chapter 1: the split

*Nova's pov*

Nova paced the small courtyard, she was supposed to be training with her sister, who always seemed to be late, their mother had died three years ago from a mysterious illness.

Her father stopped paying attention to them and ignored them.

She loved her father alot, however he didn't seem to care anymore.

She missed her mother alot and wished she was still here, the sound of footsteps made her to turn her head towards the sound.

"Hey, you good?" It was her older sister Rova, "yeah I'm good," Nova responded as she turned back around to continue her training.

Suddenly a loud alarm blarred in the distance making the two sisters to glance up.

They glanced at each other then, ran out of the courtyard to see what the alarm was for, as soon as they left the yard, they could hear the sound of fighting.

After leaving the house they were surprised to see the Valova flag and soldiers fighting.

A loud shout came from the crowed "Valova are attacking, all citizens please evacuate the area!" The person shouted, reaptedly.

Nova tried turning and leaving, but she stopped when she realized her sister wasnt there, glancing around, she tried to find her sister but couldn't.

Finally she spotted her one of the Valova soldiers had her, before Nova could help her an arm grabbed her from behind dragging her away from the fight.

The last she saw of her sister was a terrified look on her face, she tried breaking away from the soldiers grip but it was to late, her sister was throw in to a carriage with alot of other people, the carriage started to leave. Nova suddenly felt pain before she blackout.


Nova stared blankly toward the wall of the small room that the guards had givin her for safety.

It's been three days since the breach and her sister was tacking by valova soldiers.

She couldn't believe her sister was gone, and where was her father, nowhere to be seen.

She cried herself to sleep at night, worried about her sister, wandering if she was okay or not, she also worried if her sister was even still alive or dead.

There was nothing she could do, crying wouldn't bring her sister back.

So she stood up and left the room, she helped patch up the gaurds and cook food for them.

She started cooking but she was suddenly intrupted, as a couple of guards came in, they were gossiping about the fight, " it's so weird that they got in, the barrier should still be strong enought to keep them out for years to come," one muttered, "I know," the other responded.

"Maybe someone is a tratior and helped them through?" The last whispered quietly making sure no one heard him.

Nova thought about it, *it could be possible but who would wanna help the enemy and why? The queen wasn't greedy and loved her people.

She was always helping the poor and sickly, she even loved children, so who would want to hurt her?*