chapter 3

She shake her head to nate's question..ok i will help you i said.."really doc?. Anna said while looking at me with hopeful eyes.but i cannot pay you back doc cause i dont have money and my mom's treatment is expensive.stop worrying about paying back for now anna lets help your mother first..ok thank you so much doc-"jane" im jane and this is nathan my bestfriend and he is one of the owner of this hospital, so dont worry he can pay the bills..i said to her while grinning at nathan ..hey you daughter of a-.. Godess?? I playfully cut her word while smirking at said you will help her!.. Nathan said while glaring at me.." yes i did. i said to nathan..but you.." i lought out loud when he realize that i trick him..oh come on your rich you can pay her surgery..urghh fine.! Nathan said..see anna. " so dont worry about the money anymore go get your mom..ill talk to her doctor so that she can get her surgery. I said to her while patting her back..come on lets go.when we arrive at her mom's hospital room we got a bad news.she didn't make it ..its too late for the surgery..we can only watch and comfort anna for her lost.."anna where will you go after your mother's burial?"nathan ask to anna..i dont know sir nathan i am all alone now.she said as she continue can live with me i said to her while said your alone right?..actually i am looking for a nanny that can help me to take care of this little prince here when i give birth are you okay with that if not then we can help you find other job that you ma'am i mean i am ok with it im happy that i can help you back...thank you so much for helping me even though you don't know me..i know that no matter what i do i still cant pay your kindness to me.shh..stop saying thank you,. we were happy that we can help..nathan said after this you can pack your things and come home with me ok?? I said and one more thing stop saying ma'am i am not a teacher. Just call me jane your twenty two right? Will im just one year older than you so dont call me ma'am ok?? Im sorry ma'am but i cant do that..alright i surrendered i said as i roll my eyes.."flash back end"...."Mommy were done packing my clothes!..ok good job love..i said to my son..when we were going to uncle nathan's house mom? tomorrow love we will go there tomorrow but for now lets have a dinner first and then go cuddle together to sleep..horey!..i chuckle for his antics..come lets eat.i get up hold his small hands..honestly, i still cant believe that i have already a son and i dont even know who his father is..i only have a one night stand to him ..i was so drunk at that time so i cant really remember what happend that night at the bar..all i know is i just woke up being naked in unfamiliar bed had an headache and sore all over my body and have so manny marks too,.i was so scared and angry by that time..i,cant even see his face clearly cause i was so dizzy at that time. what if he is old and have an HIV.?that bastard did not even use condoms when his doing it to me..all i have about his father is his ring..he give his ring to me before i pass out that night..i woke up wearing his ring in my thumb..and that ring..i give it to my son cause i know that..thats the only thing that i allow my son to know about his father.for sure that pervert have already his own family by now so i wont let my son get hurt by knowing about his'am jane are you okay?..anna said while looking at me worried.y-yes anna i was just thinking about the way what did you cook? i ask her..fried chicken and carbonara..oh good..