Chapter 12: Daily Quest

Vexx just relaxed in his bed thinking about how his battle against Naomi went compared to crazy girl. He couldn't say that he had done more damage then her but he had definitely lasted longer then her so he wondered how the easiest way to get exp would be. 

Vexx laid in his bed when he heard a knock on his door. He stood up from the bed and walked to the door and opened for Kamari and Blake who barged in and said "Put on your uniform. It's almost time to eat" Vexx put on his black uniform and they headed out. Vexx saw more people than before because everyone was heading towards the cafeteria. The cafeteria was in a different building so it took them around 10 minutes to find it. 

When they entered they saw a big room with tables all over to sit on. When they entered they took some food and sat down at one of the tables. Vexx looked around in the room and eventually spotted Albert who stood at the teachers table in the front of the room. After a while of waiting Albert started to speak "first of i want to welcome all the new students to the hunter academy. The lessons will begin tomorrow so you should get to sleep early tonight. You will get your schedule sent to your rooms so you know which building you need to be in."

Vexx saw how another man rose and started to speak. "Hello my name is John Dale and I'm the school's principal. I hope to see that all of you will be taking this seriously and not just lazy around because then you won't make it through the three years ahead of you." And with that the speech was done and everyone got back to eating. Blake, Kamari and Vexx talked about what Albert and Jack had said. Eventually they were done and got up and left. 

When they were walking out Vexx got some chills and quickly looked behind him but couldn't see who it was that gave him that creepy feeling. 

At the teachers table there was one who looked at a student while trying to figure out if he was as special as the principal said he was, It was Rose. 

When Vexx was walking back towards his room he looked at a screen in front of him. The screen surprised him so much that he flinched a little. "What happened?" Blake said while looking at him right through the screen. "Nothing, I thought I heard something but it was probably just a bird" Vexx answers while quickly reading what stood on the screen.

[Dark human hand to hand combat is important so you can defend yourself. Learn the basics]

[Play video]

Vexx closed the message and continued walking. When they were at their rooms they said goodbye to each other and headed into their rooms. When Vexx stepped inside he saw a package on the floor. 

Vexx walked towards the package and took it from the floor and started to open it. What he had in front of him was a smartwatch. Vexx looked at it and thought that it looked really expensive. Vexx put the watch on his wrist and saw how the screen lit up and showed the number 10.

When he pressed the screen he saw how a hologram appeared above the clock and showed him his schedule. While looking at the hologram he saw that they would start with Beast identification. When Vexx pressed the screen another time he got back to the number 10. 

After the long day he decided to get some sleep. The next day he woke up to an alarm that rang through a speaker inside his room. When he woke up he saw that a message had popped up in front of him. 

[Daily task completed]

[Spend 8 hours in complete darkness]

[10 exp]

"What?" Was the only thing he could say and then he opened his system and saw that his bar had filled so it now was 10 out of 100. Vexx hadn't seen that he had quests. He had daily quests. He just remembered the usual quest and side quest but when he opened the tab he saw a new row of text which read 

[Daily Quest]

[Spend 8 hours in complete darkness]

He then closed the system and put on his uniform before heading out where Kamari was waiting "Goodmorning!" He said in a cheerful voice "Goodmorning. Have you seen Blake?" Vexx replied. Kamari just shook his head. They started walking towards his door and when they were outside of it they saw how his door also opened. After everyone was ready they headed down towards the cafeteria while talking about what they would do today.

When they came in to eat they saw a fight happening right in front of them... or it was more like a beatdown. there were three people against one. Vexx looked around the room and saw no teacher nearby and saw that people just glanced in their direction while trying to avoid getting involved.

Vexx looked at the three people who were targeting the student on the ground. One of them had long hair and was really long while one was chubbier but was bigger than the others. And the one in the middle looked kind of small in comparison. 

Vexx got very angry because of the way others didn't try to help him. So he decided to go in and do the work himself.

Vexx walked over to them and heard how his system had made a quest for him.

[Defeat the opponents]

[Remaining opponents: 3]

[Reward: 15 exp per opponent defeated]