chapter 5

"Mommy why cant you let me have my own room?.i am a big boy now..i wont get scared sleeping alone anymore."..and all of my friend have already their own bedrooms too..hansshen said while im helping him putting his clothes..why?. You dont like sleeping with mommy anymore?. i ask him as i pretend to be mommy i love sleeping with you..but my friends wont stop teasing me about still sleeping beside you and for not having my own room..i really are a big boy now..this is the second time when hansshen asking me about his room..i i just cant sleep alone in my bed anymore.i was so hands on with my son since i give birth to him..i only let anna take care hansshen when i got an emergency operation and it will take time for me to come back home..but thats when his olready 3 years old i stop working for almost three years just to take care of my son..even if i get so busy sometimes i always give my time bringing hansshen to school and picking him up after ..i want to give my all to my son .we only have each other as i cant introduce him to his father..though i still have my familly but they are in other country they are too far away fram a pilipina and we are so poor back then living with my two brothers and four sisters in a small house with my parents. i vow myself too study hard so that i can help my parents..and i am so lucky that i got a scholarship here in korea.with my exelent skills and grades i graduated at the age of twenty four as neurologist surgeon.i immediatly applied in nathan's hospital as i also finish my internship there along with nathan..alright love you can have your room..really? He beam..thank you mommy ilove you!. I love you lets go i'll prefer your breakfast.ok mom..he said.anna can you please bring this bags to my car first." i ask anna as i handed her my bags..come on love lets make your pancake..."time skip" .when we arive at nathan's house actually it is a two story villa.." woah mommy uncle nate has really have as big,,big house he said excitedly..uncle nate.!!! He was screaming while running towards his uncle ..nate chuckle as he pick up hansshen and toss him to the air..woah big guy how are you?.. did you miss me?..yes uncle- momma,i miss you!!!.. When he land his feet to the ground he then run into nate's pregnant lover..actually nate's lover is a man..even if am a doctor i still cant believe that a man can get pregnant.thuogh his pregnancy is not easy cause his a man and its rare for a man that can bare a child and only five of them can survive out of 100..but still its a blessed that every body can have their child...hey you little devil come back here i thought you miss me..i laughed so hard seing nathan got ingore his favorite nephew..look at him.! His suddenly forgot me when he saw his momma..nate said to me while pouting..i chuckle .why dont you help me instead of sulking like a baby there.,for godess sake your going to be a father soon nathan and you still act like johansshen i scold him..ouch thats hurt!.he said while holding his heart..come on help me..hi jane i miss you andrei said while holding my son's hand..i miss you too are you and this little one here i said as i was rubbing his big belly gently..he giggle were good thank you..its great having you two here..andy said come lets get inside first.nathan said while pecking up my son..and then guiding us to come inside their house while holding his free hand on andy's..hey you's chool?. nathan ask when we got settle in their big sofa in the living room.its still boring uncle..cause my teacher always teaching things that i already know.hansshen answer..its true that hansshens intelligence and maturity is scaring sometimes. he already in grade one now at the age of four..nathan and andy chuckle hearing my son's winning.but you need to go to school right? So that you can be a doctor like uncle and mommy.., andy said..but i dont like to be a doctor.! i want to be a business man like you and daddy momma.,!hansshen said,. we got all froze to hansshen's words.