French Window

"Zan Tengfei... If you are not going to be mine, I am not going to make you her's too...." Bo Ehuang said hystericaly. Everyone got shocked hearing her words...

She let out an eerie laugh and ran towards Bo Ehuang. Before anyone could intervine, She pulled Bo Ehuang along with her and jumped out of the window...

Everyone screamed...

"Bo Ehuang!!" Zan Tengfei ran to grab his wife.

Chang Mingxia jumped first out of the window along with Bo Ehuang. The French window was broken and the glass pieces fell all over the place. Some of the servants covered their bodies to protect themselves and others covered themselves around Elder Zan.

Zan Tengfei, who ran after them stuck with some of the glass pieces.

Bo Ehuang who was with Chang Mingxia screamed.... And Bo Ehuang laughed. There is sharp rocks outside the window!! Bo Ehuang.... You will never live!! You will die along with me!! Chang Mingxia closed her eyes.

Bo Ehuang also screamed... And closed her eyes....


Within seconds they fell... Not in the rock as Chang Mingxia thought, but in a bed...

WHAT!! WHY DON'T I FEEL ANY PAIN!! Chang Mingxia opened her eyes and looked around. It's not a rock!! It's a bed!! She thought angrily. Beside her Bo Ehuang was sitting in the the bed. Around her there were people and police.

Bo Ehuang stood up and slowly walked towards the edge of the bed.

"Bo Ehuang!!" She could hear Zan Tengfei calling her name and running towards her. She felt her world spinning and eyes darkening... She stumbled.... Ah I am falling!! Before her world darkened she thought. But before she fell into the ground, her body was held by a strong pair of arms...


Few hours earlier.

"What about the security?" Bo Ehuang asked.

"Yes!! We should consider it too!! We don't know what she will do!!" Elder Zan backed it.

"Father!! I have decided to take the dangerous items from the room... And also, incase she tries to jump out of the window, we are going to cover the ground below it with bed or large nets. And also butler Wun...!!" He turned towards butler Wun.

"Master Zan!!"

"You should call the police early. You can only call them if only something happens!! Okay? We are not even sure yet about the trap!!"

"Okay!! Master Zan!! I will do it!!" Butler Wun answered.

"Mm...!! Elde Zan nodded.


Police!! They are going to catch me!! Chang Mingxia also stood up from the bed. She looked at the Zan Tengfei who was running towerds Bo Ehuang anxiously... And catching her.... Calling her name....

"Ha! Ha! Ha!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Chang Mingxia began to laugh.

"You can't catch me!! I won't go to jail nor the hospital!!" She ran and took a large stick and pointed towards her stomach... And screamed. She pushed it towards her stomach....

"Catch her!!" One of the police officer said.

"Yes sir!! Others ran and catched Chang Mingxia.

"LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!" She screamed.

Suddenly one of the person who was wearing a doctor uniform came and injected somthing in her hand. Chang Mingxia fell into a deep sleep...


"Thank you officers!!" Zan Tengfei gave the video evidence to the police and thanked them.

They were in Zan Tengfei's room. Bo Ehuang was sleeping in the bed.

"Even it's murder attempt, if it's proven that she is mentally unstable, she won't be able to go to jail. We will send her to a good phychiatric hospital and will be watching her there!!" The doctor explained.

"Okay doctor! Please take care of her!! I don't want more trouble from her!!" Elder Zan said.

"What about my wife? When will she wake up?" Zan Tengfei asked.

"Nothing serious! She is just shocked. She will wake up after sometime!! Don't be afraid Mr. Zan!!" The doctor assured them.

"Mr Zan!! We would be needed a detailed statement on the events happened. Please come to the police station tomorrow for giving statement. And if your wife wake up and she is not shocked, please bring her too!!" The officer said.

"I will be! Sir!!"

The police nodded and left the room. Zan Tengfei and all others came downstairs and looked at the ambulance where Chang Mingxia is sedated.

The doctor nodded and the ambulance door got closed. They looked at the moving vehicle...

Upstairs, Zan Guiying who was totally engulfed in the movie night didn't even hear all the commotion happened inside.


Zan Tengfei looked at his sleeping wife. "Bo Ehuang!! When will you wake up? Please wake up faster. You are making me feel anxious!!" He held her hand and squeezed it slowly. And kissed it.

Bo Ehuang was dreaming....

Somebody is chasing her with a murderous intent. She ran and ran... But she couldn't escape from them. She looked at her leg. Why can't I move faster?? Why?? I am so afraid!! I want to escape!! I want to escape from that person!! Please.... Please help me!! Somebody!! Zan Tengfei.... Anybody!! Please!! She screamed on the top of her lungs... But her voice never came out. Somebody was chocking her throat. She coughed.... But no avail. That person is behind me... Bo Ehuang ran and at last.... She reached in the end of a cliff... She looked back... The person is coming faster towards her with a wicked laugh. "Please!! Don't!! Don't come near me!! She screamed... The person suddenly grabbed her hand. From far behind, she could see Zan Tengfei calling for her. "Zan Tengfei...!!" She called him. But in the next second, she was fell into an abyss..... "Aaahhh!!" She screamed. But before she fell into deep into the cliff, she saw a light... She extended her hand towards it.... To her surprise, it was Zan Tengfei's hand.... He pulled her....


Bo Ehuang opened her eyes slowly.

Suddenly some figure pulled her towards him and hugged her tightly...

"Bo Ehuang!! You opened your eyes!!" Zan Tengfei hugged her.

"Zan Tengfei....!!" She called him slowly... "I had a nightmare....!!"

"It's okay!! It's okay Bo Ehuang!! I am here... Don't be afraid... He hugged and kissed her hair.....

She also hugged him back.... Feeling his warmth...