank you.
Todo: But I'm sorry I couldn't save you and your friend.
Player: It's alright. You managed to save the others. That's enough.
Todo: Now then, shall we cook brother?
Player: Yeah!