BeaconTown Showdown - Part 8

Player and Todo attack Herobrine. He blocks their hits but the 3 of them start switching places. The frequency of their switches is much higher than what it was during MineCon. The constant switching of places disorients Herobrine and Player and Todo strike him. Herobrine attacks Todo but Todo switches with Player. As Player and Todo prepare to strike him from opposite sides, Herobrine quickly adjusts his attack to now strike Player but they again switch and Todo blocks the hit while Player strikes him from behind.

Herobrine: (Out of all the players, he is the one who is the most difficult to keep up with. He really showed up at the worst possible time.)

Todo teleports behind Herobrine and strikes him but he dodges away. Todo hands an ender pearl to Player and he throws it towards Herobrine. Player then switches with the pearl, charging at him with the momentum of the pearl but Herobrine blocks the strike, grabs Player's hand, and strikes him but he suddenly teleports behind him and Player stabs him. Herobrine quickly attacks him but he again teleports way.

Herobrine: (His teleporting speed has increased as well. Fighting purely off instincts.)

They again start switching rapidly with each other. Player strikes Herobrine knocking him into a wall. Herobrine charges at them and Todo teleports away. Player attacks him from behind and Herobrine turns to strike him but Todo throws an ender pearl behind him. Herobrine instantly turns around again and strikes the pearl but to his surprise Player doesn't switch with the pearl and strikes him from behind, landing a critical hit. Player then stabs him in the chest. Suddenly Herobrine starts glitching. Before Player can get away Herobrine grabs his hand. But another player appears in front of them.

Herobrine: (No. It can't be…)

Steve appears beside them, shocking Herobrine. Player teleports away from him.

Herobrine: Oh. Hahahaha. That's how you wanna play? My apologies. I've underestimated you. I didn't know you were capable of going this far, Jesse!!!

Few days earlier:

Maki: No way!

Kevin: Not an option. Unless all of us were wiped off.

Panda: Among us, Jesse is the only one with the brains and equipment to pull this off. He said ever since he found out about Entity 303's backdoor to enter the server with an already banned account, he has been trying to do the same. If Steve dies, he would use it to temporarily enter Steve's account and use it to fight.

Jesse: Though I don't have as much experience nor the tech to go undetected as Entity 303 could, I can still fight for about 5 minutes maybe, I guess. After that, I'd again get banned.

Maki: If they find out who is in the account they will ban you too. It's risky.

Jesse: We're up against the strongest entity, besides it's only a backup plan. I'd fight him myself first. If I lose, then only I will try this.

Maki: It's too risky. We can lose you…

Jesse: What about Steve? You guys don't worry about him?

Maki: …

Jesse: We always force the hardest of all tasks on him. He pulls them off without caring about himself. Why should he alone be the one burdened with all the hard decisions? I am ready to take on these tasks as well. If Steve loses, I'm ready to fulfill his role. I'd take his account and fight with his commands.

Jesse talks to Steve.

Steve: Yeah, go ahead.

Jesse: Really? You don't mind?

Steve: I am anyway not gonna lose, so yeah, do whatever you want. Though I didn't like how Shoko agreed so easily. We will switch accounts so you can familiarize yourself with my commands. Now all of you, head back.

Maki: No.

Panda: I'd like to stay.

Steve: Please, I don't want you guys to be here when I do this.

They stand outside a room.

Steve: Even if I lose, if all those present inside this room are dealt with, Gakuganji would be in charge. Then we wouldn't have to worry about shitty rules and management. So go on.

Jesse: No. We'll stay. We won't let you bear this burden alone.

Steve: …

Steve enters the room where all the higher-ups of Jujutsu Pros have been called. He kills all of them to prevent future intervention.


Jesse inside Steve's account starts glitching. Both Herobrine and Jesse glitch the world around them. Herobrine's glitched space again perfectly matched with Steve's domain. Though the range of the domain was small, it still extended over the barrier of Steve's domain inside which both of their codes nullified each other. The space around them was black while the ground they were standing on had turned into the Nether. The barrier again started to burn from the outside but Jesse knew how to counter that. He created multiple layers of barrier, reducing its volume from the outside.

Jesse: (Thanks to Steve, I know how to fight him. I have 3 minutes before the barrier completely burns off. In 3 minutes I'll damage him to the point that his domain breaks.)

Herobrine: (I don't have to wait for 3 minutes. I'll kill him right here and then extend my Domain's range to kill everyone.)

Jesse takes out a TNT and throws it toward Herobrine. He dodges it and instantly rushes toward him. He grabs Jesse's hand and strikes him.

Herobrine: (Obviously using his account doesn't mean you'll fight as well as him. You can only use his commands.)

