Let's Play!

Megumi: That's enough. Stop. I wanted to protect my sister while she played. I wanted to create a world where she could play peacefully. Where we could play peacefully. My sister would have loved to play with someone like you. But now. It's all meaningless. I've had enough.

Player: I get it Megumi. I used to believe that as long as a person continues to play, they can enjoy. But some games are just too hard on the person playing them. If you don't enjoy them, there is no point in forcing yourself. Which is why I understand you Megumi. You've had enough. But…But I need you Megumi. It would be so lonely without you. I want to play with you Megumi.

Herobrine and Player clash inside his glitched domain. Herobrine attacks Player and he blocks the hit and counters with a strike. Herobrine grabs Player's hand and strikes him.

Herobrine: (I did not think being pitied would fill me with such hate.)

Herobrine prepares to attack but suddenly stops. Player uses this moment to strike him.

Herobrine: (I am being restricted. It's Megumi. He is trying to control the account. The effect of the Bath has been nullified as a result of Player's strikes.)

Player: (Herobrine felt resistance. That means Megumi…)

Player smiles. He rushes towards Herobrine and attacks him who despite trying to block him, is being restricted by Megumi and as a result takes a few hits. Herobrine switches to offense and both of them land a few strikes on each other.

Herobrine: (His strikes can't be healed from. My code is being permanently damaged. My Fire resistance is also about to turn off. Can I glitch the space one more time? Will I get banned if I use any more commands? I don't have time. I'll have to take the risk. Before my fire resistance runs out, I'll open my glitched domain.)

Herobrine starts glitching. Player rushes to attack him. Suddenly he stops glitching.

Herobrine: (What? Megumi stopped the process!)

Herobrine's fire resistance runs out. He starts burning inside Player's glitched domain. Player also strikes him.

Herobrine: THIS ISN'T OVER!!!

Herobrine stabs Player. He then uses fire resistance but it suddenly stops as Megumi cancels the effect. Herobrine continues to burn as a result. Player strikes him again.

Player: It's time to end this Herobrine.

Player strikes him again, landing a critical hit.

Herobrine: Why are you fighting so hard again? You lost your sister. Your very reason to play this game. Why are you fighting for control again? Just sit back and relax. Let me handle everything.

Megumi: You sound desperate. Are player's strikes so effective? Are you really that scared of death? It's true. I only played this game for Tsumiki. I lost that reason. But there are others who play this game, who want to play with me. Players who I would love to play with. So once again, I would like to play for someone else.

As a result of the continuous burning and the critical strike landed by Player, Herobrine finally loses control over Megumi's account. Megumi lies on the floor as Herobrine continues to burn inside him. Player comes up to him.

Player: What are you going to do, Herobrine?

Herobrine: …

Player: I will spare you if you release Megumi and hop back to my account.

Player: Herobrine, You and me, are the same. Just as I refused to give up on my friends and this game. You refused to give up on your wish to kill and destroy. We can try this one more time. Hop to my account. You can still live. Even if no one accepts you, I will. Even if no one plays with me, I'll play with you.

Herobrine: Player, hehe, don't look down on me. You are right. You and I are the same. Just as there is no point if you don't get to play the game you love, there is no point in existing if I don't get to do what I love. I am, at the end of the day, a mob, a glitch, a virus.

Herobrine continues to burn and then dies. Finally, the curse known as Herobrine ends. Player closes the glitched domain as the world around them returns to normal.

Green Steve: It's over.

Kevin: Yeah.

Green Steve: The vessel was weaker. You did not win because you were stronger. You were just lucky. In the end, you won because of Lord Herobrine only.

Kevin: Well you are lucky to even be alive. Everything is the result of luck. Still, that doesn't matter. It was nice fighting you.

Green Steve also dies as Herobrine dies.

Next day:

Megumi: So Herobrine is finally gone?

Player: Yes. Thanks to him glitching my account, I was able to destroy him once and for all, without killing you.

Megumi: That's lucky I guess.

Player: Yes.

Megumi: So what now?

Shoko: Well we still need to confirm some things. Now that we know the effects of Herobrine on Player's account, we will test them with you too. Then I have something important to talk to you about.

