Dinner Invitation

Mathilde Faremora settled into her seat on the exhibition hall's balcony, adjusting her dove-grey robes with a casual flick. Platform Three, a massive marble stage where Harry Potter and Master Chen were setting up, floated above the grounds outside the enchanted windows.

The balcony was perfect – a civilized escape from the outdoor crowds, offering a clear view of the platform and the other observers. Near the refreshment table, a woman in traditional Chinese silk moved with an effortless grace that spoke of ingrained discipline. When their eyes met, Mathilde raised her champagne glass in a silent greeting.

"They've really outdone themselves, haven't they?" the woman said softly as she came near. "The way they've enchanted these old European buildings..."

"The marble work is impressive, isn't it?" Mathilde agreed. "I've heard the Imperial Academy has even more refined examples?"

The woman's expression warmed, just a little. "Oh? You know about our architectural traditions, then?"

"Among other things," Mathilde replied, letting her mental shields soften enough to seem open, while keeping her deeper barriers in place. "I'm Mathilde Faremora."

"Yu Wei." A gentle mental probe accompanied the introduction, testing Mathilde's surface thoughts. "What brings you to watch young Potter's demonstration?"

"Professional curiosity about his innovative techniques," Mathilde said, carefully offering some academic-related memories. "Though I suspect many are here for the same reason today."

"Indeed." Yu Wei smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "I must admit, the artistic applications fascinate me most. Our Academy has some promising theories about emotional magic in art."

Another probe was mixed in with her words, and Mathilde allowed some surface-level memories of academic papers to drift through, while keeping her deeper barriers firm. Research into magical art theory – nothing classified, nothing suspicious.

"Ladies," a smooth voice interrupted. A man in perfectly tailored dress robes approached, a sketchbook tucked under one arm. "I couldn't help but overhear. You share my interest in magical art theory?"

His accent was vaguely German, though Mathilde couldn't place it precisely. His smile had a warmth that seemed to embrace them both individually.

"Please, join us," Yu Wei gestured to an empty chair. "I'd love to hear a Western perspective on young Potter's techniques."

"Max," he said, introducing himself with a quick bow to each of them. "I study magical art preservation. Though my true passion is understanding the deeper principles behind it all."

He opened his sketchbook, revealing detailed analytical drawings. But when Mathilde tried to get a better look, Max shifted the angle, his eyes holding hers. "We could talk more about this over dinner? I know a nice place not far from here."

Yu Wei laughed, a light, musical sound. "How forward of you, Max. But I must admit, the offer is intriguing."

Mathilde allowed a smile, playing along. "A discussion of artistic theory would be delightful."

"Wonderful." Max's charm seemed to intensify. "I find intellectual discussions flow much more freely outside of formal settings."

Below, Harry Potter raised both hands toward the massive marble blocks. Azure flames spiraled around his fingers before spreading outward, wrapping around each block like bright blue serpents. The marble began to soften and flow, transforming into miniature mountain ranges that grew taller with each passing moment. Master Chen's wand swished through the air, and cities sprouted along the mountainsides - each building perfectly detailed down to tiny window frames and roof tiles.

Harry Potter directed the blue flames to flow through valleys between peaks, illuminating the marble structures from within. The light pulsed in rhythm with his breathing, making the entire landscape seem alive. When Master Chen added flowing rivers of liquid marble, Harry's flames dove beneath the surface, creating streams of molten light that raced through the crystalline waterways.

Max's quill moved across the page, though Mathilde noticed his gaze remained fixed on them more often than the performance.

"That's quite a talent, isn't it? His command of wandless magic at such a young age is... exceptional." Yu Wei said, watching the performance.

"Raw talent can reveal itself in many ways," Max replied, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest – or a very good imitation of it. "It's clear the boy's had exceptional teachers."

A waiter appeared with fresh champagne, and something about his movements caught Mathilde's attention – a little too rigid for a service worker. But before she could focus further, Max launched into a charming story about a magical painting gone hilariously wrong.

Yu Wei laughed again, lightly touching his arm. Mathilde couldn't tell if the gesture was genuine. She joined in the laughter, maintaining her role while gathering what information she could.

Max gestured at Yu Wei's empty glass, and fresh champagne flowed from the bottle without a wand in sight. "A trick I learned in Venice," he said with a smile, repeating the gesture for Mathilde.

