Night fell down in Zan villa.
Zan Tengfei looked at his sleeping wife. She was pretty shocked. He rubbed his face and let an expirated sigh. I was the one to blame. I should have noticed when Chang Mingxia behaved to me like that. He remembered the incident when she arrived, when she fell into him. And shen she tried to show her breast to him.
Actually he was in whole forgotten about this incident. Because he took it too casually. It may be because her seduction plan didn't work out, she moved to another plan. Making Bo Ehuang looked mad!! But he wasn't even attracted to Chang Mingxia's body. He wasn't even lusting after a women's body. He looked at his wife again. Well... I am getting attracted... He smiled.
Yingying would have slept now. He looked at the French window. The Carpenters came and it was remade. He wanted to change that to a normal window, but decided against it. I should ask her tomorrow. If she wanted to change it, she can.
Zan Tengfei again remembered his times with Chang Mingxia... She was in love with me from that period. He remembered his trip to Spain. What should I tell to Yingying? When he reminded himself, he also found another important thing. I am an idiot!! We hadn't even gone to a date.... Or a family trip to anywhere!! It's going to be an year living with Bo Ehuang, but it's the first time his head worked to find out the most obvious thing in their marriage life.
And we haven't even gone to a honeymoon trip!! But it was his decision during that time. Even if he goes back to that time, he won't change that decision. Bo Ehuang deserves a vacation. But Yingying have classes.... So we could take a big vacation after our anniversary. In this weekend, we could take a small trip... He looked bedside and found his phone. Then he searched in the internet for a weekend destination from his location.
He got a recommendation for going to a small island resort which can be reached within one day.
I should try to invite the De kids. They spend the weekend together. It could be helpful for them as a short trip. I should ask father tomorrow. He decided and closed his eyes.
On the next day, he conveyed what was on his mind. His father nodded and he called De mansion. Their parents agreed too. But before that he had to visit police station. He had also personally called Elder De and thanked him for his help. The DeSecure is legal. So they also had the whole number of receipts and the bills that needed to show the police as evidence.
Haa... My son!! Now you found your path from oblivion.... Atlast.... You are going to a trip with your wife. Good!! Good!! His father thought watching his son.
Zan Guiying wanted to ask about Chang Mingxia during the morning. But she wasn't that much attached to her. She thought Chang Mingxia may be resting or doing some work for their parents. So she didn't talk about it. But she got completely forgot about it when her father informed about the trip.
But she found her three elders are trying to hide something from her. They were going somewhere without me!! She got sad.
And kids are like that. They will be sad when their parents leave to somewhere without them. They will feel somewhat insecure and unhappy.
Her parents told her to wait. She wanted to be stubborn and act cutely that she could go with them. But her father didn't fell for it.
So her face fell. "Okay!! I wiw wait fow you!! But whewe awe you two gwoing??" She looked at both of them....
Bo Ehuang looked at her husband... What is he going to tell her?
"We are going to buy some things for Yingying!! And it's a surprise!! So Yingying can't come with us!!" He smiled at her.
Her face brightened up again.
"Okay daddy!!"
"So Yingying!! Eat your breakfast and play for sometime!"
"Daddy!!" She began to swing her legs. "Can I go and pack my dwess?!"
"Well for that... Could you wait untill we arrive? We can select your dress together!!" Bo Ehuang said.
"Okay mommy!! It wiw be fun!!"
After that the breakfast was eaten without any hitch.
When Zan Tengfei and Bo Ehuang reached police station with their lawyer, after the nights incident, the inspector was already got informed.
He asked questions about the relationship between them and the accused, and about the video footage. They also questioned about the hidden camera. Both of them gave their own statements. Zan Tengfei didn't mention about her seduction plan to the police. He thought it could turn into a serious misunderstanding and lead to more complications.
They were asked about the relationship between Chang Mingxia and Zan Guiying. They got fearful when they got asked about Zan Guiying. But the police assured them that they wouldn't take a statement from Zan Guiying, considering her age.
After giving the statement the police informed them that they would thoroughly investigate the incident.
After that their lawyer also left.
"So what should we do next?" Sitting in the car, Bo Ehuang asked.
"We are going to do some shopping. We should buy some things when we go to the trip. And also we have already told Yingying that we would buy something for her!!" He said.
When they reached back, Zan Guiying was waiting for them eagerly. "Whew is my gift?!" She extended her arms and jump at her parents.
"We will give it to you if you give us kisses!!" Bo Ehuang laughed.
"Okay!!" 'smooch! Smooch!' Zan Guiying kissed both her parents on the cheeks and lips.
They both laughed and walked to their room.
Zan Guiying's gift was a small star shaped earrings which she fell in love when she saw it.
After packing, they got in their car and reached in airport.
"Yingying!! You have another surprise!!" Her father pointed his fingers. Zan Guiying follewed it.
"Bwig bwothew Jun!!" She sqealed happily and ran towards him....