Player: Meet me after this. Bye.

After some time Megumi comes outside of the room.

Player: So what did she say?

Megumi: Well, she said she will tell me later about the tests.

Player: What did she want to talk to you about?

Megumi: Oh, nothing. Just about my brother.

Player: What about him?

Megumi: Nothing. Just that Steve killed him. It's not important now. I don't care anyway.

Player: …If you don't mind then yeah, fine I guess.

Megumi: Where are we going now?

Player: To meet everyone.

Megumi: Yeah, I need to apologize to everyone and thank them.

Player: It's not about that.

They enter the room with everyone already inside.

Maki: Jesse, you piece of shit you went ahead with the plan!

Jesse: …

Megumi: Maki…

Maki: Oh hey Megumi.

Megumi: I wanted to apologize to everyone.

Maki: That can wait. You don't need to anyway.

Player: I need to though.

Kusakabe: It's all Steve's fault. He should have killed Player in the beginning only. And it wasn't Player's fault too. It was all Entity 303's plan that forced him to be a part. I supported Player's execution but that doesn't mean either side was right or wrong. Whatever choices were made led us to this moment. So what I'm saying is, you guys don't need to feel guilty about anything.

Jesse: Luckily I wasn't banned for using the backdoor. That was one dangerous thing.

Maki: That didn't even help at all.

Player: It actually did. Herobrine was about to open another glitched domain. If Jesse hadn't come, we would have died.

Maki: But he should have been more serious. First of all, I should have been the one to go kill Entity 303. Then stopping the tick to freeze Herobrine. There were so many occasions we could have used that and avoided unnecessary casualties.

Todo: You couldn't have stopped the rampage of mobs caused by Alex's death. It was Jean who stopped that. Plus Jesse can't freeze tick more than once.

Jesse: I wish Inumaki would have been there to fight with us. We could have won easily.

Maki: If those 2 guys from Minecult came sooner it would have been easier.

Panda: That's true.

Jesse: …They told me they weren't coming. I told you they were a long shot.

Todo: I should have also been involved from the beginning. If I had known I would have come and things could have been different.

Player: I think there is no point in discussing what could have been. It can't be changed now. What happened has happened.

Momo: I'm sorry I couldn't do anything.

Kevin: I wanted to fight Herobrine too but Green Steve fought till the end.

Ui Ui: I think we can all agree that I was the MVP.

Mei Mei: Of course. You helped the most.

Ui Ui: Hehe.

Next day:

Megumi: It's a nice idea. Making a tomb of sorts for those we lost during this time.

They are standing in a field full of tombstones made for all the different players who died recently including Steve, Alex, Inumaki, Nanami, Nobara, Masamichi, Tsumiki, Kashimo, Higurama, and Choso.

Player: I still can't believe Nobara died.

Megumi: She did enjoy till the end. Now then, let's end the Hunger Games.

Megumi releases Notch from his control who then uses his Dev abilities to end the Hunger Games peacefully.

Megumi: According to Shoko, I can now also use Herobrine's abilities like fire and his glitched domain. I can even use the abilities of the mobs I control. So I guess I would say I'm stronger than you now Player.

Player: That means I just have to train to grow even stronger than you.

Megumi: Like I will let you.

Player: What will we do from now on? It feels like we're kinda purposeless.

Megumi: What are you talking about? The server is full of mobs released by Entity 303. There are so many other glitched mobs on the server. And don't think the threat is gone. Entity 303 can always come back and try a different way to destroy the game.

Romeo: That won't be necessary. He said he would buy an account and play with us. Give this game a try.

Player: Oh?

Megumi: Now then. Hurry up. We have an entirely different biome to go to.

Player: Yeah, let's go. By the way, remember, we have to recruit that new player on our way. Gakuganji must have told you.

Megumi: Yeah. Her name was Hana, right?

Player: Yeah.

On a different server:

Alex: You brought the beds?

Steve: Who needs beds? We gonna do this the old-fashioned way.

Alex: Steve, I swear if I lose my inventory here.

They both are in the End ready to face the Ender Dragon.

Steve: Don't worry, we'll win. Cuz we're the strongest.