Mathilde felt a genuine spark of appreciation mix with her feigned interest. Such effortless wandless magic spoke of considerable power. Yu Wei's eyes shone with a similar admiration.

"Amazing," Yu Wei leaned closer. "Perhaps you could demonstrate more... techniques later?"

A crack of thunder cut through the air. Harry Potter thrust two fingers toward the storm clouds gathering above. A lance of electricity shot upward, piercing the darkness. Thunder cracked across the sky as natural lightning answered his call, arcing down in a blinding flash that connected with his outstretched hand. Raw electricity coursed through him, making his hair stand on end as he directed the power downward.

Master Chen seized the moment, transforming the entire platform beneath them. Mountains erupted from the stone floor while temples rose atop each peak, their architecture shifting through dynasties - from ancient Greek columns to sweeping Asian pagodas. Rivers of liquid marble carved new paths through the valleys, carrying tiny boats and bridges in their wake.

Max stared for a long moment, along with many others. "The boy channels raw lightning, and Chen manipulates tons of marble like it's clay..."

Then, a silver mist began to flow outwards. Mathilde felt something slip past her mental shields, as if they were barely there, and for a brief moment, her carefully maintained barriers wavered.

She caught fragments of Max's thoughts – calculations, analysis, and something about curses. Yu Wei's surface thoughts flickered with images of a grand hall filled with scrolls. The waiter's rigid posture suddenly made more sense as...

But the moment passed. Their shields snapped back into place as the mist dissipated. Max recovered first, summoning three fresh glasses of champagne, again without a wand.

"A toast," he proposed smoothly, "to new possibilities."

"To new possibilities," Mathilde echoed, hiding a frown behind her smile. The glimpse of Max's thoughts suggested an expertise in curse analysis, not art preservation. But without proof...

Yu Wei clinked glasses with them both. "And to unexpected pleasures." The double meaning was clear, though Mathilde wondered if Yu Wei's attraction to Max was a genuine interest or a clever facade.

Below, Harry Potter sent more lightning through Master Chen's marble rivers, and the old master responded by transforming the rivers into celestial lightning dragons soaring through the air.

"Such raw power," Max murmured, casually refilling their glasses wandlessly. "One wonders what other talents might develop as the boy matures."

"The Imperial Academy has extensive records of prodigies throughout history," Yu Wei mentioned. "None have shown such powerful magic at such a young age."

"Perhaps we could discuss prodigies?" Max leaned forward, voice dropping to an intimate murmur. "I know several historical cases that might interest you both."

A flash of crystal caught Mathilde's eye as the waiter moved past. Something about the cut seemed off, but before she could focus, the announcer's voice boomed across the exhibition grounds.


"Perfect timing," Max said, standing smoothly and offering an arm to each of them. "Shall we continue our discussion somewhere more private?"

Mathilde felt the champagne warming her cheeks. She knew she should investigate the waiter, yet found herself taking Max's arm. Yu Wei mirrored her on his other side, her face equally flushed.

"You mentioned Venice earlier," Yu Wei said, smiling up at Max. "I'd love to hear about your studies there."

"Oh, Venice holds many secrets," Max said, guiding them toward the exit. "Though none quite as intriguing as the company I find myself in now."

Standing close to Max, Mathilde caught a scent of autumn leaves and fresh rain – a scent that felt oddly specific, reminding her of childhood walks in magical forests. But the thought slipped away as Max's eyes met hers.

Max steered them toward a secluded alcove, hands sliding a little lower than propriety allowed. Through the pleasant haze that seemed to be clouding her mind, Mathilde felt a moment of discomfort, but found herself unable to step away.

"Such lovely companions," Max murmured, pulling them closer. "Perhaps we might skip dinner altogether..."

"I believe the ladies would prefer to keep their wits about them," a voice, old but strong, cut through the haze. A distinguished couple stood blocking the alcove entrance.

The pleasant haze shattered. Mathilde stumbled back, and the scents coming from Max suddenly transformed from enticing to cloying. Yu Wei pressed a hand to her temple, her eyes clearing.

"Scheisse," Max snarled, dropping all pretense of charm. The Flamels stood side by side, wands already drawn.

"Maximilian Schäfer," Nicolas Flamel said mildly. "Still using the same tricks after all these decades? The Bundesamt would be disappointed."

Max's handsome features rippled like disturbed water. The transfiguration cracked along invisible seams as he backed away, revealing old skin and white hair beneath.

