A Pot of Seeds

"Okay... Then I want to stretch my legs!! I am going for a walk!!" Chao Baozhai stood up.

"Okay!! See you!!" De Genji dismissed her.

Chao Baozhai smiled. And walked out. She also closed the door.

She looked De Longjun's door. It is not locked.... She opened the door and looked inside carefully...Inside... Zan Guiying was sitting in De Longjun's stomach and trying to open his shirt.... De Longjun was laughing and trying to protect his shirt from ripping off.

Is he really trying to stop her? What the hell are they doing?? Why can't he act according to his age? He has grown so much!! And that Zan Guiying!! Why she is acting like that?! Why is she acting coy??

"ZAN GUIYING!!" She shouted.

Both of them looked back. Zan Guiying had a surprised look in her face. De Longjun looked at her questioningly...

Looking at De Longjun's expression, Chao Baozhai flinched. She gulped...

"I didn't.... I didn't see Zan Guiying!! So I came to say hai!!" She lied. "Zan Guiying when did you arrive?! Why were you late?!"

"Oh!! It's that mommy made pinapple pudding!! I was eating it!! So I got late!!" She explained.

"But why didn't you knock?!" De Longjun interjected her.

"The... The door wasn't closed... And I heard her voice!! So I.... I opened it before thinking... Sorry De Longjun!!" She apologized.

"It's okay!! Sister Baozhai!! We can meet at dinner again!!" Zan Guiying smiled.

"Okay then!! Bye!!" Chao Baozhai closed the door. "Hooo!!! I got so afraid!!" She patted her chest.


Inside the room. Zan Guiying was complaining to De Longjun. "Why can't I call you your name big brother Jun? Why can't I call you De Longjun like sister Baozhai?" She pouted.

He smiled. "It's because nobody can't call me big brother Jun... Except you!! Only you can call me that..."

"Oh!!" She blushed. "I wanted to ask that question to you for a long time!!" She muttered. Only I can call him big brother Jun!!

"Oh!! If you done with your complaining, I want to complain to you too!!"

What!! He wants to complain? "What is it?!"

"You told Chao Baozhai that you ate pinapple pudding... Where is my share?!" He held his arms out.

"Sorry.... It was so tasty!! So I ate it all!!" She apologized.

"Haaa.... Now Yingying is growing up, she is forgetting all the good deeds.... What should I do.... Tsk tsk!!" He shook his head.

"I would... I would... Make another one on the next week!!" She looked at her hand sadly.

"Oh!! My!! Yingying!!" He chuckled.

Zan Guiying looked up. "Big! Brother! Jun!!"

Like that.... Their weekend sleepover again turned to another delightful section...


Monday. Sunshine kindergarten.

"Now! Kids!! I know you have been exited about upcoming anniversary celebrations!!"

"Yes teacher!!" The kids clapped.

"Also... Next year you are going regular school... So we should celebrate it as whole!!" Their teacher exclaimed.

"Yes!!" The kids also got happy.

"So last time I have promised that I would select a drama. And..." She took a notebook from behind her. "Here! It is!!"


"So I would tell the story and select your students for the role. But don't worry!! Everyone would be participating!! Okay?!!"

"Okay!! Teacher!!"

"So let me tell the just of the story... It's story of a kid named Ping who is given a seed along with all the other kids in the kingdom.... Long time ago, a king decided to select the next ruler of the country because he became old and didn't have a kid. So he made this announcement that he would give some seeds to all the male kid of the country. Whoever grows the most beautiful flower will succeed the Emperor. Ping is a great gardener but he can't get his seed to grow. He watched all the boys in his place had grown the seeds given by the king. So what would he do?"

The children looked at their teacher intendly.

She smiled. "..... The selection day arrived... In front of the palace, all the boys in the kingdom waited with their plants except Ping. When Ping looked, everyone was looked at him and muttering.... The king arrived and started looking at everyone's pot. And he stopped in front of Ping. The boy apologized to the king that he couldn't grow the seeds. The king laughed and told all his subjects that no seeds he gave would grow.... Because it was cooked!!"

The kids looked face to face.

"So what can we understand from this?" Their teacher asked.

"Cooked seeds won't grow!!" One of the kids stood up and answered.

Their teacher chuckled. "It's a lesson too... Anyone.....?!!" She looked around...

"Lying is not good!!" Zan Guiying stood up.

"Ha... It's a good answer too... Anyone....?!"

After that, many of the kids answered too.

"Your answers were incredible kids... So I should conclude and tell you the moral of the story... The Empty Pot teaches such an important lesson about the value of being true to ourselves, even in the face of pressured situation. The story emphasizes that success isn't just about the outcome, but the courage to stand by our principles.... And like that, the king selected Ping as the next ruler.... Kids... Did you like the story?"

"Yes! Teacher!!"

"Before assigning you to the roles, I would tell you the changes in the story. First change is that we would change the 'boys' part in the story. We will use 'kids'. Because women also should have equal rights in the society. So, our main character Ping would be a girl. Okay?!"

"Yes teacher!!"

"If anyone has anymore questions, please ask!!" She looked the students.

Some of them asked too.

"The next is selection process. And kids don't worry!! Everyone in the drama is important. And every kid would have a dialogue on the drama.... Okay?!"

She paused. "So I would give some dialogues. You kids have to study the dialogue and act it. It's the selection process..."


After sometime, all the students performed.

"So, we are going to.give our your characters...." Their teacher began.

The kids looked at her enthusiastically....