Vexx felt sore all over but he wasn't tired. Vexx decided to take a nap before dinner. Vexx laid down in his comfortable bed and crawled under the quilt. Vexx had just closed his eyes when he remembered something that he had to check out.
Vexx jumped out of bed and opened his skill page where he saw his skills and one more thing.
[Skill list]
[Perfect Sight]
[Perfect sight allows you to see much better in the dark and improves your sight significantly]
[Dark Regeneration]
[Dark Regeneration regenerates wounds when you are in the dark but it can't regenerate body parts that are cut off from your body]
[Dark Manifestation]
[You can use your Darkness to make tangible objects which you can control as you want]
[Dark human hand to hand combat is important so you can defend yourself. Learn the basics]
[Play video]
Vexx looked at the clock. 'Three hours I should be able to come back in that amount of time. Vexx left his room and walked out to the fields where there was training equipment for hundreds of people.
Vexx looked around and saw that there were many who were older than him and a few that were the same age as him. Vexx decided to stand in a corner of the big field. Vexx looked around him to see that no one was paying attention to him standing there and staring at the same spot the whole time.
The first thing that Vexx saw was a man that had a black suit with a few purple details on it. The man was big and muscly with a serious look and a strange air around him. He was in a dark room but Vexx could see him clearly thanks to his Perfect sight skill.
"You don't need to know who I'm because I'm here to teach you how to fight, nothing else."
Vexx was taken aback by this but quickly paid attention to the video again as the man started to explain.
"First, you should know that you can only watch this one time but once you have watched it this will be stored into your memories and you will be able to play it in your head." The strange man took a deep breath and continued
"Second, There are three basic videos to watch which will explain the basics of the martial art. The videos are quite good because if you watch it with Perfect sight you will have an easier time learning it. You will understand why later."
Vexx looked at him and wondered what he meant by that it would be easier to learn it with Perfect sight.
"Third, Even though this is just the basics you should master this before moving on to the next stage. The way to master something is to learn the basics first." And with that the screen turned black for a second and then three things popped up on the screen
[Basic attacks]
[Play video]
[Basic defences]
[Play video]
[Basic enhancements]
[Play video]
Vexx looked at the three options and choose the first of the three
[Playing Basic attacks]
The man came up on the screen again but the screen was black and Vexx could see a silhouette of a man. with his Perfect sight he saw him clearer but it was still a little hazy.
When Vexx looked at the screen the man started to explain.
"Dark human martial arts rely on each part of your body and the way you control it." When Vexx saw how the man threw out a basic punch he saw how a thick darkness came out of his hand and extended about 1,5 meters out this was shocking to see. When Vexx looked at the man again he threw a kick and the same happened to the kick.
Vexx looked at the screen when a Black figure came from the ground and the man was attacked by it. Vexx saw how the man moved with the help of the darkness around him. The speed was crazy he changed directions mid air making it look imposible to pull off.
The man came down from above the silhouette and made a small spike from his fist and pierced the new one who just disappeared.
When the enemy disappeared Vexx felt a sensation in his head and then he could see the video in his head. Vexx decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to try it out right in front of the whole school so he walked to the spot where he had met Naomi and Sky. Vexx started to try and extend his darkness and made a spike. It was harder than it looked like. Vexx needed to imagine the shape and take the darkness to his hand and extend it from his body.
The arm was not as bad as he had seen it a million times and he didn't need it to be done as quickly. 'Shit... this is harder than I thought' Vexx complained. After about 30 minutes he could make it decently fast but he still needed more training. As for the moment he felt like he got down pretty quickly. It relied much more on where Vexx used the darkness than how it looked and the characteristics of it.
After about 50 minutes of training Vexx decided to watch the next video.
[Playing Basic defences]
"Your defensive capabilities are on par with your attack... The defense is easier to learn but harder to master. If you master both you will be able to create the optimal offence and defence." When Vexx looked at the man in the video he saw how he was covered in a black layer of thick darkness. Vexx looked at the deep darkness and got chills.
When an enemy came into contact with the darkness it just bounced off. After that the video ended Vexx felt the same thrilling sensation in his head. Vexx covered his upper and lower body in a thin layer of darkness which made him lose 30 extra darkness from his reserve.
Surrounding himself in darkness was something Vexx had done before but not around his whole body. The feeling of the darkness was amazing. He felt how the cold darkness soothed his body while wrapped tightly around him. Vexx summoned Vorkin and asked him to strike him with his claws.
Vorkin who started to transform nodded and ran forward. Vexx didn't know how he felt about the quick response but he couldn't worry for long as Vorkin was right in front of him. When Vorkins claws had hit the darkness on Vexx's arms he got pushed back and felt how his arms took some damage because of the impact and not the claws piercing through the darkness.
Vexx looked at the darkness and wondered what he did wrong, after some thinking he played the video in his head again and paid attention to where the creatures struck the man. What Vexx noticed was something that he completely missed the first time.
Right before the impact the man made a little thicker layer and almost caught the claws and threw them back. All this happened in a few seconds. Vexx started smiling and only one word came to his head 'Shit'