"The boy's power isn't natural," Max's voice had dropped an octave, rough with age. "It must be studied. You cannot keep such potential locked away forever."

Perenelle Flamel's wand swished through the air. The alcove walls glowed momentarily as charms snapped into place. "And your solution was to abduct two diplomatic observers? Sloppy work, Maximilian."

"Diplomatic observers?" Max's laugh held no humor. "A Chinese intelligence operative and an ICW plant? Don't insult my intelligence, Perenelle."

Yu Wei had already drawn her wand, moving to flank Max. Mathilde mirrored her position, cutting off the other escape route. The pleasant champagne buzz had burned away, replaced by cold focus.

"Speaking of intelligence," Nicolas continued conversationally, "did you really think we wouldn't notice the compulsion charms in the champagne?"

Max's aged face twisted into a sneer. "Notice? You were counting on it. Using me to flush out hidden observers while Potter demonstrated his magic. A clever trap."

"Not clever enough, it seems," Perenelle replied. "Though I must admit, your human transfiguration work remains impressive. The age regression alone must have taken months to perfect."

"Always the teachers," Max spat. His wand moved in a blindingly fast arc.

The charms around the alcove shattered. Mathilde and Yu Wei both cast stunning spells, but Max had already begun to turn. The spells passed through empty air as he disappeared with a crack of apparition.

"Well," Nicolas sighed, lowering his wand. "That was rather dramatic."

"The drinks weren't lethal," Perenelle said, examining a discarded champagne glass. "He wanted information, not bodies."

Yu Wei straightened her robes with a sharp flick. "I should have noticed. The scent masking charms were too perfect."

"We all missed signs," Mathilde admitted. "But I doubt Schäfer worked alone. That waiter..."

A distant crash echoed from the exhibition hall. Nicolas and Perenelle exchanged glances.

"Go," Mathilde said. "We'll secure this area."

The Flamels hurried toward the noise. Yu Wei moved closer to Mathilde, speaking in a low voice. "The recording crystal I spotted earlier - it wasn't standard issue."

"Eastern European design?" Mathilde asked, casting detection charms around the alcove.

"Modified." Yu Wei's wand flicked in the air. "It was probably meant to analyze the soul magic."

They found nothing else of note in the alcove. The detection charms revealed only lingering traces of compulsion magic from the champagne. After ensuring the area was secure, they followed the Flamels' path to the exhibition hall.

The crash had come from a fallen refreshment table. Several guests helped clean spilled drinks while maintaining polite conversation, as if nothing unusual had occurred. The 'waiter' was nowhere in sight.

Nicolas and Perenelle stood not far from Harry Potter, who was now walking with a young friend of his. Neither seemed aware of the earlier confrontation.

"Smart boy," Yu Wei murmured. "Acting oblivious."

Mathilde shook her head. "No. He genuinely doesn't know. The Flamels have shielded him well."

"For now." Yu Wei straightened her silk robes. "That it will become increasingly difficult as his power grows should be clear to everyone."

"Indeed." Mathilde watched Harry Potter for a moment longer. "The ICW will want a full report on today's events."

"As will the Academy." Yu Wei's lips curved in a slight smile. "Though perhaps we might... coordinate our observations? Over actual dinner?"

"Without the compulsion-laced champagne this time," Mathilde agreed, returning the smile. "I know a quiet place in magical Paris."


Harry stood in the main exhibition hall, surrounded by family and friends. Master Chen had just finished explaining the finer points of their collaboration to an enthusiastic crowd when Dumbledore suggested they move to a quieter area.

"The judges seemed very impressed," Fleur smiled, falling into step beside Harry. "Though, honestly? That marble lightning dragon was the best bit!"

Harry wanted to respond, but a flash of movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Two women walked away together, one in dove-grey robes and another wearing traditional Chinese silk. Something about the way they walked made Harry pause.

At that moment, his green eyes darkened.

[Prepared Leap - Final Fantasy XIV] – Costs 100CP, 150CP available to spend.

When people tell you to look before you leap, they aren't saying it just to waste your time. By taking a bit of time to collect your focus before you leap, you'll not only jump a little bit higher, you'll also carry forward more energy into the landing – which will only mean more damage to the enemies you strike. With sufficient strength, you'll even release a small shockwave when you land.

Harry considered the offer briefly. Jump higher and create small shockwaves when landing? Even with hidden depths, it felt underwhelming compared to previous offers. He rejected it, turning his attention back to the conversation.