Jesse counters by pulling his hand, pulling Herobrine with him, and striking him away. Herobrine attacks him but Jesse parries the hit and strikes him again. Herobrine counters with a strike to his face. Jesse fires another TNT at him but he dodges and strikes him.

Herobrine: (Entity 303 could use commands of players he had previously controlled. Can he use his previous commands as well? No, that was something Entity 303 did himself. And the fact that he can't fight as well as Steve means he knows he can not damage me like this. It means his only move will be the F-bomb.)

Jesse takes out the command block but Herobrine instantly stabs him.

Herobrine: (I won't let you.)

Jesse: Good thing Steve can do this too.

Herobrine suddenly stops moving as Jesse freezes his tick. He takes out a command block and a super TNT. He then combines the 2 to create the Formidibomb.

Herobrine: …

As it explodes, both Herobrine and Steve's glitched domain get destroyed, returning the world to normal. Herobrine takes significant damage from the explosion but not as much as he did when Steve fired it himself.

Herobrine: (He still didn't learn how to control it that well. That's why it didn't do as much damage. I'm lucky to have survived.)

Todo, Player, and Jesse rush to attack him.

Todo: Jesse! Fire as many F-bombs as you want. We will avoid it with my commands. Finish him off.

Suddenly Steve disappears.

Todo: (He got banned so soon?)

As Todo is distracted, Herobrine strikes him landing a critical hit.

Todo: (I shouldn't let my guard down.)

Player jumps from behind him and attacks him. Herobrine turns around to strike him but Player teleports to the opposite side and strikes him. Todo starts teleporting Herobrine and Player rapidly allowing Player to land several hits on Herobrine.

Player: (I'll do this as many times as it'll take.) Take back control Megumi!

Herobrine: (He's landing continuous blows at me. He is significantly damaging my code.)

Player attacks him again but instead of trying to block it, Herobrine dodges it and starts running away from him. Player chases after him and attacks him but Herobrine continues to dodge and gets away from him.

Herobrine: (As long as I avoid taking these hits, I'll be alright.)

Player jumps from above and strikes him but Herobrine dodges and attacks him as he lands, knocking him into a wall. He charges at him and attacks but Todo switches with Player. Todo blocks but Herobrine manages to strike him, landing a critical hit. He is knocked back significantly.

Herobrine: (He won't just walk out of that one easily. Now that he is dealt with. It's just the brat now.)

Player suddenly strikes him from behind. Herobrine suddenly starts burning. He quickly extinguishes it with fire resistance.

Herobrine: (He can use it. He can use my abilities!)

Steve: (While it's true that you can't use commands yet. But with Herobrine inside you, soon your account will be capable of using the commands he can use.)

Herobrine can't burn players directly, only entities and blocks. Which is why he always burned the ground to burn players. However, since Herobrine himself is an entity, Player can burn him directly.

Player: (I finally figured out how to do it. I always knew I could. Steve said so. But with the recent commands training, I learned how to use commands. I have been trying to do it since the beginning but I finally figured it out now. But he can use fire resistance.)

Player attacks him but Herobrine parries his hit and strikes him. Player continues to attack him but Herobrine dodges all the hits and strikes him. Player tries to burn him again, but the fire resistance prevents any damage.

Player: (It's a good thing I learned how to do it.)

Steve: They basically use complex commands to turn a region of the overworld into a glitched world where they can imbue certain things to happen as part of the code of the world. It's a very complex technique.

Suddenly Player starts glitching. Herobrine is shocked to see this. The space around them glitches into the Nether. Everything around them starts burning. Herobrine is unaffected due to his fire resistance.

Player: I used to think everyone has the right to play. And the mobs that take away that right, they need to die. So I killed the mobs without ever caring. But I later realized it was in their nature to kill. Just as it is in our nature to play. It was the same with you. I didn't understand how someone would want to destroy the game. But it is in your nature. You can't help it. To you, it's the natural course of things. It's how it should be. But one's right to play is violating the other's right to kill, to destroy. And one's right to destroy violates the other's right to play. Hence one always had to kill the other to protect their rights. That's why players killed mobs and mobs killed players and villagers. But no one should die to protect their rights. No one should die for their nature. It is not your fault. You don't need to die.

Herobrine: Are you by any chance sympathizing with me?

Player: Yes. Herobrine, I have the ability to kill you. Permanently. But I will spare you if you release Megumi and hop back to my account. We can co-exist. No one needs to die.

Herobrine: Hahahahaha. Now you've done it. I won't just kill you brat. Right before your eyes, I'll kill every player you know. I will then start the destruction of this game you so dearly love. And then, only then will you die along with your game.