Collaboration Prep

Harry stared at the stack of international newspapers spread across the breakfast table, each headline more dramatic than the last. The French Le Oracle proclaimed "Boy-Who-Lived Commands Lightning From Heaven," while China's Qilin's Clarion declared "Seven-Year-Old Master Rivals Nature Itself." The American Magical Tribune had gone with "Mass Healing at Grand Exhibition - Witnesses Report Miracle."

"Well," Nicolas said mildly, buttering his croissant, "you've certainly made an impression."

"I didn't mean to heal anyone," Harry frowned, picking up the British Daily Prophet. "The divine energy just... flowed naturally."

"That's precisely what makes it even more astonishing to the world," Perenelle reached for her coffee. "Traditional healing requires focused intent or dedicated potions. You managed to affect hundreds of people simultaneously while performing incredibly powerful magic."

An owl swooped through the open window, dropping another newspaper onto the growing pile. This one appeared to be written in Arabic.

"The International Confederation of Wizards has already requested a meeting," Dumbledore remarked. "As have eight Ministries of Magic and every major healing institution in Europe."

Harry took a bite of his eggs, trying to process everything. "But I didn't actually heal any cursed wounds, did I? Just relieved some pain?"

"From what we've gathered," Nicolas set down his knife, "the combination of emotional resonance and divine energy created an unusually receptive state in the audience. A few people with minor curses reported temporary improvement, though nothing permanent."

"The faith has grown stronger," Harry said quietly. "I can feel it - like a river instead of a stream now."

Perenelle exchanged a look with Nicolas. "That's to be expected. You demonstrated both extraordinary power and compassion in a very public way."

"Speaking of which," Dumbledore gestured to where Master Chen approached their table, "I believe your collaboration awaits."

Master Chen's silver robes rustled as he bowed to the table. "Young Potter, might we begin our morning practice? The training area has already been prepared."

Harry nodded eagerly, swallowing the last bite of breakfast. "Of course! Thank you for agreeing to work with me."

"The honor is mine," Chen smiled.

Master Chen gestured for Harry to follow, leading him into a small courtyard tucked away from the crowds. Twelve blocks of white marble were arranged in a loose circle, catching the soft sunlight. Master Chen walked around them, occasionally touching a block or two, muttering something in Chinese that sounded like measurements. Harry followed his movements, taking in the feel of the space.

"Now then," Master Chen clapped his hands together, a sharp sound that cut through the air. "Show me your flames again. The blue ones."

Harry's hands flickered, and a spark of crackling azure fire burst into life, licking upwards like miniature dragons.

"Good control for one so young," Master Chen nodded approvingly. "In my homeland, such talent would be nurtured from birth. Perhaps you might visit someday? Our Imperial Academy would welcome you most enthusiastically."

"Thank you," Harry smiled at the compliment. "Though I'm quite happy learning from Dumbledore, Nicolas and Perenelle."

"Ah yes, the famous Supreme Mugwump and the Flamels," Master Chen waved his wand, causing one marble block to float upward. "Still, a young artist should experience many perspectives. Now, observe..."

The marble began to flow like water, forming into a miniature pagoda. Each tiny roof tile stood out in perfect detail.

"The secret," Master Chen explained, "lies in understanding how magic interacts with different materials. Stone remembers the mountain from which it came. It desires to flow again, as it did when the earth was young."

Harry watched closely as Master Chen added detailed stone dragons that curved around the pagoda's corners. "Could we try combining our techniques? Maybe your flowing stone with my flames?"

"An excellent suggestion! Though perhaps..." Master Chen's eyes gleamed. "We might add that mist of yours? Your magic could enhance the viewing experience considerably."

Harry nodded, already gathering streams of silver-grey mist. He infused it with gentle wonder, a feeling like when he first saw Muggle New York. The mist began to swirl around the pagoda. Then, Harry added careful touches of blue flame, as if the dragons themselves were breathing fire between their teeth.

"Most impressive," Master Chen murmured. "Though if I may... the Imperial Academy has extensive records about emotion-affecting magic. Spells that could complement your magic beautifully."

"That sounds interesting," Harry gave a strained smile, starting to feel a bit of déjà vu.

Master Chen's topknot bobbed as he nodded, making another marble block float upward. "Perhaps we might exchange letters? I could share some basic scrolls about emotional magic found in the Academy. A gift between artists."

