Happy First Date

Like that they reached the back garden. But there were no lights.

"Daddy! Mommy! Press the button!!" Zan Guiying gave them a remote.

As she told they pressed the button.

"Wow!! Beautiful!!" Bo Ehuang exclaimed....

Zan Tengfei looked at the garden in wonder....

The entire garden is lightened up... The yellow coloured fairy lights were hanged up like a festoon....

In the centre, where every lights were joined a small awning was made.... It was decorated with curtains and more fairy lights shaped like stars and moon.... And something was written with glitters.... 'Happy First Date' it read. Both of them smiled.

There were a small table with two chairs... The top of the table had a small vase filled with roses...

"Wow!! It's beautiful....!! It looks so magical!" Bo Ehuang exclaimed. "Yingying!! Did you make it?!" She asked her daughter.

"Yes mommy!! Awong with ouw sevants and bwig bwothew Jun awso hewped mwe!!" She said happily and looked at her father.

Zan Tengfei was looking at the decorations silently... "It looks nice Yingying.... Thank you for your surprise." He bend down and kissed her forehead.

"Thankoo daddy!!" She smiled happily. She also got another kiss from Bo Ehuang.

"Khm!! Khm!!" Zan Guiying coughed and moved to an appropriate distance from her parents.

"Now!! Good evening!! Miste and miswus Zan!! Wewcome to the Zan Guiying westauvant!!" She imitated like a voice of an adult and bowed in front of them.

"Good evening! Sir and Madam!!" Suddenly some of the servants dressed like Zan Guiying came and bowed in front of Zan Tengfei and Bo Ehuang.

Zan Tengfei and Bo Ehuang chuckled. My baby is coming cute!! They thought.

"Thank you! Miss!"

Oh!! My!! God!! Young miss Zan is so cute!! I can't control my laughter!! It was in the mind of every servant who was bowing in front of Mr and Mrs Zan.

"Thank you!!"

Then Zan Tengfei looked at his daughter. "Could you tell your name Young miss?!" He asked.

"Thank you! Daa... Mistew Zan! My name is Zan Guiying!! Pwease come with me!!" She walked in front of them.

"Yes Miss Yingying!!" The couple laughed and followed her.

"Pwease be seated! Mistew! Madam!" Zan Guiying pointed at the chairs.

"Thank you!!"

Zan Guiying tried to pull the chairs... It isn't moving!!

Her parents and all other servants covered their mouth, trying to control their laughter.

"Khm! Khm! Please accept my apologies for being late Miss Yingying!!" Suddenly butler Wun came beside Zan Guiying and apologised.

"Miss Yingying? Who is this?!" Bo Ehuang asked.

"It's butwew Wun!! My assistant!! He is my hewpew!!" She introduced.

"Butler Wun as like his polite tone, greeted them. And they greeted him back.

"So what is today's special? Could you inform us?!" Bo Ehuang asked.

"But before that, can you take a photo with us Miss Yingying?! You look cu..... Good in your uniform!!" Zan Tengfei interrupted her.

Zan Guiying blushed. "Okee we cud take a pictuwe." She looked at butler Wun.

"Sir! Madam! We provide a photographer for this special occasion. He would be arriving shortly!!"

After sometime a servant came with a camera. The three of them stood behind the table. Zan Guiying was given a chair to stand. And like that... They took a photo... With the 'Happy First Date' written behind them...

"Thank you... Now what is today's special menu?!" Bo Ehuang asked again.

"Waitews... Pwease being the dishes!!" Zan Guiying instructed the servants.

They bought a trolley with them and placed the dishes in the table.

"Assistant Wun!! Inwoduse the dishes!!" Zan Guiying looked at butler Wun!"

Butler Wun nodded and opened the dish plates one by one and told the name of the dishes. "Spaghetti aglio e olio; One-pan sirloin steak & creamy mushroom sauce; Spinach & ricotta ravioli; Roast quail, tangled leek & potato vinaigrette; and for dessert..." He pointed at the nearby trollies which hadn't been opened yet. "Tia Maria & chocolate creams; tiramisu; Vanilla panna cotta is prepared sir!!"

Zan Guiying looked at her butler in an awe.

"The drinks.will be given after sometime! Sir!" Looking at Zan Guiying butler Wun said.

Zan Tengfei understood and nodded.

"Pwease enjoy the dinnew!! And after that thewe wiw be a smaw coupwe dancin secson. Onwi siw and madam is invited!!" I remembered the lines!! Zan Guiying thought proudly. "So... I wiw be weteatin to my woom!! Happy fiwst date!!" She bowed in front of them and walked back towards her room with help of her nanny.

"Make sure she eat her dinner!! She is getting sleepy!!" Zan Tengfei instructed.

"Yes sir!" Her nanny nodded.

They looked at the retreating figures of Zan Guiying and her nanny.

"Young miss Zan arranged everything beautifully sir! Madam! Please enjoy the date and call the servants if anything needed." Their butler bowed and left.

All the servants left with them, placing a remote in the table for calling them.

"She is so cute!!" Bo Ehuang said happily.

"Yes she is more thoughtful than us!" Zan Tengfei sighed.

"Yeah!! She is!! After all... It's our first date together... We haven't done it yet...".Bo Ehuang noted. ".... A date..."

"I am sorry... I know apologizing would be useless because I forgot to think about a date between us!! I am sorry!!" He apologized.

Bo Ehuang looked at her husband. "Well... I was a little angry at you... Because you were so clueless about these stuff.... But I also know you need time. So..." She shrugged it off.

He sighed....

"Then.... Like our daughter said... Could we enjoy the date?!" She chuckled.

"Okay!!" He also chuckled. And they began to eat their dinner.

Half way through the dinner, Zan Tengfei ordered wine which the servants happily bought.

After dinner, they sat in the chairs without doing anything for a while..... It was a peaceful time...


"We should start the music!!" One of the servants told the other.

"Yes!! It's time!!"


"I know this song!!" Bo Ehuang started to hum the song which started to play through the speaker.

Zan Tengfei looked at his wife and stood up. "My lady.... May I ask for a dance?!" He extended his arms.

"Hmmmm.... Let me think...!!" Bo Ehuang looked at him like a haughty women. "I should accept the gentleman's request!!" She chuckled. "It's so hard to play coy!!"

Both of them laughed and moved far away from the table....

"May I ?!" Zan Tengfei put his hands in her hips.

"Ha!!" The sudden intrusion made Bo Ehuang shiver.... "Kyaa!!" She squealed...