
"Alinal is the planet we live on, where we live in harmony, that all ended when Salina(a archanahivil), she was also the oldest daughter to the king and she was also the oldest princess but her father chose her sister as the heir to the throne because of her wicked heart and evil desires. A war broke out between the two sisters, Salina wanted the throne for her own, while her sister wanted to protect her people and reason with her, but her sister wouldn't listen to her. Salina was exiled from the kingdom with her supporters, she decided to make her own kingdom with her supporters, she made a vow to wipe out her home land, valova is what she named her kingdom, the war destroyed thousands of homes and killed millions of innocent lives, and yet the war still continues."

Nova leaned forward and listened intently her older sister sat at the edge of the bed listening quietly, as their mother spoke of the great war, it happened years before her birth, the story's always captivated her.

Her mother was a knight, who loved telling ancient tales and myths.

Her father was a general in the army, her mother and father met during a battle years ago, her father had fallen in love with their mother and a year later they got married.

Her mother had long wavy light blue hair and unusual pink eyes, while her father had dark brown hair and silver eyes.

Her father says she reminds him of her mother, Nova has long wavy blue hair and pinkish silver eyes. While her sister looked more like their father long waves dark brown hair and pinkish silver eyes.

Nova yawned sleepily, she turned six a month ago, but she forced her self to stay awake as she listened.

"The king was so sick and depressed about his daughters fighting, he finally made a decision, he traveled to Valova and tried to make a deal with Salina, but Salina filled with rage didn't listened and killed him, after ward she lead her army to raid her sisters kingdom, but strong mages heard her approach and casted a barrier spell around Vola, to protect it!" Nova's mother finished as she fell into deep sleep.