Chapter 21: Let The Hunt Begin

Vexx sat down in the classroom and waited for Albert to arrive. All around him were students who just chatted like never before and laughed together. Vexx would have been one of them if he hadn't met Naomi and sky in the forest. There were people like himself among the students. It was very easy to distinguish them as they sat quietly looking in one direction focused on the upcoming task.

"Hello everyone. Today you will not have any usual lessons... Actually not one lesson in the next week. Everyone will spend one week on another planet called Egnalia. You will spend the next week collecting basic tier crystal cores on a planet that is overrun with basic tier beasts. If everyone could go and grab your equipment and meet in the main stadium in 30 minutes." 

Everyone was panicking and thinking what to do. Some just walked to the stadium directly. Both Kamari and Vexx walked there directly while Blake, Naomi and Sky walked to their rooms to prepare their weapons and armor. '

"What do you think the planet will be like?" Kamari asked while trying to hold back his excitement. "I have no clue but if i were to take a guess it would be a planet with many plants and running water as we are supposed to live there a week we need a consistent water and food source." Vexx answered and then remained silent for the rest of the wait.

After half an hour all the first years were gathered at the stadium center around a portal the size of a door. There were three people standing in front of the portal. One was Albert the second one was someone that Vexx had a pretty bad impression of. The second one was Rose and the last was someone Vexx hadn't met yet. The man had black hair and looked to be around 30 years old and wore a well tailored suit. 

Many questions popped into Vexx's mind but before he could speculate he heard a loud noise coming from the man he didn't know who he was.

"Students... My name is Logan and I'm the Principle of the hunter academy. This is your first step to becoming real hunters. Everyone here will be heading to a Rare tier planet. This means that there have not been discovered to be any more threatening than Rare Beasts on the planet. You will hunt in groups of five. You will get to choose your teams before going through the portal. The goal of this hunt is to get an evaluation of your general capabilities and what to expect from you in the future." The man took a pause in the explanation and continued

Everyone will get basic cooking gear and a uniform to wear while on the planet. The uniform is also adaptable to the climate so if it's hot then it will be thinner and vice versa. When or if you at some point on the planet feel that you are in a real danger you can use the teleportation crystals that everyone will be given before they enter, They will take you back to earth. Of course if you use one you will be disqualified even if the rest of our team comes back alive and with beast cores... Does anyone have any questions?"

It was completely silent until Vexx asked "What happens if you kill a rare tier beast will it give extra points or will it just count as a basic crystal?"

The principal looked at him with intriguing eyes and answered calmly. "I doubt that any of you could defeat a rare tier beast but if you manage then it will count as 50 basic crystals." Vexx noded and the silence continued after a while Naomi also asked a question. "How do we get back to earth after seven days?" 

This time Albert answered as he was in charge of the portal's stability. "After seven days your watches will give us your coordinates to track you down and open separate smaller portals for you at each and everyone's location. This is thanks to Iris Rivers the Priestess of Stars, the leader of the northern continent." After the explanation Blake also had a question. 

"Is Iri... I mean is the Priestess of Stars going to be here as well?" Blake gulped as he waited for an answer.

"Yes. You are quiet lucky. The Priestess of Stars wants to see what the newer generations have to offer so she usually takes part in the assessment and judgment of the first hunt." Albert answered while Blake just quietly nodded. 

After everyone had asked these questions the principal started talking again. "The first to enter is the first place of the assessment. Naomi Howl please choose your team and go to the portal. Naomi started walking and right behind her followed Sky, Blake, Kamari and Vexx.

As they approached the portal Rose gave them a backpack and each and everyone of them a uniform that they switched to in small booths that were temporarily set up in the arena. The uniform was completely black with small pockets almost everywhere. 

As all of them walked into the portal they immediately felt the chilling wind in their hair as they were standing on the tip of a small mountain. Vexx looked at the tropical climate they were in and wondered what type of creatures that could be lurking in the darkness.