Bo Ehuang opened her eyes slowly. Haa!! It was just a dream.... Just a nightmare....
Suddenly some figure pulled her towards him and hugged her tightly... Who is that?
"Bo Ehuang!! You opened your eyes!!" Zan Tengfei hugged her.
"Zan Tengfei....!!" She called him slowly... "I had a nightmare....!!" He is here!! I am safe...
"It's okay!! It's okay Bo Ehuang!! I am here... Don't be afraid... You will be alright!!" He hugged and kissed her hair.....
She also hugged him back.... Feeling his warmth...
"How are you feeling? Are you alright?" He asked her.
"Yes! I am!!" She answered.
He took the jug near him and poured some water. "Here!!" He extended his arms.
"Thank you!!" She looked at him and took the glass.
"No! Let me...!" He held the glass and gave it to her. It touched her lips. "Drink...!!" He said.
"Mm..." She nodded and drank it slowly... She blushed...
"Where is Chang Mingxia? What happened to her?!" She asked anxiously. "She even have suicidal tendency!!"
"Mm... The doctor explained all that. And don't panic... She is safely caught and was sent to a mental asylum. They will do a detailed check up of her and help her!!" He answered.
"Where is Yingying?" Did she knew any of this?"
"No!! When we got back to the room, she is sleeping... So it didn't cause any trouble!"
"Thank god!!"
"And Bo Ehuang...." He called her.
"If your health is okay, we should go to the police station tomorrow. We have to give them a detailed statement!! If you're not okay, they will come here and take your statement.... What do you say?"
"No! No! I am alright!! We could go there. Then what about Yingying? Will they also ask questions to her?"
"She is still a small child.... We could ask to the police officer there. They will surely agree to it. And our lawer will take care of everything!!"
"Haa..." She leaned towards him. "I hope they won't question her. She can't grasp the situation.... She could get afraid..."
"Yes.... I know..." He began to play with her fingers....
"Zan Tengfei...."
"When she pulled me with her..... I know there was safety measures already in there.... But... But I got afraid too.... I thought what will happen if the safety net got broken? What if the bed moved.... And what.... What if I die?? How could I leave you both... You and Yingying.... My family?? I was so afraid...." She hugged him.
He patted her back. "How could you die.... We have to celebrate our anniversary!!" He chuckled.
She also laughed back. "But Zan Tengfei... On the serious matter!! Shouldn't we tell this to Yingying?! She would definitely ask to us.... So what will we tell her?"
"We can't tell her the whole thing!! But we should tell her... She have the right to know..."
"Yes!! Would you talk to her?"
"Yes!! I should... I will talk to her!!" He looked at the bed. "Get up!! I will arrange it!!"
"Oh okay!! Thank you!!" She got up and stood near the bed. "What about Yingying? Are you going to get her back?!"
"No!!" Arranging the sheets, he answered. "It's father's instruction. He told me to rest with you!!"
"Okay!! And you also have some bruises too...!" She looked at his face.
"Oh!! It's just some small scratches!! I have applied ointment!!" He touched his face and said.
She moved near him and touched his face slowly... And ran her fingers through the scratches.
"What!! What happened?? Is it painfull?? Does it sting?? Are you alright??" She panicked.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! No! No!" He laughed and touched touched Bo Ehuang's nose. "It isn't even painful!! But your reactions are funny!!" He laughed again.
"Zan Tengfei!!" She slapped his shoulder angrily. "I was afraid!!"
"Sorry!! Sorry!! My dear wife!!" He hugged her. "Now... Can we sleep? We have a long day tomorrow!!"
"Yes.... Okay!!"
They laid in the bed. Bo Ehuang looked at her husband. "Thank you.... Thank you for being with me Zan Tengfei!! Thank you for believing me!!" She told softly.
He looked at her and smiled and kissed her slowly... "Good night..."
"Good night...!"
Elder Zan looked at his sleeping granddaughter. Ha.... My little Yingying!!! Many things happened when you were sleeping.... Your father will explain this things for you!! He brushed her hair slowly... But your grandpa is sorry Yingying!! I have the responsibility of bringing her back to this house!! I hope you haven't got that much close to that girl!! Otherwise, it could be difficult for you and may turn into one of your worst memories... He kissed her temples and laid down beside her.
Zan Guiying turned and hugged her grandpa happily...
He sighed....
Next day, when Zan Guiying woke up, there were no Chang Mingxia waiting for her. There were another servant.
"Good morning young miss!!" She smiled.
Zan Guiying also greeted her back. She yawned and held up her hands. The servant took Zan Guiying in her arms and walked to bathroom to brush her teeth.
After freshening up, she looked for her kindergarten uniform.
"Auntee!! Whew is my unifom?!" She asked.
"Young miss have a surprise today. But before that, shall we go to eat breakfast?!"
"I do?!! I do have a suwpwise?!? Yeeehh!! I wiw come now!!" She ran happily to the dining room.
"Daddy!! Mommy!! Gwandpa!!" She called the elders who were dining. "Whew is my suwpwise?!" She looked around.
"Yingying.... We are going to a trip!!" Zan Tengfei said happily.
"Twip!! Wow!! To whew?! Pwease tew me daddy?!!" She began to shake Zan Tengfei.
Bo Ehuang looked at her husband. Surprised.
"It is the surprise Yingying!!" He kissed her temples. Today you are not going to kindergarten, but going for a trip with us!! How does it feel?!"
"Then can I gwet wedy?!" Sitting in her rhigh chair, she asked.
"No! No! Not now!! We are going to a place... Mommy and me... After that we would go to a trip!!"
Zan Guiying's face fell. "Okay!! I wiw wait fow you!! But whewe awe you two gwoing??" She looked at both of them....
Bo Ehuang looked at her husband...