Chapter 107: Sanya and the ring

Sanya had gotten herself a part-time job while she waited for some of the fashion companies to review her application. Why was it taking so long?

She groaned in frustration. Her current boss was making things hard on her. Why? Because a jealous female colleague had told some nonsense to her boss, Mr. Bing, claiming that since Sanya had a friend working for a rich guy, she no longer respected him.

Hence, she was late. God! She was just late by one fucking minute! Don't tell her they literally counted every single minute and second!

And that statement made by that jealous lady wasn't even true! Sanya protested, but Mr. Bing threatened to cut her salary if she dared to say anything more.

Mr. Bing was fat and bald. He looked mean and treated most of his workers fiercely, so everyone put on their best behavior to get on his good side.