Prison Break [4]: Rei vs Stark, Climax! WHITE LIGHTNING!


Said Rei as she gazed upon the hundreds of undead before her of varying strengths— some were specialists, some slayers and some even masters.

She was outnumbered within Stark's Yggdrasil Bloom.

"So then, What will you do against this many?"

Stark asked with a smug expression

"Hahaha, who knew you had something like this up your sleeve, weasel! That said, after all my grandstanding, it'll be real uncool if I asked for help now"


Arc shouted from the sidelines

"... Let me hel—"


She retorted, the sound of her voice startling Arc for a second. After a short pause, he retorted

"Now's not the time to drown in ego! Don't be stupid"

"Geez at this rate, you'll grow up to be just like Yuki"

"What's that supposed to mean"

Yuki said, cutting in with an dark glare. She smirked as she responded

"I'm saying Arc's getting infected by your uptight cooties "

"Keep talking and I'll kill you before those undead get a chance to, damn idiot!"

"HAHAHAHAHA...Now there's a joke....sigh, thanks for that, Yuki"

"Hmph... We're on a schedule so wrap this up quickly."

Arc was a little shocked at how nonchalant Yuki was considering the fact she was outnumbered like that.

Just what's his deal?!

"TRUST ME, ARC....."

Her proclamation snapped him out of his thoughts as he turned to look at her— her brimming confidence still reflected in her smile.

"... I've got this"

So that was it. The bond Yuki and Rei shared was one of complete trust, that's why he was so calm right now.

He trusted her to deliver on her word that she could win and no odds could shake that trust.

[And that's another reason why you're sitting in the "losing heroine" bracket, boy]

"I'm a guy, though"

[Doesn't matter, you're no hero]

Taking a deep breath, Rei focused on the obstacle before her—The army of souped up undead protecting Stark.

Leaping forward, she sped into battle taking out enemies left and right, one at a time. However, for every enemy she eliminated, two more spawned to take it's place.

They were relentless, jumping her from all directions with a variety of different attacks— spells, physical attacks and tamed beasts. In addition, she had to also dodge and avoid Stark's rapid fire from the rear lines.

It didn't take long before she started losing ground, fast.

Eventually, one hit slip through her defenses, then two, then three and more... But even so, she kept swinging— hauling lightning at enemies, punching, kicking, grappling and blasting, until

A solid punch from one of the undead— a tank type master class hunter, connected with her abdomen, sending her flying, then...



The full force of Stark's spell blasted her across the field and she crashed into the wall before falling on the floor

"REI!" Chorused Arc and Yuki

So Yuki really was worried, wow.

Sitting up, she gazed at her countless enemies approach her

"Ha..ha..hahahahaha, WOW! They really are tough! What the hell was I thinking, going at them like that?"

She then gazed over to Arc and Yuki, calling out to her, panicked. What a sight, She thought as she got up

Thanks for worrying about someone like me, you really are good friends

She thought as a huge grin was plastered on her face


Her eyes had the ferocity of a tiger, locking on to the prey known as Milo Stark, right as she said to the audience

"... I'm about to show you something really cool"

Right after she said that, Arc noticed something he'd seen before, but the sensation was different this time

The sensation was far more dangerous than the one he witnessed in the forest

The ygg in the surrounding area started converging around Rei whose aura was exuding purple lightning.

As she was filled with ygg, the purple lightning appeared to be.... moulting?

No, more like..... purifying

In contrast, Yuki had an idea what was going on

"So she's using that again, hmmm..."

Ever since her sister betrayed the clan to save her life, Rei had been disgusted by her own weakness— even if her sister was born special, she still possessed the same lightning as Rai, so why was she so weak?!

She wanted to get stronger than anyone, she wanted to catch up to Rai and become strong enough to bring her home.

In pursuance of this ideal, Rei Izanagi trained. She worked hard to get stronger and eventually accessed the purple lightning Rai was famous for.

But that was not enough

She wanted to surpass the level Rai reached, to access the next level of power, a new lightning that can be called "A Rei Izanagi original."

And she did, two months ago in her fight against Craig Ryder.

