chapter 2

Mommy?.. Yes yohansshen vince my son my love..? i answer my son as i give him a smile about telling me your surprise for me already." ahm alright.go help your ate ana to pack your things cause were going to your uncle nathan house"..really mom?.. Your not joking right".he said as he start jumping for excitement.i heard ana laughing for my son's cuteness ..i love you mom"..he said while running to his room.ate ana come me pack my things com'on." he suddenly said when he cant feel his nanny's presence beside him.."hansshen ask properly to your ate"..i said to him..sorry mom.". Ate can you please help me pack my things?. He said while giving his super cute puppy eyes to his nanny..ok wait for me handsome"..ana said while running upstairs.hey!. You two stop running up the stairs you might fall."i said to them while shaking my head ..since i got ana as hansshen's nanny.i got more less worried about my son. ana is a good person i meet her at the hospital where i work as a sergeon there.when her mom addmited to the hospital she was sobbing so hard cause her mom needs an urgent surgery for her appendicitis.she doesnt have any relatives that can help for her mother..."flash back"....

Is there enything else that i can help doc nathan? I ask my bestfriend nathan whom my friend since college.well everything is already fine here jane theres no need for your presence her can you just take a rest".. Your seven months pregnant for goodness.!nathan said as he glaring at how about the other patient?. I ask him to change the topic cause i know he will just make me go home ..i barely doing anything cause he wont let me handle more patients.knowing he is one of the owner of these hospital is easy for him to give me a long vacation..and i hate it i want to work even if im pregnant about start looking for a nanny instead of asking me about the patients ?!.he ask while raising his eyebrow .we have more than five hundred doctors here.we can handle all the patient here now can you just go home and rest.nathan said for the fifth times to me..will as a stabborn person like me ofcaurse i didnot listen to him.."oh nate please let me work here for a bit im not tired at all and these little been here inside me, he's not giving me a hard time so relax ok.''? I said to him as i was giving him my pleading eyes .as for the nanny dont worry i will start looking-..immediately stop talking when we heard a loud sobbing ..w-whos that? Did you hear it.? Nate said as he hide behind my back i-is it a ghost?..oh nate stop saying nonsense its just a girl look?.i said to nate as i point the girl behind the door..what is she doing there?. Nate said.we cant see her face clearly cause she's bowing while crying..are you okay miss ?. I said to her as i pat her shoulder and then,,. she suddenly look into us..nate and i got cared and shout together.." oh my,,g-ghost!!." hey nate stop it..i hit nate in the back of his i can see the girl who's looking at us in shame while wiping her face and fixing her messy hair..i im sorry doc for scaring you both.the girl said while lowering her its ok..may i ask why are you crying and why are you hiding her??..i ask the girl with a gentle voice to not scare her..well my mom.*hic. My mo.- its ok dont cry nate said as he come and hug the girl.nathan is a gentle and a kind person he cant stand to see a person who's crying infront of him...ssshh.its ok..we let her cry while still rubbing her back to comfort her as we can see the girl she relax a bit we let her go. how about we go and sit inside my office nate said..come whats your name? I ask.."anna..she answer as we come inside to nate office.what happend to your mom? I ask. .my mom needs an urgent surgery for her appendicitis and i dont have any money to-..she's said while crying hard about your father ? do you have any relatives that can help you pay for the surgery? Nate said..