A Surprise For her Parents

Like that... Zan Tengfei and Bo Ehuang started their small small trips together....

Then it turned to be a date between date between two adults after sometime.... In which the first arrangement was from Zan Guiying.


One day, as always like her weekend sleepover, Zan Guiying was sitting in De Longjun's room. De Longjun was in the bathroom, washing after his martial arts practice. Hearing some cars noise, she looked out of the window. It was De Longjun's parents. De Yating and Xi Fang. Xi Fang was looking beautiful and De Yating in a formal wear. Where are they going? I should ask big brother Jun when he comes back. She decided.

When he came back she asked the question.

"Oh!! They were going to a date." He answered casually.

"Date?! Wike in the cawende?!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Hearing her answer, De Longjun laughed.

She pouted.

"It's not that kind of date like you are thinking! Yingying!!" Poking her lips, he answered.

"Then what is it?!" She asked.

"It's kind of like a trip."

"Twip!! Then why you bwothews and sistwes awe not going?!"

"No.... We will not be in this trip. Only mom and dad will go to the trip. Like.... A parents time in which they spend without others for enjoying themselves."


"Don't say that your parents didn't go to a date together!!" He looked at her doubtfully.

Zan Guiying thought for sometime. "Mm... No!! They didn't!! My mommy is aways in the home. Daddy is in the office. When he comes back, he wud get busy. And we spend time..."

"So your parents had never been to a date!!"

"No!! We went to twips together!! Does it count?!"

"Then it turns to be a family date!!" He paused.

"Yingying.... Will you be sad if your daddy and mommy go for a date?!"

"Yes..... Yingying wud be sad..." She said truthfully. "Because daddy and mommy nevew went to a pwace without me!!"


"But Yingying awso wants to watch my daddy and mommy getting weady and gwoin to a date wike this..... I awso want to hewp them to get weady." She looked at him. "Bwig bwothew Jun...."


"Cud you hewp me to awange it?!"

De Longjun looked ath her and patted her head.

"Yes!! I would help you. For tha.....t....." He took a book. "We need a plan."

"Why? Daddy and mommy onwy need to gwet weady!!"

"No Yingying.... It's going to be their first date!! So we have to make it special so that they would remember it!!" He explained.

"Thankooo.... Bwig bwothew Jun!!" She jumped and hugged him.

He also hugged her back. "Welcome Yingying!! We are going to do it!!"


After some hours, they came up with a plan for it. They fixed a date and Zan Guiying asked her servants in her home to help her. They also got easily complied.

Next is grandpa!! She asked permission from grandpa to decrease her parents work load for one day that they wouldn't be tired during the date.

Like that my little Yingying... You should also grow up faster and sleep alone in your room. It was grandpa's thought when he was agreeing to her plan.


Some days later, Zan Villa.

"Daddy!! Mommy!! Come with me to the supewmawket!! I want to buy something fow my homwowk!!" Zan Guiying shook her parents hands who were simply chatting in the hall.

It was one of the days which Zan Tengfei didn't get much work in his office and Bo Ehuang didn't have much work in home. So he reached faster in home and was spending time with his daughter and wife.

"We can tell one of our servants. So they can buy it!" He told his daughter.

"No!! Daddy and mommy!! I want both of you to come with me!! I want to spend time with you!!" She rejected his offer.

"Hmmm.... Zan Tengfei it's been sometime since we've been on a trip. We can go and eat icecream!!" Bo Ehuang agreed with her daughter.

"The alright..." Zan Tengfei stood up up. "Come!!"

"Yes!!" Zan Guiying jumped in happiness.

She secretly signaled the servants to arrange the back garden for the date.


When they reached back to the home, there were some cloths were folded in the bed.

"What is it?!" Both of them looked.

"Weaw this!! Daddy and mommy!! We awe going to some pwace!! And daddy!!" She caught her father's arm. "You awe not getting weady in this woom!!" She pulled him with her.


In Zan Guiying's room, there was a white tuxedo were given to him.

When Bo Ehuang looked, she found a purple coloured frock and some jewelleries matching for that frock. Wow it looks beautiful!! She slowly touched the dress. And smiled. But what she is intending to do?

This was also the thought of Zan Tengfei. But beside him, Zan Guiying is also getting ready with the help of her nanny. She is wearing a small suite. What is she planning? To act like me?

She came back after all the things happened with Chang Mingxia.

After getting ready, they stood outside Zan Tengfei's room.

Bo Ehuang opened the door. She found her husband and her kid staring at her silently.

"What!! Do I look bad?!" She touched her dress and make up. Whay are they looking at me like that?

Wow.... "You look..... You look beautiful..." Zan Tengfei looked at his wife who looked like the most beautiful women in the planet. He was awestruck.

"Mommy!! You wuk butifuw!!" Zan Guiying squealed.

Bo Ehuang's dress looked elegant. It fitted her perfectly that it hugged her beautifully shaped waist... The light pink lipstick and the diomond earrings sparkled in back light.

She blushed. "You looks good too..." She looked at her husband. As always... He looks handsome..... And Yingying dressed as her daddy... "You also look like a gentleman Yingying!!" She kissed her daughter.

"Thankoo!!" Zan Guiying got shy.


"Now!! Daddy and mommy!! Come with me!!" Zan Guiying clapped her hands. Both of the elders came back from their thoughts. They walked with her.

"Where are we going?!" They asked.

"Don't ask questions!! Come!!"

At last they reached the back garden. But there were no lights.

"Daddy! Mommy! Press the button!!" Zan Guiying gave them a remote.

As she told they pressed the button.

"Wow!! Beautiful!!" Bo Ehuang exclaimed....

Zan Tengfei looked at the garden in wonder....