Chapter 13: Bullies

Vexx looked at them and saw that none of them used an elemental attack so he was pretty sure they had power enhancing powers and not elemental powers. Vexx looked at the biggest of them and came from behind and threw a punch towards his head. 

The big one didn't see the fist until it was too late. The fist landed right at his nose as he turned around to see what it was behind him. Everyone who was close by could hear the crack coming from his nose. Vexx saw that he hadn't got any exp so he knew he was still awake but was on the ground so he decided to start running right towards the long one while doing a strike from the one who was smaller.

When Vexx got to the front of the long one he saw how he was preparing to throw a punch and thought that Vexx was faster than him so he decided to continue with the punch while ducking but his punch hit Vexx in the head and he was flung to the side.


At this moment Blake and Kamari were preparing to fight. Kamari charged up electricity in his hands while running towards the small one while Blake teleported to the long one who just punched Vexx. Blake teleported behind him and threw a punch at the back of his head. It was a powerful hit but the long person had started moving forward so the hit barley made contact. 

When he felt the punch he turned around fast and swung his arm and striked Blake in the face. Blakes face moved but he just stood in the same place. Right before he would strike him he saw Vexx coming from behind the long one and decided to just let Vexx take him out.

Vexx ran and when he was right at him he threw a kick that had hit him in the side. Vexx used his darkness to encase his leg so the power of the kick was more than doubled. He flew right into a table that broke in tow.

[You defeated one opponent: 15 exp]

When he saw the message he saw how Kamari had thrown a punch towards the small guy who looked to be fine but Kamari had hit him he saw how he just stood there and then he threw a punch towards Kamari but just in time Blake had teleported and blocked the punch with his hand. Then they overpowered him and when Vexx was paying attention to their fight he suddenly heard a noise that was coming from behind him.

When he turned around he saw how the person in front of him held a knife and stabbed Vexx right in the stomach.


Vexx looked down at the big man and the smug face he had. he took the knife out and quickly spun around throwing a kick towards him which was powerful enough to take him out 

[You defeated one opponent: 15 exp]

He looked and the tree people were down on the ground. When they were done they heard how the teachers were about to arrive when he saw how his HP started to go down one more and realized that it probably was because of the bleeding. 

Vexx started to panic for a second and then realized that he couldn't do anything about it so he just walked forward, halting a little while holding the spot where the knife had struck. When he had reached his destination he crouched down looking at the person how was laying on the ground and saw that his rank was at the bottom of the ladder and he needed medical treatment soon or he would die

"He's dying here!" Vexx shouted and the teachers who had just arrived then started to move and took care of him while one of them looked at Vexx and said "You need treatment to young man" Vexx looked at him and just nodded because he really needed it, right now his HP was at.


They walked in silence and eventually got to a very familliar room. When they opened the door he saw a familiar face standing beside a bed with her long brown hair tied up in a ponytail. When the door opened she saw the student who had been attacked and quickly pointed to the bed next to the one she stod beside. 

"What happened to him?" She asked while walking towards him. The teachers started looking towards Vexx like he wanted me to explain what had happened. "I don't really know what happened i just saw how he was down on the ground and no one helped him so i steped in. 

White just nodded and held her hands over his brest while using some type of healing ability. Her hands started to shine with some green light and eventually he started to open his eyes. 

When White had checked everything and she saw that he was ok the teachers started to ask the student questions while White walked over towards Vexx. "Here again Vexx I thoght it whould at least be one week before you came back here." She said while laughing to herself.

Vexx looked at her and rolled his shirt up so she could see the stab wond and asked "Do you think you could help me with this?" He said with a smile. "Of corse" She said. She placed her hands on his stomach and asked. "How did you get this wond?" She said a litle worried for his safety. "I got stabed by a knife" He said while not sounding botherd with it. When she was finished she looked at me with a stern look and said "Be safe. I don't wan't you coming back every other day." And with that i got to leave. 

The teachers had let me go beacause the leasons where about to start. While walking towards the leasson he saw how students avoided him. They started to whisper "He was the one who almost killed three students this morning" One of the girls said to her friends. "On his first day to" One of the others said.