"And the Imperial Academy also has excellent healing facilities," Master Chen continued eagerly. "And the archives contain countless more-"

The old master's enthusiasm reminded him of those vendors outside, who had switched from selling 'artistic inspiration' to hawking miracle cures overnight.

"Master Chen," Harry interrupted politely, "I noticed during your demonstration that the marble's weight barely affected the transformation speed. The formula suggests heavier materials should require more power, but you made it look effortless."

Master Chen's enthusiasm shifted, a scholar's gleam replacing the earlier eagerness. "Ah! You study transformation theory? Most unexpected for one so young."

"Fourth-year Hogwarts theory," Harry said. "Though I'm curious about the Eastern approach to the formula. Our textbooks focus heavily on wand power and viciousness."

"Viciousness!" Master Chen scoffed, tapping the floating marble gently with his wand. "Western magic - always fighting, always forcing. Watch. Three taps up, pause, quarter-turn right..."

The marble shifted, edges softening. Master Chen's wand flew through the air in tight spirals.

"The pause between movements lets the material's nature appear naturally as if coaxing a flower to bloom rather than yanking it from the earth."

Harry nodded. "So instead of overpowering the material's resistance..."

"We harmonize with the crystalline structure!" Master Chen completed the thought. "Every pause between movements allows- wait. You mentioned fourth-year theory?"

"Eidetic memory," Harry explained absently, focused on the wand movements. "The quarter-turn seems critical for maintaining stability during the initial phase."

Master Chen's face creased in surprise, his lips parting slightly, before he nodded with understanding. "Indeed! The pause creates an echo with the material's natural frequency. To do otherwise risks wasting energy fighting this echo. Observe..."

He raised his wand smoothly, and the marble responded. It flowed like water, reforming into a miniature pagoda. Each transformation merged smoothly into the next through precisely timed pauses.

"Resonance…" Harry leaned closer. "The standard formula doesn't account for material resonance at all. Though I suppose that's what the emphasis on concentration is for - we're unconsciously matching the resonance through focus."

"You understood more than what is visible on the surface," Master Chen nodded approvingly. "In my experience, the standard formula uses intent instead of viciousness, and adds material resonance as the fifth variable. Power flows more naturally when-"

A commotion near the Exhibition entrance interrupted them. Someone was arguing loudly about privacy.

"Please, I just want to thank him!" An elderly voice carried across the courtyard. "The curse pain - it's been twenty years!"

Master Chen glanced at the entrance, then back at Harry. "Perhaps we should continue this discussion later?"

Before Harry could respond, an elderly witch in faded purple robes hobbled into view, followed by several flustered security wizards. She brightened upon seeing Harry.

"Oh, there you are! Such a kind boy, healing everyone during your performance." She clasped Harry's hands in worn fingers. "The healers said there was no counter-curse, but look - I can walk without my cane today!"

"Ma'am, I didn't actually-" Harry started.

"Such modesty! But I know what I felt. When I looked at your performance, it felt as if my soul could finally breathe again." She patted Harry's cheek. "The pain will probably return, but even one day of relief is more than I've had in decades."

The security wizards approached apologetically. "Mrs. Weatherby, you really must-"

"Oh, very well." She squeezed Harry's hands once more. "Thank you again, dear boy. Such a gift you have."

A faint blush touched Harry's cheeks, and he nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "It's no problem," he murmured.

The guards started escorting her away, and Master Chen hummed thoughtfully. "Your mist affects more than just emotions, it seems. Perhaps we might incorporate this quality into our collaboration?"

Harry nodded slowly, the blush fading as his thoughts turned to the creative possibilities. "The mist could prepare viewers to truly experience the transformations. If you guide the marble while I layer in emotional resonance..."

"Yes!" Master Chen's eyes lit up. "And those blue flames of yours - small touches only, to emphasize key moments in the transformation sequence."

"Like fireflies among stone trees," Harry suggested. "Or lightning emphasizing the edges of each change."

"We shall begin tomorrow morning," Master Chen declared. "For now, I believe your guardians are waiting for you."

Indeed, Nicolas stood at the courtyard entrance, wearing an expression that suggested more unexpected visitors had arrived.

"St. Mungo's Board of Directors," Nicolas explained as Harry approached. "Along with representatives from three other healing institutions. Albus is keeping them occupied, but..."

