The reality

It didn't particularly shock me that Peter rejected my offer, I knew he didn't trust me from the moment we met but I needed to keep tabs on Bella and he was the perfect person to use, while Bella can tell him we don't talk and I sometimes bully her, she cannot tell him the exact reason why and one thing I know about people is that they always want the full tea, I just needed him to get hooked enough to want to find out the whole story and everything will fall into place, " I understand Peter, it really is early to start ditching classes, maybe we could hang out some other time, there's this party I'm throwing with my friends, it's kinda like a Goodluck on your exams" he still looked like he couldn't care less so I threw in something different "come to think of it, it's almost the end of the semester, why exactly did you move schools smack in the middle of the school year" that seemed to get to him because he clenched up instantly, I mentally filed that so I could dig more into it, I needed as much ammo to protect myself incase this experiment falls through, "my dad has a "thing" so we needed to move without much notice" the way he replied gave me the impression that the "thing" wasn't going to be beautiful at all "anyways we can always study together if partying doesn't work, help you catch up on all the things you missed", he looked sceptical "really" the distrust hasn't totally left him but he seemed to be opening up a bit "yea, definitely. It'll be cool to study together plus I can give you hints on which teacher to avoid and which to favour" I could see the battle raging in his head but I let it go knowing that if I began to push him too much I'll end up scaring him, afterall he doesn't even totally trust me yet, "anyways anything you decide just let me know, the party is in a few days at Alex's house and you can always catch me up in the hallway if you want to cash in the reading together card", I kept a strained smile on my face as he nodded his head and walked away. I felt like I had swallowed sawdust, did I really just tell the guy that I'll read with him!!, I turn to see my friends staring at me in awe I'm sure trying to figure out my angle but before they could make their thoughts into actions I immediately walked away to my car, change of plans, I needed to be alone to think, I don't think staying with my friends would be as profitable anymore because I feel like I'm going into overdrive and I just need somewhere to lay off all the tension, either in a fight or to get laid and having a verbal fight with my father would put me in more tension thereby defeating the purpose so the house is out of the question, getting into a fist fight would release a little bit of tension but then I'll have a verbal fight with my father after that so that'll be a waste, the only option that's looking really good with little to no side effects is a hookup, I don't want anything to do with sherry so I either go outside the pack to find a girl but human girls are weaker and it takes the fun out of it, even the ones that say they like it rough cannot take it as hard as I like, female werewolves are always better but that would mean I had to wait till the nighttime or find someone in school and an empty classroom.

The thought nagging me at the back of my mind finally came through... My mom. It's been a while since I spoke to my mum after she disagreed with me over my decision to reject my mate and we left things a little bit heated up, I needed to speak to her before heading out to look for who'll satisfy my base need.

I drove back to the house with thoughts of my mum on my mind, since her illness the relationship between me and my dad has become more tense, she used to be our buffer but now she's too weak to get out of bed most mornings not to talk of playing peace maker between me and my dad. The doctors don't think she will make it and that breaks my heart because I won't get to see her for much longer but I have to suck it up and be the man I am supposed to be, an alpha is never emotional.

I arrive at the house and since no one is around I head upstairs towards my mum's room, hopefully she is sleeping and wouldn't notice me immediately I come in, if she does see me when I come in it would take a mountain load of explanations and pleading to sway her from sending me right back to school.

I Walk into her room and nearly choke out a cry, the room has been remade into a mini hospital, all sterile and white, the curtains are white silk but doesn't move as the wind blows by because the air inside the room is supposed to be sterilized, I have most likely contaminated. On the bedside table next to my mum her pills are properly arranged signifying the time and minute to take which. My mum is on the bed looking frail and withered, a sad shell of the once vibrant woman she used to be, I beg the moon goddess everyday to let her stay with me, even if it's just for a few years more but I don't think she's listening, i don't think she has ever listened because as I'm losing my mum I end up losing the one person that would have been able to fill up that hole a bit.

I move towards her and take the chair by her side, holding her hands I try to chase after the little warmth i feel in her hands but it's so faint that in seconds it all but fades away.