Bad Person

Next morning. Blue Sea hotel.

"So today we are going to visit the mangroves here!" Their tourist guide spoke.

All of them wore hats and shoes, perfect for walking.

"Okay!!" They moved and sat in the boat arranged for them.

"Mangroves are found along the coastlines and tidal rivers. They live in salt water and use the sediments from rivers that reaches in sea...." Their tourist guard is explaining.

The kids and elders looked around. Some of them are taking photos too.

"Did you see there?!" The guard pointed at the bottom of the trees. Everyone looked.

"Their roots are high above the coast base. Between these, different types of marine creatures live. Not only that, wild animals also come here to hunt these marine creatures...."

"Mommy!! Daddy!! Wuk!! Fizees!!" Zan Guiying was looking at them exitedly.

"Mangroves are known as the protectors of land. It's a fact that mangroves even can protect land even from tsunami...." The guard was speaking.

"Today... The mangroves and it's varieties are decreasing in numbers. This timbers are excessively cut down for domestic purposes. And plastic is also a villian here. River pollution also affect these poor forests...." The guard said sadly.

"So we have to protect this forest... Because it's protecting us from these type of disasters and also from climate change..." He said enthusiastically to the children. They nodded.

"Remember kids... It's said that all the resources we use in the world is not ours to begin with. We borrowed it from our future generations. So we have the duty to protect it for the future generations...."

"Yes!! We will protect it!!" The children said together.

They spend there for sometime.

After lunch, their next destination was a site museum. And a large aquarium.

"These are some of the fishes found in the mangrove forest here!!" The guard explained.

The children looked happily around. After that they visited a small park near there and played for sometime.

Like that... It turned a relaxing evening.

They were sitting in the beach to watch the sunset.

"It looks beautiful!!" Bo Ehuang muttered.

"Yes...." Zan Tengfei looked at her and agreed. But you look beautiful than the sunset... Bo Ehuang.

Even nobody was looking, De Longjun was looking at Zan Guiying's parents. Ha... They should have come alone...

"Yingying...!!" He poked Zan Guiying near him.

"What?!" She asked.

He moved near to her ear. "Is it the first time your parents are going to a trip?!" He whispered.

"Yes...!! Not onwy theiw fiwst time.... But it's Yingying's fiwst time too... With daddy and mommy....!!" She answered back.

So... It is their first trip!! Before that they hadn't even gone to a trip together!! So a date between two of them also will take time!! De Longjun understood. But he isn't planning to make a surprise for the elders. It has to be done by Yingying!! Not me... But before doing anything, they had to speak about what happened in their villa to Yingying!! He looked at the setting sun along with others.

After that they played some games.


"Yingying...." Zan Tengfei called his daughter. They were sitting in the balcony. An hotel staff is arranging their bed.

"What is it daddy?!" Zan Guiying is eating snacks fed by Bo Ehuang.

He is talking about it... Bo Ehuang thought.

"Come and sit in daddy's lap!!" He beckoned her.

She stood up and jumped at her father's lap. "What is it daddy?!" She asked again.

"Daddy is going to ask something. Will you answer truthfully?!" He took both of her hands and asked.

"Mm... Yes!!" After thinking sometime, she nodded.

"What do you think about your new nanny? Chang Mingxia!! Do you like her?!"

"Yes!! She was gwood to me daddy!!" Zan Guiying agreed.

The adults looked face to face.

"Do you like her so much?! More than your old nanny?!" Bo Ehuang asked. Tensed.

"No! No! Not as much as my other nanny!! Awso she isn't stayed much with me!! Awso.... My othew nanny was sooopew gwud too me!!" She denied.

"Okay!! It's like that!!" Zan Tengfei sighed.

"Then.... Yingying we are going to talk about Chang Mingxia to you..."

She looked at both of her parents.

"We found she was a bad person... Yingying!!"

"Bad... How daddy?! How did you find out?!"

"She did something to mommy.... She made mommy sad and make me look unhealthy." After pondering for some words, Bo Ehuang answered carefully.

"Is it!! She made mommy sad?! Made mommy unheawthy?!" Zan Guiying got shocked.

She ran and hugged Bo Ehuang. "Awe you awight mommy?!" She asked.

"Yes!! Mommy is awight!" She strocked her hair.

Zan Guiying looked at her mother. She kissed Bo Ehuang in her whole face. "Don't be afwaid mommy!! Yingying and daddy is hewe!!" Zan Guiying rubbed her head in Bo Ehuang's bosom.

"I know!! Yingying!! I know that!!" The kissed the kids head and looked at her husband. "Mommy also want to say one more thing..."

Zan Guiying looked up.

"Do not try to take anything that belongs to others Yingying.... Even if it's an item or person!! Okay?!"


"And don't take the things of people those who belive in you.... Even if it's an item or person... They will get so sad.... And you will become a bad girl.... Is Yingying is a bad girl?!"

"No!! Zan Guiying denied. "Yingying is a gwud giwl!!"

"Yes!! Daddy and mommy knows it too... And if in the future.... If you see Chang Mingxia anywhere, don't go with her alone... Okay?! Even if she say we were calling you!! Okay!!" Zan Tengfei also instructed her.

"Mm... Daddy!! I wiw do it!!"

"And at last one more important thing... If something acts I over friendly or friendly suddenly, observe them before becoming friends with them okay?!"

Why is daddy and mommy is talking like that? "Then what about De bwothews and sistwes?!"

"It's okay to belive them. But also be careful with them okay!!"

"Okay!!" She nodded.

"Then can we go to sleep?!" Bo Ehuang asked.

"Yes... We could!!" Zan Tengfei agreed.

Bo Ehuang took Zan Guiying in her arms and they walked towards their bed...