Chapter 106: I will never ever let you go

Qin Zhuzhu knew what was that. She felt it when her arm accidentally rubbed against it. She took a sneaky glance at it.

It was bulging underneath his pants. Her cheeks flushed red. Oh god, she quickly turned her head away.

Shentu Jing had to control himself to stop his little brother from exploding. This woman will be the death of him soon.

"Hurry up! Don't be so slow!" She scolded him to hide her embarrassment.

Eh, why was she suddenly feeling so hot? The car's aircond must have been spoilt.

Qin Zhuzhu took the wheel and drove back to her apartment. Neither of them said a word. She was determined to have a good night sleep and wash all those nonsense thoughts out of her head.

Shentu Jing pretended to sleep. He close his eyes and relaxed himself. He didn't wear his seatbelt so Qin Zhuzhu had to stop at the traffic lights, lean over to wear his seatbelt for him.