The undead charged her as the ygg converged, about to strike her down, but they were a step too late.


The shockwave of her aura disintegrated the undead about to strike her in an instant. The purple lightning that once enveloped her was now white, and her hair had also changed color, to pure white, like the glistening moonlight.


Arc said, unable to stop his jaw dropping awe whereas Yuki had a proud smile plastered on his face.

Stark was also impressed, but quickly regained his composure and respawned even more undead.

"So you changed the color of your lightning, big deal. It's not going to change your fate"

She did not respond, but instead gathered an absurd amount of white lightning into her right hand. This infuriated Stark a little, so he was prepared to lock in.

"All soldiers, ATTAC—"

Before he could complete his sentence, before he could even blink, Rei was in front of him, inches from his face. Not just that, he saw all his undead were gone, wiped out in an instant, vanishing at the same time.

Well, to any onlooker, it appeared as though they all died at the same time when in reality, Rei dispatched each and every one of them individually— one by one, at a speed so fast, it appeared as though they were taken out at the same time.

Stark couldn't react, he couldn't even breathe in that moment as...


Rei drove her right hand into his chest, snatching victory in an instant.


Removing her hand, Stark fell to the floor as she deactivated her white lightning mode. Seconds later, Rei also fell on her knees, breathing heavily as Yuki and Arc ran towards her.


"*huff huff... I'm...huff.... Fine. Just need to....catch my breath"

The white lightning mode is a powerful form, but she hadn't fully mastered it yet. In it's current incomplete state, it consumes ygg like nobody's business, so it can only be maintained for a few seconds and leaves the user severely exhausted afterwards.

After all, had she fully mastered the technique, in that fight against Craig two months ago, she would've undoubtedly won.

"That was incredibly reckless, Rei!"

Cried Arc, admonishing the female Oni.

"Hahaha, I guess"

"You guess?! That was way too close for comfort!"

"True, but you have to admit, I was kinda cool"

After a sigh and showing a bright smile, Arc responded

"Yeah..... The coolest!"

Hearing that, Rei's cheeks turned red a little with a surprised look on her face. She quickly snapped out of it and put her hand on his head, ruffling his hair

"Hahahaha, That's right, praise me, worship me!"

"Shut up, idiot"

Yuki said, tapping her on the the head

"Ow! How can you hit a delicate maiden like myself, have you no shame"

"Huh? Where's the delicate maiden?"

"You're so mean, Yuki!"

Arc watched the light-hearted moment between the two, as a sudden thought flashed through his mind

"I wonder.... Is this what it's like to have a family?"

This moment was short-lived as the three of them instantly sensed a dangerous presence closing in, and in less than a blink of an eye, it....they, arrived.

Arc, Rei and Yuki were surrounded by three of Selene's personal knights

Sixth Sword, Saya Lane, Slayer 1 mage

Third Sword, Oberon Foster, Master 5 Beast Tamer

First Sword, Carla Roy, Master 4 Warrior (Bloomed)



Sending a huge ball on sun Melissa's way, Tetsuro incinerated Melissa's barrier made of blood, sending her flying.

She got up, clearly outmatched with zero chance of victory.

Before her stood the brilliantly powerful Tetsuro Amami, the number one under the sun, unscathed.

Pointing his finger at her, he gathered countless sun particles into a single, concentrated point.

"Sun Bullet"

Then he fired! The sun Bullet travelled down it's path on a collision course with Melissa and she could not dodge.

Was this the end for her?

Out of nowhere, a blast flew in, colliding and cancelling out Tetsuro's sun bullet with utmost precision.

"Need some help, knight lady?"

A male voice called out from the shadows

"WHO ARE YOU?!....And why are you helping me?"

Shrugging as he stepped into the light, he said

"Master 4 Hunter, Dave Cornwell at your service. As for why I'm helping you...."

Activating a spell which instantly healed all of Melissa's wounds, he said

"... Let's just say I have this annoying friend who'll never forgive me if I ignored a damsel in distress"

Craig and Dave had already arrived at the mines, and so has Selene and her knights.

The prison break is underway and the real fight begins now...