It all comes crashing down

My mum wakes up while I'm holding her hands as I mull over everything, she has the clearest blue eyes and while it's dim now, it still shines of love and appreciation, she tugs my hand a little bit and I finally blink back into reality "hey mum, how're you feeling today? Hope there's no pain anywhere" no one has been able to evoke the kind of empathy and I love I have for my mother except her, "oh martin, I'm fine and yes I'm doing better today" she replied with a smile, "I can tell, your breathing isn't as laborious as it was and that's a good thing" I really wanted to see her walk up from this bed, go down to the kitchen and make that amazing breakfast she absolutely loved and stay in the garden for for longer than two minutes where she runs away from for fear of contamination, instead now she has doctors monitoring her like she is some lab project that needed to be studied day in day out, but I guess she is supposed to be studied, somehow my mother contracted one of the rarest diseases a werewolf could get, it is the only illness that is able to end the life of a shifter and one day my mum was diagnosed with it. It's supposed to be this rare genetic disorder and her mating activated it but it has been on the down low for years and all of a sudden something, we don't know what thing, activated it and it came out of its dormant state and mum has been on the decline since then.

I remember when I was younger and she'll spoon feed me even when I got too old to be fed, she has always been with me and I feel absolutely useless concerning my inability to do anything about her state, she touches my face and looks into my eyes "don't be hard on yourself or blame yourself like I know you are already doing, there's nothing really anyone could have done, even the doctors said so" she tried to adjust and I see the wince from pain and how her whole face become distorted in pain and I feel even sadder for her "oh mum, try not to move so much, it'll not do for you to hurt yourself much more" she smiled sadly when she replied to me "don't worry so much, I'm serious, I might be sick but I can still hold up my own, I'm a tough cookie" it was always a sad experience coming to see her and I knew I needed to leave already, the comfort I needed I can't find it here anymore, it's just sickness and death hanging in the air, I stand to go as I remember to bring her some roses when I come see her next, she always loved roses but just like everything about her now, it also has to be sterilized to make sure there aren't contaminants in it "mum, I'll see you later, I have an assignment to finish, I'll bring you flowers next time I come around mum" as I kiss her forehead, I see the tears shimmering in her eyes, "bye baby, take care of yourself and try to eat more healthy, don't think I can't feel that pouch forming in your belly, just because I'm not there to feed you doesn't mean you'll all but start depending on junk food" she tried to fake being stern and failed so horribly, it was always cute to see her try to be a hard ass when I know her heart is all goey and fluffy. I kiss her forehead again as I walk out of the room.

As I turn the corner I see Martha the live-in nurse in charge of my mum, I walk up to her and she startles as I touch her shoulders, she looks lost and even a bit scared, I wonder what's wrong with her but at this present moment my mum's wellbeing is all that occupies my mind "are you okay Martha, you looked a bit shaken" I ask her to be polite, hopefully she doesn't say No because I'm not in the mood to listen to another person's woes when I have mine waiting patiently for me.

"oh yes I am, my mind just wandered a bit, are you back from seeing your mother, she's looking better isn't she, I'm glad she is, she's even eating more, sitting up for long and once in a while uses the bathroom by herself, it's just thrilling to see her make such recovery especially with the fact that all the doctors were doom sayers" she rattled on and on and I touched her shoulders to make her calm down, something was definitely wrong with her but if she she said mum is doing better then that's all I could possibly ask for, I don't think the sickness will just up and leave but at least mum is not in as much pain constantly as she used to be.

"Thank you Martha, I'll go to my room now, I have so much homework to take care of, please continue to look after mum, she's sleeping now though so you still have a bit of free time" and because I couldn't just walk away " and whatever is bothering you, I'm sure it'll all fall into place eventually, don't stress about it so much" I added a bit of sentimental well wishing with a playful wink as I bounded up the stairs two at a time.

I walk to my bed and fall face first towards it, my life is an absolute complete mess and I'm drowning, my mum is sick, my father and I are in a constant battle, I had to go and reject my mate and my friends are completely useless when it comes to things like this, all they want to do is party and have sex with random girls. As I turn around looking up to the ceiling in a bid for some supernatural intervention from the moon goddess I see a spider at one part of the ceiling struggling to carry it's food up to its web and failing multiple times, I watched on to see if the myth of spiders never giving up is true and if somehow this was the spiritual intervention I needed in my life, as I focus all my energy on the spider making it's way up for the third time, I hear a crash and a loud cry, I get overtaken with fear as I rush to my door, it sounds like it's coming from mom's wing of the house.