chapter 6

My son's words, 'Daddy', left us speechless..arhhm,w-ill.i,- before nathan could talk i immediately got up and left.i left them dumbfounded and worried; icould see it on their faces but i ignore them ..i just wanted sometime alone ..i know i shouldn't get angry at my son because its my fault for being selfish to my son..but i couldn't help getting scared.what if,someday,my son chooses his father over me?" the thought of my son choosing his father over me, really terrefied me"...* sigh* i was looking at the beautiful garden, where there are so manny kind of flowers were planted and there is some kinds of fruits too.i was sitting on the bench under the tree as i was idmiring the beauty infront of me, clearing my mind.. why dont you try to find him and make decision after.? i know that you feel so guilty right make your son so worried about you.walking out like that really.!? Nathan said while patting my back as he sat beside me.its easy for you to say that because your not me." i snort at can i find him when i dont even know his name or what he looks like,"and also what if he already had a family or worst his already dead by now,because his old"how would you know if you will not try to find him..?i know your scared but can you live with that guilt?.. You cant even look at your son's eyes everytime he mention about his daddy, and where on earth did he get an adea that his father is a businessman? Will, i told him that his father has a business abroad and he needs to be there to take care of his company, that he needed to leave us in oreder for us to live comfortable.i said to nathan guiltly.."*sigh*you know your son is smart right? You cant keep lying to him. sooner or later he will knew that your just lying to him and you might not like the consequences,.you know that he longed for his father's affection even though i know that you tried so hard to give your son everything that you can give to him, but he need his father " .so what do you want me to do nate? I ask him frustrated..i i dont want my son to hate me .."i said as i cry helplessly. Sshh please dont cry im sorry for -..mommy!! I immediately wipe my tears as i stand up and pick my son up.."your crying again i dont want to see you cry ." is it about daddy?!.. do you hate dad mom?.hanssen ask even though his just four years old he can already understand what his mommy and uncle saying.,he heard everything.after his uncle nate left to follow his mom.he ask his momma if he could play in the play room as he has a play room there made by his uncle nate,but instead of going into the playroom he follow his uncle nate. he want to see his mommy he is worried about his first he didnot understand why his ma'am suddenly left.but after he heard his mom talking to his uncle..he finally understood .."if you dont want me to see daddy then its ok mom.dont worry i dont need daddy anymore!. Just dont cry i dont wanna see you cry..hansshen said..i wont leave you mom i promise.,"he added while hugging me..sshh.."dont cry its ok mom is sorry for lying at you * is sorry..*sob*..nathan got up from his sit and hug the mother and son who cant stop from sobbing.they hug each other tightly..and he chuckle for their love each other so much huh?!. He joke while still hugging them both..are you both calm down now?..andy said as he come and hug the two..yes im sorry for worrying you andy.." no its ok jane no worries.andy ..come lets go back inside i already prapere our lunch lets go eat first buddy so that we can play in the swimming pole after.when mentioning swimming,hansshen suddenly lifted up his head from his mother's neck; his eyes sparkled with excitement..we all laughed at my son's cuteness..swimming and taekwondo are my son's hobby. He already have a black belt in taekwondo..hannshen is tall and already have a strong body even though his only four..thats why almost all of the girls in his school wont leave him alone.they always follow him everywhere and thats one of the reasons why hanssen dont want to come to his school cause he got piss of the girls there, always following him..i may not have seen that man's face,but im happy that my son is so hansome and smart.and super kind too.,but only to me and to those close to him...