Harry sighed. "They want to know how the healing happened."

"Among other things." Nicolas guided Harry toward a side entrance. "They're particularly interested in how emotional magic might enhance existing healing methods."

"But I don't actually know," Harry protested. "It seems the divine energy just flowed better when people were caught up in the performance."

"Which is exactly what makes it fascinating to them." Nicolas paused, considering. "Though perhaps we might use this situation to our advantage. The more people focus on the theoretical aspects..."

"The less they'll push for actual healing," Harry finished. "Like how Master Chen got distracted by transfiguration theory."

"Indeed. Speaking of which - " Nicolas raised an eyebrow. "The Imperial Academy?"

"Five times in ten minutes," Harry confirmed. "Though he did share some interesting ideas about material resonance once we got past that."

They reached a small antechamber where Perenelle waited with several letters. "The owls haven't stopped arriving. We'll need to establish some sort of system for handling correspondence."

"Later," Nicolas decided. "For now, Harry needs to focus on the Exhibition. The collaborative phase starts next week, and-"

A knock interrupted them. "Mr. Potter?" A hesitant voice called. "The Board members were hoping..."

Nicolas and Perenelle exchanged glances. "Back door?" Perenelle suggested.

Harry nodded gratefully, already heading for the hidden exit. He had art to create, and he really didn't want to get distracted right now.

Hours later, Harry found himself in a sunlit studio with Madam Sayuri Tanaka, who practically jumped between easels despite being well over a hundred years old.

"Look, look!" She gestured at a massive scroll where ink tsunamis rose and fell, threatening to devour tiny coastal villages. "Your fire makes the water glow from within! See how the blue flames create depth in the dark waves?"

Harry grinned at her enthusiasm. Where Master Chen kept mentioning the Imperial Academy, Madam Tanaka simply wanted to push artistic boundaries.

"Now watch this," she flicked her wand, making the ink surge across the paper. "Traditional magic ink carries the weight of natural forces. When we add your mist..."

The ink swirled faster as Harry released streams of silver mist. The tsunami transformed into a great earthquake, the ground splitting open to reveal molten cores beneath. Each transformation provoked primal awe that made viewers step back instinctively.

"Perfect!" Madam Tanaka's eyes sparkled. "Such raw power! Though maybe..." She traced the earthquake's path with her finger. "A touch of lightning to show nature's fury?"

"Like this?" Harry sent crackling bolts along the fault lines, making the molten core pulse with inner light.

"Yes, yes! Now we're capturing true catastrophe!" She conjured another scroll. "Let's try volcanic eruptions next. If we layer the mist first to build anticipation, then add the lava flows..."

Harry found himself relaxing as they worked. He felt that he had made the right decision to partner with Madam Tanaka for the Enchanted Painting competition.

But he paused when darkness crept into the edges of his vision.

[Thousand Knives - Duel Monsters: The Shadow Realm] – Costs 100CP, 150CP available to spend.

It is what it sounds like - You can spawn a thousand knives out of thin air around you, which then launch as projectiles. While threatening to unarmored foes or thin-skinned beasts, it mostly functions as a distraction tool or an area-of-effect attack against others.

A thousand knives... A spell to conjure and launch that many blades at once sounded incredibly useful. But was it worth spending 100 CP?

Most wizards relied on shields that blocked single powerful spells. How would they react to a thousand smaller threats? Even if the knives couldn't pierce magical barriers, they would force opponents to maintain those barriers longer, draining their focus. And as a distraction...

Not to mention that he had long ago learned that these offers often weren't as simple as they seemed. His Soul Resonance Mist had started as simple fear fog before he understood it on a deeper level. What's to say there wasn't more to understand here?

Harry nodded slightly, accepting the offer. A moment later, he felt something new integrate seamlessly into his Hun soul. The knowledge came naturally - he could form magic into a thousand knives that would launch themselves at a target of his choosing. Though interestingly, he couldn't control the number of knives, or the speed and trajectory of the blades.

These limitations felt... deliberate. Like there might be ways around it, or perhaps different applications he hadn't considered yet. He'd need privacy to experiment properly.

"Harry-kun?" Madam Tanaka's voice brought him back to the present. "Are you alright? You seemed distant for a moment."

"Just thinking about different ways to enhance the volcanic scene," Harry smiled. "Maybe we could..."