Daimon, a modern-day man with a penchant for video games and sci-fi lore, finds himself unexpectedly thrust into the Star Wars universe during the tumultuous era of the Old Republic. His reincarnation is anything but ordinary; he is reborn as a Gen'Dai, a race celebrated for its extraordinary regenerative abilities and near-immortality. However, Daimon’s transformation is even more remarkable, his Gen'Dai physiology is enhanced by genetic traits from various races across the galaxy, making him an unparalleled force of nature. Twi'lek grace, Wookiee strength, and Rodian intelligence mingle with his own essence, giving him abilities that surpass even the greatest warriors of the time.
His journey will start by learning the ways of the Jedi then learning the more darker abilities of the force which will give him even greater strength. And with his powerful connection to the force, he will be able to achieve anything he wants.
Before reading please be aware that this is a Overpower Fanfic just like every fanfic I write so as you read keep that in mind especially in the beginning of the story
it would be far better if the mc wasn't a giant and was a race that looked more human like
Does he look like shrek because everything else is good everytime I read I imagine 9ft shrek
Really good fanfiction. I would really appreciate more updates. Will Daimon have a part in Anakin Skywalker's training? Or will he fall out with the Order?
Love the story. Was like yeah let me do some light reading before bed it’s under 30 chapters. How naive I was. By the time I finished I heard birds chirping and realised how screwed I was. Yeah gonna be a long painful and sleepy day. 😢
Just a pretty good Star Wars fanfiction. I have nothing Bad to say about it.
True masterpiece, one of a kind on this app no doubt
.........................GOOD ......................... 👌👌
Really enjoyed reading this so far because I haven't read any other fics that are this far back in the star wars setting and I am enjoying reading through this, just waiting for more chapters now!
Very good overall, good writing, good story telling, good MC (and by good I mean he is written well), I wish the update schedule was faster but most wishes don't come true. 8.5/10
I can’t wait for more! Absolutely awesome until now! Please update regularly! And don’t drop!!!!
5/5 cuz I said so.
Reveal Spoiler
5/5/4/4/5, grammar is great, author uploads frequently, story progresses at a decent pace but actually builds well, MC is interesting and not a retard so far, author knows well about the star wars universe lore so its written well
What is your update schedule?